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Everything posted by Archery

  1. I noticed that Delvin said something about “cohesive not being ‘matchy-matchy’” and then Nancy said essentially the same thing back to him, as if she were correcting him. Delvin’s face said “I am done with you” and I felt him right there.
  2. Cyndi is always that mellow off stage. She was exactly that way on Celebrity Apprentice. I love Delvin. He is not trying with the drama. Sergio, like Tyler, has committed to his carefully constructed TV character and took it too far in this ep. You can’t show the judges that.
  3. When I was a kid, I thought Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker was about a girl dressed up and waiting for Jesus.
  4. Just saw this. Loved it! I hadn’t realized until now how much I needed an enjoyable, funny, entertaining, smart, witty movie. No tortured souls. Just great comedy, and a neat, no cheating mystery. I’ve missed stuff like this since shows like Murder She Wrote went off the air and gave way to dark!hero with tragic backstory. Then only thing that took me out of the plot was that the Norfolk County Medical Examiner’s office had a Marlborough, Massachusetts address on the letterhead. Marlborough is in Middlesex County (LOL).
  5. Doesn’t mean he was wrong in this case, though. (His “beaming with pride” comment did make me want to punch him, for sure.).
  6. The “how dare you assume a girls’ alliance, that’s a double standard” outrage was stupid. I can think of several seasons where the bro alliance made a point of picking off the women one by one.
  7. Randolph Mantooth. You will never take my Johnny Gage/Abraham Kent from me.
  8. I gave up on Grey's Anatomy long ago, but this scene will stay with me forever. Bailey realizes the elevators are off
  9. I finally realized that I’m a little ticked off that except for maybe 3 nominees, none of the shows are free to watch.
  10. I would love to find The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd, starring Blair Brown, somewhere. I loved that show so very much.
  11. I finally was able to binge S3 and S4 on STARZ online, which I had canceled. Oh, my. I think they did a fabulous job bringing these two dense books (VOY and DOA) to the screen. I love the evolution of Jamie -- he is not always right, but he owns his mistakes. In the books, I often had to settle myself in some of his more idiotic moments (sometimes his decision making at 45 years old was WORSE than it had been at 23), but in the show, the writers appear to have smoothed out a lot of those moments. I kind of dreaded both the not telling Claire straightaway about Laoghaire bit and the selling Roger to the Indians bit because they smacked of plot device and not plot. But both instances, the series left me with the feeling that although these were both bad decisions in the moment, I could see the why of it. Much better. Overall, I liked the changes they made to the books. I am as on board for the story as I ever was, and I'm looking forward to S5. I won't, however, follow the episodes on this board. It very nearly ruined the watching experience for me.
  12. There are 2 Kraft Mac 'n Cheese commercials where the parents are literally pleading with their kids to eat their veggies -- one at the table and one where the mom is chasing the kid through the house with a piece of broccoli on a fork. Then they smash cut to the kid at the table blissfully eating a heaping bowl of Mac 'n Cheese while Enya croons "Only Time" on the soundtrack. In both spots, the veggies lie untouched on a separate plate while the parent beams. Wait. You're telling me it's better for kids to eat a giant bowl of over-refined carbs covered in cheese-product than to figure out a way to cook veggies for their palate? F that. My mom would have said (and did say), You will not leave the table until you eat your vegetables, and if bedtime comes first, you will see them again for breakfast. This is not a negotiation, and if you think I will chase and beg you to eat what I have bought and cooked for dinner, then you are too insane to live in my house. My mother did not play. Also, thanks to my teenagers, "Only Time" is a theme song for emo tears.
  13. Judith Light as Karen Wolek on One Life to Live, confessing her secret life as a hooker on the stand in front of the whole town -- and her husband.
  14. For many of us, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was calm, not boring. We found acceptance for a half hour from a gentle man who did not care that we were brown, or disabled, or just girls. He addressed issues and fears great (assassination) and small (disappearing down the bathtub drain) while confirming that we were not stupid or damaged for being afraid in the first place. He was steady, reliable routine in a time of war and political chaos. Even the best of children's television at the time could be sneakily mean (see: Sesame Street), but the Neighborhood was a place where some of us could go and know that neither we, nor anyone like us, would ever be picked on. YMMV.
  15. Nominated for an Emmy. No, really.
  16. When Jaco was spitting fire, I was shouting, Show, STOP KILLING THE PRETTY!! I'm glad it listened.
  17. I hadn't known anything about the controversy before clicking that link, so I don't know if any of the other people (most of whom I didn't recognize) raised the issue. It made me sick to my stomach, and, for me, gave some context for the pain in that letter.
  18. One of the articles I read last night had a YT link to the 10 1/2 minute long Famous video. What a sick POS (both the "artist" and the video). I can't even.
  19. I know it had to have been so uncomfortable and challenging to get dressed, or sit, or lie down, or pee, what with the corsets and panniers and crinolines, but Claire Fraser's Paris wardrobe from Outlander's season two makes my mouth water. Stunning.
  20. Miracles, with Skeet Ulrich and "Robert the Bruce" from Braveheart. I remember it came on Monday nights, and about halfway through the run, it kept getting pre-empted by Iraq War coverage and they never aired the last half of the season. It was kind of X-Files spooky, with an underlying supernatural mystery ("GODISNOWHERE"). I never did see the rest of the season, but I heard that the storyline wasn't ever fully wrapped up. That's pretty much why I stopped watching series week-to-week. When DVR came along, I would record a whole season before I started watching. Star Trek: Enterprise -- hit its stride in Season Three, got cancelled during a great Season Four.
  21. I love a detail task right before the final pit stop. The people, the overwhelming noise, the panic -- it was a perfect stress cocktail. And it looked like it was hot; Colin had sweat dripping off the end of his nose. Christie did what I've often wished Racers would do: stop, take a breath, focus. Those 20 or seconds are more valuable than the 5-10 minutes of mind chaos. Even Jamal -- dude: just take the directions a step at a time, reciting them out loud as you do the task. Had he done that, he would have immediately figured out that he was not stopping on the counterclockwise 7 as instructed. I heard Korey and Tyler gloat that this was their "hometown" and immediately thought, "Frank and Margarita would love to chat with you about that."
  22. An exciting finale and a satisfying season. Good for C&C. I did not think anyone would be able to do that London cab task. Somewhere Chip & Kim are jumping up and down and screaming with joy.
  23. I'm finding it slightly hilarious that, apparently, white people aren't allowed to rap or beat box. What is this, 1983? I prefer less-intense Colin. I think competent competitiveness is much more interesting than the various "characters" teams create for the show (and have to keep referencing so that we, the audience, don't forget). I may have missed, but was there anything in the egg/cheese clue that precluded the teams taking an extra egg? I like to think about how I would go about the tasks differently if I were racing, and that's one strategy that occurred to me, at least asking the taskmaster. I didn't consider the egg-toss option someone mentioned above, which makes a lot of sense to me.
  24. Well, the point is that Murphy teased Ms. Franklin's appearance for the whole show, and she didn't get the BINGO! Real Life Celebrity Appears Outta Thin Air And All Is Saved -- and it is glorious.
  25. Disappointed about Floyd and Becca. (I was muttering, check the eggs.) Floyd is lovely, but Becca kind of showed her ass. I get it, but it was tough to watch. Colin and Christie FTW.
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