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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. From tonight's red carpet at the Oscars:
  2. I think he looks fabulous. My favorite male so far. Seems very African in styling which is absolutely the fashion statement I hoped and expected he would make. I haven't see a full on shot of him yet. I only saw him from the side in the crowd. I'm off to look for a photo...
  3. Mary J. Blige has, by far, my favorite gown so far. She looks stunning!
  4. Thanks for that info, ShadowHunter. I'm glad to see that they were at least given the opportunity. I agree completely.
  5. But let's leave the whiskey out where anyone can grab it? Nah, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm betting the rubbing alcohol's under the bathroom sink. The writers just want to make sure we all remember that George likes his booze.
  6. Kudos to Missy for thinking of getting the tweezers from Operation. She's actually a very bright little girl, whose natural intelligence and common sense pales when compared to her brother's brilliance but should by no means be considered dim witted. Georgie, OTOH... ? And grabbing the fire extinguisher as a weapon against an intruder was a great idea too. Plus she got to try it out--which she obviously was determined to do--without setting the house on fire! I loved that Missy continued to let the music move her even though that pastor signalled that she should stop. That truly annoyed me. They were not in the actual church at a service at the time. They were in a church hall having a post-service, pot luck luncheon. Admittedly, clergy members not allowing children to be themselves (within the realm of good behavior, of course) is something that ticks me off big time. I was pleasantly surprised that George called the house to see how Missy and Sheldon were doing on their first afternoon home alone. I expected Mary to call and check on them; having George do the same was a very nice touch. I know the whiskey made for a good chuckle, but honestly, didn't the Coopers have a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the house? I kind of bumped on that as Sheldon would have made some comment to the effect of, "I meant isopropyl alcohol, not an alcoholic beverage!"
  7. Personally, I hope that Dunaway and Beatty introduce Barry Jenkins and any of Moonlight's producers and actors who would like to attend the ceremony and then let THEM announce the Best Picture award! They still deserve their own, unencumbered moment of recognition on the Oscar stage.
  8. Yay, Iain Armitage will be back as Ziggy for Season 2. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/yes-young-sheldon-is-returning-big-little-lies-season-2-1089357
  9. Why would Kevin not just have housekeeping clean out the bar? Did he have to prove to himself that he could handle the temptation? Vegas is not the place for that! We actually didn't see any grand romantic gestures from Jack in the flashbacks shown. It was kind of nice that we got to see Rebecca being the one to come through with the thoughtful, romantic anniversary gifts in the earliest flashbacks.
  10. I've just started watching; binged through season 1 and I'm looking forward to more. I'm a big fan of NY Yankees' baseball and there are many scenes involving Quentin where all I can think of is, "Why is (Yankees' pitcher) David Robertson in this scene?" D-Rob and Jason Ralph look like brothers! They're also only a year apart in age at 32 and 31, respectively. Realizing that many may not be familiar with Robertson, here's a photo.
  11. School figures also decimated Toller Cranston, my all-time favorite male skater, in the '76 Olympics. He was in 7th after the compulsories and then had that brilliant, winning FS which allowed him to take the bronze medal. Forty plus years later, I'm still bitter! I did love John Curry though, so I don't completely begrudge him his gold. ;) So, NO, I wouldn't want compulsories to make a comeback!
  12. Split jumps! One of the lower tier men did one during the competition and I thought, "Wow, you never see split jumps any more."
  13. So, just Stevenson and Linville. Did Wayne Rogers kick your dog or something? :P. Seriously, MASH in general, was my first thought as so many of its main players left for so-called greener pastures. Caruso was my next thought because such a big deal had been made of it by the media at the time. There is no "Well" in the title of The Beatles' song! The judges' decisions--or non-decisions--are infuriating lately.
  14. Queen makes surprise appearance at London fashion week
  15. Here's a link to the New York Post's story from a few days' back on Bob Costas being eased out by NBC. How Bob Costas is dealing with fading away from NBC spotlight I miss Costas. I'm a huge baseball fan and appreciate him most as a scholar of that game so I'm glad to read this part: OTOH, I'm so glad Matt Lauer is gone. I never could stand him; I always thought him sleazy. Turns out (sadly) that I was right. And count me among those who will always connect Olympics with Jim McKay. I hated when NBC was first awarded the games. I always felt that ABC did a better job with them. But that was a long time ago now...
  16. It's an entire album. You should hear what he does to "Smells Like Teen Spirit!" :D
  17. Regarding the Farming/Farmers response: Does someone have the actual wording of the clue? It seemed to me to be awkwardly worded. Farming seemed to fit the clue, even though it was apparent that the F in FFA stands for Farmers. I was very disappointed that we didn't get to see the $200 clue in the Live Aid Set category and even more disappointed that Boomtown Rats was a TS. :( Sir Bob Geldorf was a driving force behind Live Aid.
  18. Tyler Anderson from the current TC season is also a Beard Nominee.
  19. I hope this links properly. The Hollywood Reporter has done a pre-Oscar interview with Allison Janney. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155120975042750&id=14425952749
  20. Not to mention that had the PM been notified, Drummond and Lord Alfred wouldn't have been able to have the dual-meaning "What happens in Scotland, stays in Scotland" conversation.
  21. I am and I'm upset about it. Jeopardy! airs at 7:30 p.m. on the NBC affiliate in our market. On Wednesday evening during the regular broadcast, they ran a crawl that the show would be pre-empted by a local pre-Olympics' broadcast but that Jeopardy! would air weekdays at 1:00 p.m. on the local CW station. I have DirecTV. On the guide, it lists Judge Judy on the CW at that time. On Thursday, I was able to tune in just for a moment and yes, Jeopardy! was being broadcast even though it was listed as Judge Judy, so I set my DVR to record the CW at 1:00 today. Sat down to watch the recording this evening and got Judge Judy! Evidently there's no way I can see Jeopardy! these next two weeks. I am NOT happy.
  22. She's not the first Top Chef alumnus to do this. I'm quoting myself here from a few years ago in this thread:
  23. Hannah Zeile was fantastic in the car scene with Jack. She has perfected Chrissy Metz's speech patterns and inflections. I've been wondering if Jack might have been exposed to something in Vietnam that made a "widowmaker" heart attack more possible. I didn't realize it when we first met her last season, but Dr. K's second wife is played by Susan Blakely. That's a blast from the past.
  24. 10:45 pm and it's just starting. The bulk of the episode won't even be on in prime time. What a stupid move.
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