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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. For anyone who might like an alternate, I'm watching the official HFPA feed through The Hollywood Reporter's Facebook video link. I like the coverage even better than what I'm seeing on E! and no commercials! Plenty of split screens on the arrivals' area fashions while they're doing interviews. Definitely worth a look.
  2. So, what happens if the Eagles vs. Bears game on NBC isn't over by the Globes' start time of 8:00 p.m.??? What NBC/Comcast owned alternative network might get the beginning of the Globes?
  3. In fairness to Brian, he may very well have mentioned Eddie's contribution. They edit SO much out of the Judge's Table discussion that we never know exactly what may have happened in real time.
  4. Honestly, I thought that was the best idea because each of the four chefs had to assume either the role of Executive Chef or FOH. There was no hiding that season.
  5. Here's a link to the second LCK: http://www.bravotv.com/last-chance-kitchen/season/videos/lck-ep-6-one-more-win-and-youre-in
  6. Midge is always "on stage." Remember, this is a woman who would rise before her husband did, put on full make-up and get back into bed before he woke up so he would never see the (physically) "real" Midge.
  7. Why wouldn't they let us see Tom's tasting of the third course? I certainly didn't expect them to show us which chef was making it back into the competition; that we'll see next week but I would like to have seen the finished products (Nini's banana dessert and Brother's tuna dish) while their preparation was still fresh in my mind. Usually we get to see just up to the point where Tom's going to announce the winner. What's up, show?
  8. I was intrigued with the idea of reigning champion, Jonathan's podcast analyzing AFI's selection of the 25 best film scores, so I went looking for it. In case anyone else is interested, it's called, Settling the Score. I subscribed but haven't yet listened to it. I'll most likely choose a few episodes based on which film scores I'm familiar with and enjoy. (How is Jurassic Park NOT on the AFI list? Perhaps they decided to cap John Williams' entries at three.)
  9. Well, Midge didn't care much about the Rabbi at her own wedding...
  10. A very interesting article. Glad you shared it. It makes you realize that subtitles alone do not always convey the contextual subtleties of the original language. During the documentary, there is a segment where the girls' initial auditions are shown. The casting agent, off camera, asks Margherita (Elena) what she would like to do in her future. She says that she wants to study languages. After reading this article, which is slightly spoiler-ish about Elena's adult future, it makes me wonder if the future ambition Margherita spoke of had something to do with her casting. When they showed the girls at the Los Angeles premiere, Margherita seemed comfortable speaking English. Gaia (Lila) did not.
  11. I have not read the books so I can't answer that part of your question but in the HBO documentary "My True Brilliant Friend" which focuses on the teenagers playing Lila and Elena in the series, the young actresses said that it was difficult for them because they had to learn their lines not only in the unfamiliar Neapolitan dialect, but specifically in the Neapolitan dialect of the 1950s.
  12. No, the art exhibited in the main room was the work of another up and coming artist. That was the only side room we were shown.
  13. I may be WAAAAY out in right field on this, but I got the impression that Midge unknowingly bought herself a Declan Howell painting from the woman in the back room. That woman never said she was the artist. Howell was down on his luck financially, yet couldn't part with his masterworks. He wouldn't be the first artist to have created some paintings for the masses that he would have thought of as lesser works but that he'd be able to part with to make some money on the side. In the bar, right from the jump, he was very interested in Midge's acquisition and wanted to know why she purchased it, why it spoke to her. Even though he had been drunk, the next day he remembered the name of the artist. I think Midge's "eye" was a big part of why he ultimately allowed her to see his masterpiece. In the Netflix synopsis it says, "she [Midge] ends up knowing more about art than she realizes." It all fits.
  14. The Best and Worst Television Moments of 2018 as chosen by io9 at Gizmodo. I could not agree more with one of their choices, which was, to me, the best hour of episodic television on my screen this year.
  15. Exactly why many are now saying that courses in civics should be mandatory at all educational levels of right now. Keeping future constituents undereducated is part of the right wing agenda to remain in power. Anything inspiring critical thinking is problematic for them. "When I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all." --Paul Simon
  16. Truly indicating that NO ONE saw that 2016 remake of the film! Even if textbooks go further than WWII, it seems as if the school year ends before the period from 1945 to the present gets covered. In my opinion, less time should be spent on colonial America, the Revolution and even (gasp) the Civil War, leaving time to cover the '60s, Vietnam, Watergate, the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, Reaganomics, Iran-Contra, American involvement in the Middle East and so on. So much history of immense importance has taken place in the 70+ years since the end of WWII that young people should be aware of.
  17. I was delighted to see a scene with Midge and Lenny Bruce in this episode. Rachel B. and Luke Kirby have such great chemistry together. While it makes sense to the story line that their interactions would be limited, they're so great together that you want more. This was my favorite episode of the season so far.
  18. @Pallas I absolutely remember exercising to the Chicken Fat song in school during the early '60s. "Go you chicken fat go away. GO you chicken fat GOOOO!" Featuring it in an episode that takes place in 1959 is ever so slightly anachronistic but I'll forgive them for being just a couple of years too early as its use was such a delightful memory inducer.
  19. I have no idea if this may be the case, but several years ago I read a novel called Summer At Tiffany. The protagonists were two female college students from Iowa who travel to New York for the summer in the post-war 1940s to find summer employment in one of the higher end department stores. They end up working at Tiffany & Co. This episode of TMMM had me wondering if these temporary "summer shopgirl" positions were to cover for full time employees like Midge. Suzie also mentioned the real-life Catskills' resort, The Concord as a place she was checking out for a potential gig for Midge. Italian-American girl from New Jersey here (NYC suburbs.) I'm right around the same age as baby Esther would be. Working class, my dad was a union worker with a trade. His vacation every year was the last two weeks of July and we always went, not to the Catskills but to a very similar style resort in the Pocono Mountains in PA starting in the late 1960s. (When I was a little kid, we used to rent a house down the Jersey Shore but after several years, my Mom said it was no vacation for her; she just moved her kitchen to a different location.) "Our" resort was called Pococabana (nope, not making that up--with it's own song, just like the resort in TMMM or Kellerman's from Dirty Dancing. Poco's song was set to the tune of "There's No Business Like Show Business" and I still remember most of the words!) 😆 From the time we checked in, I hardly ever saw my parents, there was so much to do! I was a tween and made plenty of friends. We ate meals with our parents but that was about it and if we kids could have eaten together, we would have chosen to do so. I'm sure Ethan had his own friends and had a great time! Once a week, dinner was an outdoor buffet and we kids all ate together. As we got to be 13-14, we used to sneak food to some of the staff members we had crushes on. And yes, one barbecue night we snuck a couple of watermelons over to the staff quarters! That scene in Dirty Dancing makes me laugh every time I see it because I lived it! We'd see a lot of the same people every summer. We may not have spent the entire summer there, but most people would consistently vacation during the same couple of weeks each year so all the families would get to know each other. In the Poconos, lots of folks were from Philly, although NJ and Long Island were well represented. I absolutely had visions of Abe having watched Jack LaLaine early in the morning for his exercise routine. JLL wore a very similar suit to what Abe was wearing.
  20. Maybe the Oscars are going to have to find a different host. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/michaelblackmon/kevin-hart-homophobic-tweets-gay-oscars
  21. Sexual assault. On a child. On her birthday, by a man she had admired. My heart broke for Lenu. I could feel it coming too. He was creepy the whole episode.
  22. Um, debates have rules. What Randall did would have been halted by the moderator.
  23. Who played Squirrel's mother? IMDb has a listing for the father but not the mother. I definitely know her as an 80s/90s actress.
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