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Everything posted by Archery

  1. Sometimes I think this is strategic. If you have one coach who is perfect for you and drooling to have you (say, John), but you pick the next best thing (say, Adam), you have a chance at a steal (by John) if/when your coach (Adam) betrays kicks you to the curb cuts you. Second bite at the apple.
  2. I'm willing to give Frankie a pass this once. Anybody making a garment for you will take a torso measurement. I think that might have contributed to why she stayed; the producers might have realized that leaving that information off the card screwed her. And she did cry and cut -- once she took a moment to pull herself together. Unlike Cavanaugh, she tried to solve the problem, not just ignore it. Although, I did a full-body cringe when she pulled one of the straps on the bodysuit and it came loose during judging. Even Nina looked sympathetic. Cavanaugh straight up lied when she explained why she didn't produce the tweed jacket. She told the judges she ran out of time, when really, she messed up the sewing and couldn't fix it. How could anyone give you so much to dislike in one 65-minute episode? Everything she said was snotty. Every single thing. Hollie Go Sunshine or whatever is just trying too hard, with the wardrobe and the quirky glasses and the everything. I felt exactly like Brandon (Brendan -- the Kors/Mizrahi/Posen character) when he saw Renee's outfit. It was so beautiful it made me want to cry. I would absolutely splurge on that garment because it would look smashing even on me. He literally gasped when the model put on that cape. I was shocked she didn't win. The look that won can't be worn by anyone who needs a bra. I think Siriano will be a great mentor, especially in those I-don't-know-what-to-do meltdown moments that everyone has as the season goes on. I like how he's matured (and that IRL he designs for Hollywood women whom nobody else will).
  3. It irks me that none of these people seem to know what foundation garments are. Looking at Irina's . . . dress, I kept thinking, "Your client is meeting the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, and she is wearing that." I couldn't even make my mind insert QEII in the picture. I must be the only one who likes Anne. She tries every which way each week to say, "Concept is great, work on execution." Or, "Please, please rethink this." And they have such enormous egos that they hate her for it. Except, she's right, and their designs really are horrible. Yet, she picked up on AR's distress and addressed it with constructive advice. I liked Biddell's the most and don't understand how it read "daytime."
  4. Respectfully, this is the essence of colonialism. I could go up the street to the very excellent Ethiopian cuisine restaurant, but I know that the food has been essentially "dumbed down" for American palates, and that if I ever went to Ethiopia, I'd be shocked at the difference. Judges of Top Chef should be sophisticated enough to meet the cuisine where it's at. I love, love, love that the cheftestants are able to taste each other's food and give honest feedback in the middle of the challenge. That legit brought tears to my eyes.
  5. I was so distracted for the whole episode trying to figure out how that pocket/sleeve would work. And, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson would say: stop confusing "weather" with "climate," people. I live in New England, where the motto is, "If you don't like the weather right now, wait 5 minutes." We have dropped 40 degrees (F) in one afternoon and then had a tornado, is what I'm saying. We have all of the weather conditions depicted (sometimes in the course of a month!) and not one of those designs would be appropriate. I love how Cynthia Erivo called out AR's one-sleeved dress: who would wear that in the snow?? How do you dress for reeeally windy? Lots of zippers and buckles to keep your clothes where they are supposed to be. And pants.
  6. You'd probably be okay if you concentrate on your weekly performances, keep your pants zipped, and keep your hands to yourself. Doesn't seem too difficult, really.
  7. I went back and watched TCM Remembers from December 2018 online, and afterward, I was unreasonably angry at the Academy Awards' half-assed effort. I just sat there steaming. Why even do it if you're going to leave that many people out?! Still mad.
  8. I suspect many of the designers dislike Anne' s critiques because of their egos. They are All-Stars: they have already won the regular show, or they have their own lines. You often hear them say what they make in real life. So they aren't trying to hear Anne criticize what they already know is cool, edgy, and perfect. Thing is, 3 of them are going to end up in the bottom EVERY TIME. Why not look at their designs with a brutally critical eye? Everything can always be made better. Just reading this thread is proof of that.
  9. Lady Gaga is rolling her eyes at this speculation. She thinks it's ridiculous, and that "social media is the toilet of the internet." Please can the world put this romance rumour to rest?
  10. I don't think ANYONE was singing during the group sing. Since the show isn't live, how did they keep the unmasking secret? Although but the shocked! and overexcited! faces, I'm not sure they weren't all high.
  11. I agree about Driving Miss Daisy. I remember when I watched it in the theatre that the pre-elderly relationship between the two characters was so powerful and reflected my own father's experience as a grown man who was treated as a "boy" every day of his job (and we lived in New England). I think there is a group think happening over time -- enough people label a movie as a White Savior movie, and it becomes de facto true, even if it's not. The thing about Green Book for me, though is: if you tell me you are making a movie called Green Book, and it's referring to the actual Green Book, which is a thing in African American history, I would expect it to be about African Americans making their way around the South in those days and coping with the racism inherent to that time and place. Not a white guy showing a black guy how to make his way around in the South during Jim Crow. Maybe if it had a different title: "How I Helped That Black Guy That Time." Maybe that wouldn't have felt so white-window-ish. It's probably irrational, but there it is.
  12. Off the top of my head, I can think of: Amy Adams doing "Happy Working Song" from Enchanted; Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic; Geoffrey Owens' "Under The Sea" from The Little Mermaid; Jerry Orbach's "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast; Mariah and Whitney's "When You Believe" from Prince of Egypt; Madonna's "Sooner or Later" from Dick Tracy and "You Must Love Me" from Evita. "Once," by that couple whose names I can't remember right now; Annie Lennox's "Into the West" from one of the Lord of Rings movies. "How Far I'll Go," from Moana by that girl whose name I don't know how to spell. (Don't judge -- I can't Google right now, and as I said, this is off the top of my head.) Part of the problem is that often the producers shorten the song, so that they feel truncated and unfinished. Great songs have a shape, and when you chop them up, it's noticeable. I also think that, when you have powerful, Broadway caliber voices like Jennifer Hudson's and Idina Menzel's, the sound producers just don't handle them correctly, and the performances are disappointing (Adele as well). Contrast the Tony Awards, where they take the music seriously, and the performances are often sublime.
  13. My Oscars UO: The Academy Awards broadcast needs song performances. Without the musical numbers, they could just put out a glossy magazine and be done with it. Here's the list of nominees. Here's the winner. Here's the text of his/her speech. Here's a photo gallery of all the fashion. It's the songs that make the Oscars into a variety/entertainment show (the category it's always nominated for at the Emmys). Otherwise, it's just a bunch of people you'll never meet naming other people you don't know and don't care about.
  14. [small voice] I pointed it out last night on this thread. [/sv] I think the nice part about not having a host is that there was no forced choice between fawning over all the famous people in the audience and having to act too cool for school. DC Gal said: Okay, I LOVE Jhud's voice, have from the beginning. She has one powerful instrument. But it doesn't work for every song, or in every environment. Here, there was no build to the song -- it was just cranked up to 10 the whole time. She has wonderful shading, but not in this song. It felt forced, and wasn't very good. When Idina Menzel did "Let It Go," she had the same problem. Everyone was waiting with bated breath for the powerhouse climax of the song, and she really overshot. Maybe she was nervous, Maybe she needed the build. Maybe the sound director didn't know what to do with a Broadway voice (my actual opinion). Either way, in both cases, it was a let down, because you know what they can do. While I'm on it, I wish Emily Blunt had been able to do Place Where Lost Things Go. Her soundtrack version was a tear-inducing hug of a lullaby. Bette Midler's was a pop song.
  15. Not sure the amount of vocal editing/SFX required helps Rami Malek in comparison to Bradley Cooper, but whatever. I read an article this morning (confirmed, it appears by the BBC), that what Trevor Noah said in Xhosa was not that lovely adage about fighting together but really, "White people don't know that I am lying." I. Am. Done. Big loser of the night: fashion designers trying to make unwieldy trains a thing. Amazing that the only person who face planted was a guy in a tux.
  16. Nothing. She closed out the show by saying hi to her kids. But if you're Julia Roberts that's a capital crime--on a program that was hours of personal TMI.
  17. Look online for Seth Meyer' s spoof movie trailer with Amber Ruffin for "White Savior." So on point.
  18. Disappointing choice for BP but Octavia Spencer is on that stage, looking like life itself.
  19. Interesting that actor who lip synced (mostly) an impression of a real musician wins over an actor who learns to play guitar and piano, and learns to sing a (mostly) original character. Just wasn't that impressed with the craftsianship of Rami Malek.
  20. Shallow was so worth waiting for. I love strategy of keeping BC looking at Gaga instead of at the audience. BC doesn't use his Jackson Maine voice anymore because it is painful.
  21. When Trevor Noah speaks Xhosa, he is 100% sexy. Keegan Michael Key's umbrella bit was shade thrown at the current president.
  22. Cirie was a self-described unathletic "couch potato" who, in her first episode was afraid of leaves. She was also a mastermind. I may be alone, but I think the immunity menu is wonderfully diabolical. You've got to use it before you really know your tribe well, and you have to, in the moment, decide to use it as an immunity idol for yourself, take the other team's reward, or steal/add a vote (I don't remember which). That's some dangerous strategizing you have to do, and two out of three of them have the potential to backfire spectacularly. Love it.
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