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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. "Who's been hit." Jed relates his fears about Zoey to her, scaring her
  2. Leo tells Jed he'll lead an army. Jed stays on the phone with the doomed sailor. "Who's been hit?" (IMO, the aftermath is much more memorable than the shooting itself.)
  3. Bartlet embarrasses Hoynes Jed decides not to stay the execution CJ does The Jackal
  4. Loved the beach scene with Linda and Amenadiel.
  5. Do people really call Brady, "Tom Terrific?" While not a football fan, I answered correctly just by the wording of the question but to me there's only one "Tom Terrific." He played another sport and his name's Seaver.
  6. TWW cast and crew reunited for a book party for Lawrence O'Donnell's new book.
  7. One per season would be great and probably even necessary for S1-S4 but personally, I'd be hard pressed to find more than a handful in total for S5-S7.
  8. Most memorable scenes? For example: Jed gives Charlie the Paul Revere knife. Jed rails at God in Latin at the National Cathedral. Of course, that could end up being the game with the highest number of nominees ever!
  9. Jeopardy! was pre-empted in our market last night by the pre-game for Football Night in America. ? I see that Buzzy is sitting at zero after the first half. Could someone please recap the scores for Austin and Alan? Thamks.
  10. I'm voting for the re-election campaign for the win. But I couldn't argue with either of these story lines as being the best.
  11. I remember the scene. I thought they were in Linda's office and her client couch was a convertible.
  12. Voting against: Leo's addictions Best to worst: 1. Bartlet's re-election campaign 2. Rosslyn shooting and aftermath. I've actually flip-flopped my #1 & #2 since the last round. Yes, ITSOTG is magnificent but in truth, I was never that crazy about Josh's PTSD story line (although, it gave us Yo Yo Ma!) The re-election campaign is just SO much meatier overall IMO.
  13. Voting against: Zoey's kidnapping Best to worst: 1. Rosslyn shooting and aftermath 2. Bartlet's re-election campaign 3. Leo's addictions
  14. Yay! Every time I've opened the SC forum and had seen Cameran's thread had new posts I'd be all, "Ooh, she must have had the baby" only to be disappointed. Not today! What a little cutie! Congratulations to the Wimberlys! On a different note, in the group photo with Patricia, Whitney and Shep, Whitney looks terrible. He seems to have lost a great deal of weight. Perhaps it's just the camera angle.
  15. Politico's most recent Off Message podcast features Brad Whitford and Alec Baldwin. What Jed Bartlet and Jack Donaghy Would Say To Donald Trump Bradley Whitford spent years in ‘The West Wing.’ Alec Baldwin inhabits Donald Trump on ‘SNL.’ Here’s what their time with fake presidents tells them about the real one. You don't have to listen to the podcast. They've summarized a good deal of what was broadcast in writing.
  16. Zoey's kidnapping Tie breaker: Jed's MS
  17. The Guardian has a lovely profile of Hayley Atwell posted today as she stars in the new BBC adaptation of Howard's End. Hayley Atwell: driven and dangerous new queen of period drama
  18. I vote that the shooting and the aftermath should be combined. I'm not even certain yet which story line I'll be voting for as my winner; I certainly don't presume to know what other forum members are thinking of voting for and I don't think you should either.
  19. If they're starting to get interested in say, the Sinnerman plot line, they'd be wondering why nothing's been mentioned about it for a few weeks. We know why. Hey, your opinion's valid too. I just think the random insertion of the stand alone episodes is a negative for ratings.
  20. Also, I agree with @Bastet about wishing the shooting and its aftermath were not split. The shooting itself truly occupies only one episode at the end of S1. Are we to consider ITSOTG as part of the shooting or part of the aftermath? I think we need a clear call on that before we can vote properly on those story lines.
  21. Hey @rab01, your opinion's just as valid as mine, no need to explain although I did enjoy your professional take on the subject. Didn't change my mind about loving that story arc though.? Back to business: 1. Congressional censure of Jed 2. Budget Crisis/Showdown Tie breaker: Zoey's kidnapping.
  22. Building off @enoughcats' post above, we know about the four stand alone episodes being mixed in with the actual S3 episodes because we are dedicated fans of the show, read about it online and discuss it here on PTV. What about more casual fans? They must be confused! I sure would be. Far from the best way to draw in new viewers.
  23. I had checked in earlier today and saw that there were two votes to eliminate the Mendoza story line and I wanted to heavily campaign for someone to vote for a different option! Not only no Celestial Navigation but no Ken Howard with Charlie and especially (for me) no great speech from Sam about privacy. I'm definitely disappointed. Santos/Vinnick Congressional censure of Jed.
  24. It's not just the above mentioned Shep, Craig and Austen who are filming on Hilton Head Island. The entire cast is there, except for the soon-to-give-birth Cameran of course, including Kathryn, Thomas and his girlfriend Ashley Jacobs. Here’s what happened when the‘Southern Charm’ partied on Hilton Head Island last night Lots of IG and Twitter photos embedded in the story.
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