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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Just what I was thinking. I even wondered if all the sniffling and sobbing was edited in later by the sound guys. But his speech about falling in love, the beautiful journey, he doesn't regret anything ... prime audition stuff. Plus he has a ton of love to give! Meet your next Bach, folks, Peter! ETA: Geez, he's even snuffling snot during his interview with CH. Dude is working it hard. Meanwhile, someone give this guy a hanky. (Oops, I almost wrote "handy.")
  2. I would love for Peter to do a NIck Vial and, at ATFR, ask Hannah why she sent him home after she effed him -- TWICE! -- in that windmill.
  3. Gah, you did post it and I HEARTED your post but obviously the brain cells that were suppose to tell me to actually, you know, RECORD it skipped town. But you are in now. Thanks for reposting and not laughing at me. Out loud anyway. @lb60 isn't going to get that golden sceptre without posting a final score! I looked at today's FJ and missed it the same as I missed it the first time. Yeay Teen Tournament for easy answers. Not.
  4. Just missing scores for @Trey and @lb60, then winners can be announced. I will be gone tomorrow (Union Pacific's Big Boy 4014, the largest steam locomotive in the world, is going by just a few miles from my house, on its way from Chicago to Iowa, and I'm all about going to see/photo it. Weighs 1.3 million pounds, 135 feet long, 17 feet high. Hey, it could be a subject on Jeopardy some day. You're welcome.) so it might be Wednesday before our totals are posted and winners get to claim their prizes. I'm still lamenting the lost of @Sharpie66 from the contest players. We did end with 20 players, not counting me, Lucky No. 21.
  5. I vote not worth paying for. Just come here for the snark and recaps from our posters. Most of the time BIP isn't worth watching on free tv although I always try. Don't always succeed. YMMV (everyone's!) of course.
  6. This season there are prizes for high-score asterisk, and maybe second-high asterisk. Some players elected not to compete for asterisks so the emphasis isn't on them. It will probably be the same next season. Will be fun to add you to the Season 36 Contest! Everyone is welcome; I hope even more join.
  7. I notice his timing was off a bit on some of his "drawing." Like the image was there a fraction of a second before he "drew" it there. Sort of ruined the illusion for me. So did his tech guy coming out on stage afterward. He's the one who should be voted through. Or not. I hope. But I don't expect it any more than I expected no Trailer Nasty or no Boob Burgers to make a second appearance. This cracked me up. I'll bet even Simon's phone can't mix drinks. I wish he would tell GForce to step it up. Or better yet, STEP OFF.
  8. Oh, man, this is so true. I have long hair that I wear pulled back most of the time, and guys I dated always wanted it long hanging down, and wanted me to wear more makeup. I don't get it. But I guess since the b-ettes are there to snag a man, they have to cater to male fantasies. So much UGH. I love when women wear ponytails, braids, or actually DO something with long hair. Like, you know, BRUSH it. Most don't even do that any more.
  9. He got as much screen time as anyone else (well, except the final guys). I remember he played soccer with some "street kids" on a date with the b-ette, and he had the most fabulous legs. There also was an after-credits clip with him as the focus, the other guys trying to get him to pronounce some English words, this during some Wild West date. Best ending clip ever. Yeah, JP was good looking, with great legs, and funny, plus seemed fun to be with. I don't think Sharleen ragged on JP or felt she was superior to him in any way, and her occupation had nothing to do with her intellect IMO. JP liked her because she was more cosmopolitan, worldly, European, like him (I mean that in a good way) so he felt more comfortable with her, like she could understand him better than the other b-ettes could. But after spending time with him, she realized they did not match intellectually, so she signed off, much to his regret. I don't blame her for that. Any guy who can't keep up with me watching Jeopardy or can't discuss world politics or know what's going on in the universe or shows no interested in anything other than football and steak and potatoes for dinner is gone from my life too. Great legs and handsome face are nothing without the smarts. And I'm no opera singer.
  10. Four players left to post, then *drum roll* the winners. I was thinking it would be fun to do a Summer Everyone Wins contest to see how many of us improve our scores by remembering the answers from shows we've already seen. I'm pretty sure if I had no clue the first time, I'll have the same no clue the second time. But my totals might go up a tad on the Duh No Brainer clues. I own the Hotel California album and even saw the Eagles in concert, but had no idea Rolling Stone said that about it. I answered Pink Floyd's The Wall since that was the only album besides Beatles albums I could come up with. And shout out to my favorite illustrator, Maurice Sendak. I talked about him when I was in the Season 35 thread back when. I got that answer instantly. Missed the episode where he was FJ, so assume the "Carl" answers were for Good Dog Carl. Or not.
  11. Don't worry, Saber's scores will be in there too. You'll be vindicated! And look smart by comparison.
  12. Yeay, I'm so excited! Anyone who votes mutiny now will walk the plank!
  13. He did make some risin, which I learned about from Breaking Bad. On that show, it was made from Lilies of the Valley (I think), but Wiki says its a lectin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant, So there's your poison seeds. Or one of them. I'm all about Christine the wife feeling the burn for masterminding (IMO) the garage murder. As the one cop (or whomever that was) said, it's one thing for someone to convince a guy to kill another guy, but to convince that same person to kill himself? That was some crazy. And she was mad he failed at that. I wish they had brought the jailhouse snitch to court in a suit and tie and not in an orange jumpsuit with chains all over him like he was Hannibal Lector. They dress up criminals who are on trial, they could have given this dude a bit of courtesy. I liked him, especially when he said he told the story because the dead guy was a decent fellow who didn't need to die. I missed the beginning (I always miss the beginning) so will have to catch a rerun to know how everyone was related to each other.
  14. I still have your seven weeks on my score sheet @JeezumCrow. You were doing well. Yes to you playing Season 36!
  15. It's quite possible that reporter is also a poster here. Not that any of us have noticed Tyler this season.
  16. Sharleen gave one of the best lines ever on this show. I wish I could find the quote. But the gist of it was, she found Juan Pablo hot and wished she were dumber so she could fit with him. Those were good times. Funny how I thought the show pretty much sucked then, but compared to today, those were "good times." *sigh* Wow, good for you for toughing it out after beginning with Soules!
  17. Thank you everyone for the nice words about the contest. I had fun being The Ref (great Denis Leary film, BTW) and it gave me a little something to make me feel quasi-important. Plus, being scorekeeper kept my feeble totals out of the spotlight. So there's that plus for me. Some players aren't able to add their scores until Monday or Tuesday. After everyone is in, I'll announce the winners here. I can post the entire score list if ya'll want, or I can PM it. Up to yous guys. I'd like to nominate me to be scorekeeper for Season 36 FJ Contest. All who vote for me, say EYE. I mean, aye. Just keep in mind, anyone who wants to usurp me, your scores aren't totaled yet.
  18. For some people open shirts are perfectly acceptable year 'round, in Florida and in Siberia. Easy error, 2014 truck. I can understand you being slightly ... ahem ... distracted.
  19. WEEK 46 — THREE asterisk * 213. Landmarks. David Livingstone wrote of this discovery of his, “Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.” * 214. Toys & Games. The prototype for this game that was introduced in 1948 was called Lexiko. 215. Children's Authors. This author & illustrator who won the 1964 Caldecott Medal was dubbed the “Picasso of children’s books.” * 216. 1970s Album Reviews. Rolling Stone said this 1976 album had “the best & worst tendencies of L.A.-situated rock” & was an “unflattering portrait of the milieu.” * * 217. Historic Ships. 215 passengers were rescued when it sank in July 1918, about 500 fewer than it had rescued 6 years earlier. *
  20. I'd like the dress better if it didn't have the same pattern as the quilt on my bed. Yes to Sharleen. I hate hair that's hanging down all skanky, but that seems to be the trend. I wish more would pay attention to Sharleen.
  21. The accident was this May in Jupiter, Fla. His 2004 Excursion ran into the back of a 2014 Ford pickup. Tyler was cited for careless driving and is due in court next month. No one was hurt, so Soules remains No. 1 on the list of Bachelor Nation murderers.
  22. While I liked the first episode, I missed the second and only caught the last minutes of ep 3. I was home last night and had this on, then got distracted by something shiny so only a few parts registered. I couldn't figure out why the woman strapped a bomb to herself and everyone kept following her around while she yelled, "Are you ready to die." Why not just evac the building? I noticed that Poppy goes all slack jawed with her mouth hanging open when she's observing something, like that gives her focus. It majorly bugged me and became something I dwelled on and couldn't unsee. So the Asian cop is her main squeeze now? But obviously not, according to the end where she's a bar pickup. Or the guy is a bar pickup. Who knows. Who cares. I do still like the pony-tail FBI ex-husband. Maybe he can get his own show. I happened to see a rerun of Unforgettable, some show I'd never heard of, and there was Poppy, wearing the same clothes and same everything, including the gap mouth stare. *sigh* I was hoping this show would be a summer-time entertainment, but like @LakeGal, I guess I don't care. I might try again next week but am not hoping for the best. ETA: If Poppy was so certain the bomb lady was bluffing, why didn't she just smack down the bomb lady and get it over with? Instead she yells at the guy for freaking shooting bomb lady? Gah. Please.
  23. I hate that on all the game shows. I just wish once the husband/wife would say, "You and your greed just screwed us out of $50,000, cheese for a year and a trip to Australia. You suck."
  24. Actually, I thought of V for my answer too, even though I wasn't paying much attention. I figured the show was going for that, so I did too. And yes, the contestant was very cute. She was so tiny and "adorable," I figured if I looked like that, I would be able to get a 20-year-old boyfriend too. Alas, I do not. And have not!
  25. This show always borders on gross. Or maybe better said, it aims its clues so people will give "suggestive" answers. Maybe that's what today's society wants, but I'd rather have funny and witty clues (and clean) answers. I dislike Family Feud for the same reason, plus FF makes up "so cute" euphemisms for everything that we were taught as kids should not be talked about. I don't think anything is funny about bathroom humor. I got the feeling, and tried to see if it was justified, that Caitlyn Jenner wasn't all that popular on the panel. For some reason, I felt she was being ignored by the other players, but maybe that was my imagination. I was disappointed she was back since last time she was on she wasn't very good. But I thought the whole panel last night was pretty dry. I missed Mario, Carolyn, Jack and so many others who really are funny. Although her comment about losing her wig was pretty good.
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