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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. I wish the writers would have come up with a story line for Chloe having Lucifer's blood tested. That, in and of itself, would have been so interesting. He'd never bled before! I guess I have a different opinion than most here in that while I like S1 very much, I think S2 was where the series truly excelled. I really enjoyed the "Mom" plot and thought that "A Good Day to Die" was the best hour of series television I saw that whole season. S3 was such a disappointment. The stand alone episodes were better than the actual season which definitely indicated a big problem. Even so, I was hoping for a S4 as the writers seemed to be getting somewhat back on track. I will definitely miss this show and I hope to see many of the actors in other productions, especially Tom Ellis and Lesley-Ann Brandt, neither of whom I was familiar with prior to Lucifer. I do think I'll be avoiding Fox shows in the future. I'm still mad about their cancellation of Pitch, with our last image of Ginny being her going into an MRI tube. Now this? I don't think I'll give them the opportunity to fool me again.
  2. Can't hurt to have Captain Kirk joining the fight!
  3. I wish the CW would pick up Lucifer, as they did Supergirl. I don't want it to somehow become part of the Arrowverse, but it is based on a comic from the DC family. They'd have to guarantee that they'd feature more of the supernatural though. More seasons like S1 and S2 and none like this one!
  4. Considering that this entire season is building up to the Kathryn/Ashley confrontation that we saw at the very beginning of episode 1, I'm not quite ready to call Kathryn's current behavior "mature."
  5. Ack, I entered the incorrect date from your earlier post upthread. Considering that I usually get out my driving gloves when it dips below 55, I'd still have been wearing a sweater even at 60 degrees or so! Kathryn was still dressed appropriately in my book. Edited: Your date upthread was correct. I entered it wrong on the weather thread. Bad wording on my part. Shocking, right? ;-)
  6. This is exactly what I've been thinking about Kathryn's bruised arm. I think she was physically abused. Whether it was from Thomas or not is another question. Yup. Year-round too. Unlike say, no-see-ums or love bugs, palmetto bugs don't have a specific season. They're here all the time. Mainly they're just ugly and disgusting. You kind of get used to it. I looked up the Charleston weather history for October 25th of last year. The temperature at 8:00 p.m. was 55 degrees. Kathryn, in a sweater, was dressed appropriately. What was Danni thinking? I wonder why Craig decided not to attend the soft opening after having invited himself while Naomie was on the phone with Austen. So, for the second episode in a row, Chelsea cuts the hair of one of the guys, gets some gossip and then stirs up some shit when they all get together. While this might be a character trait for her, it's either being exploited by the producers or is completely producer driven. I hope they don't keep going back to this well for water. It's going to get tired real fast. She certainly does seem to like to have Shep and Austen fighting over her. Am I the only one who thought that Kathryn and Shep had a bit of a moment there when they were sitting at the outside bar? Thomas is a positively revolting man. I don't care how rich he is, no woman should want to be with him. The 'job interview" was a joke. Right off the bat during Kathryn's initial telephone call, the Gwynn's owner told her that they don't have much turnover, meaning there was no position available anyway. Seems to me, it was just another producer driven situation. Boy, was that awkward!
  7. Craig (to Naomie on the speakerphone with Austen): "Is it cool if I bring Peyton?" That was awesome! I couldn't stop laughing!!!
  8. About Craig not picking up after himself, I think that was a production misdirect. While I don't recall his exact quote, when the life coach came to the house, Craig said something to the effect of, "Let's go over to my side." I got the impression that Craig's roommate was the total slob, not Craig. Of course, the producers left that unclear. I've always gotten the impression that Craig's pretty fastidious. The one from whom we first heard the term "mailbox money" was Shep. Others may have used it since, but in Shep's case, I'm certain it's trust fund money. His family is loaded with a capital "L". The Bravo money is just gravy for him. I did find it funny that when the life coach asked Craig what he's doing for income, he steered the conversation toward his investment properties. While I do think Craig has been smart by investing in Charleston real estate (which is currently appreciating like crazy) it was amusing that his Bravo salary was never mentioned. The producers like keeping the viewers in the dark about that as much as possible. As if we think they're doing these shows for free!
  9. I recognized her immediately as Fleur Delacour from the Harry Potter films.
  10. Q&A with Scarlett Estevez. She wants to direct! Smart girl! https://dailydead.com/qa-scarlett-estevez-on-playing-trixie-and-working-with-tom-ellis-on-lucifer/
  11. Tweet from one of Lucifer's writers regarding the upcoming episode:
  12. TV By the Numbers is still showing Lucifer as "Likely to be renewed." http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/renewcancel/cancel-bear-vs-fox-week-31-la-to-vegas-will-probably-be-grounded/ The show is truly on the bubble and I'm not sure that anyone knows for sure yet.
  13. You're correct; they did. But Phil Coulson was a film character prior to being a TV character, appearing in several MCU films and being a (the?) pivotal character in A1. We know he's going to be in Captain Marvel and we know that Captain Marvel is going to be in A4. It's not too much of a (hopeful) stretch to think that Coulson may also make an appearance in A4.
  14. I was disappoionted in Kathryn. She should have jumped at the opportunity Thomas offered her to be with her children for trick-or-treating, even if Ashley would be there. It highlighted what her priorities are and they're obviously not her kids. There wouldn't have been a Naomie/Peyton cat fight if it weren't for Chelsea telling Naomie about Craig's little crush on Peyton. (And BTW, N&C were already broken up at the time he first met her.) If I'm Craig, I might still go to Chelsea for a haircut but I'm not saying two words to her about anything personal. I think Chelsea's an underhanded shit stirrer. ENOUGH with the "thirsty." They're all thirsty, looking for ways to get the most camera time! I realize that Cameran, in the last part of her pregnancy, can't be involved in many of the cast outings, but why do they keep pairing her with the other women? I like it much better when she's with Shep, or Craig, or even Whitney. (We did get that awful interaction with Whitney and the Lamaze coach. That was just creepy.) I really don't want to see her with Naomie any more. Then again, I don't want to see ANY of the cast members with Naomie any more! I did love the scene with Cameran and her mom. My goodness, her mom is a beautiful woman. She was drop dead gorgeous in the photo they showed when Cam was a little girl.
  15. LMAO! With this show lately? The "tragic call" is probably about some random character from Lucifer's past that we haven't even met yet. :eyeroll
  16. The Red Lobster scene may just be my favorite scene of the series so far. It was charming. I loved Missy's initial reaction to the lobster staring at her and George then coming over to show her how to crack it open and get the lobster meat. The best part of the scene to me was George getting ready to head back over to his side of the table and Missy asking him to stay by her. So, so sweet.
  17. The Crown will not be returning until 2019 and they haven't even given us a clue about when in 2019. :-( https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/crown-enlists-jason-watkins-as-harold-wilson-1108230
  18. I hope this is OK to post in this thread. I don't see a cast thread. If it's better elsewhere Mods,please feel free to move. Congratulations to Chloe Bennet on being named one of the A-100. https://goldhouse.org/a100/index.html
  19. The To Kill A Mockingbird lawsuit looks as if it's going to trial in June. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/aaron-sorkins-kill-a-mockingbird-may-be-headed-trial-june-1107263
  20. I hope it's OK that I started an episode thread for last night's ep. I thought T.R. Knight's performance as Max, especially as the young character, was very good. Perhaps not specific to just this episode, but I'm very much enjoying Alex Rich as the young Picasso more than I'm enjoying Antonio Banderas as the older Picasso. This mirrors my feelings from last season where I much preferred Johnny Flynn's young Einstein to Geoffrey Rush as the older Einstein. I guess it makes sense that the producers would spend the money for a big name actor for the older lead, especially when the rest of the cast has lesser familiarity, however, I'm very glad to see the younger actors shine. I wasn't familiar with either Flynn or Rich prior to Genius but I'll pay attention to them moving forward.
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