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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You won't be able to understand a word she's saying after she's "saved by America" either. Totally agree with this. I was pleased to see my three least favorite acts in the bottom and was bummed to find out one of them would be saved. I decided I'd rather see the dancing girls again if I HAD to, and was going to vote for them but my Internet picked that time to go down. After I saw the voting progress I figured my votes would have made no difference anyway. As for the other pairings, the right ones were sent home IMO. The only time I yelled "HECK NO!" was when the Massoudi Brothers were declared the winner. Then I wondered why the three hand-balancing bros were all hugging. That's when I figured out Massoudi Brothers was their name, not the name of the fruit-smashing Indian guys. I guess I should pay more attention to the names of these acts. I was a huge Shin Lim fan last season, but hokey smokes that card trick was looooooong and booooooring. Plus I wasn't impressed by his skinny high-water pants, no socks and high-top dress shoes. I kept wondering if he was wearing Peds or if those shoes hurt his feet when he's not wearing socks. What's up with no socks these days anyway? The high-water, bare-ankle look is not a good one for men IMO. And his hair is approaching Bello Nock proportions. I liked it before, but now I spent more time wondering if he blow dries it upside down than paying attention to his magic. Jay ... way too OTT when Shin called him to help. Tone it down a bit pal. The violin guy needs to be reminded about flying insects and other things that might find their way into his wide-open mouth. I don't think he shut it once the entire time he was playing. Distracting, yes. I thought Julianne looked nice last night, and I didn't mind Gabrielle doing a fashion flashback to the 60s, even if it was a bit off putting. Not a bad night overall, with the exception of knowing I'll have to see Crying Girl again.
  2. Thank you! I was trying to remember where I saw those two people in the van with the dogs, since one of the dogs was a Xoloitzcuintli which I thought was highly unusual. I'd have no problem taking off in my van with my dogs and living out of it until the end of time. But my house is pretty much like camping out anyway so it'd be no big change for me. I'd especially like it if I were a ninja following ANW courses around the country. Did we even get to see the ninth obstacle? Anyone know what it was?
  3. This made me realize I don't pay attention to what anyone is wearing. I remember Morton's suit had little "things" all over it, but paid no more attention than that to it. I do somehow remember what the three hand-balancing boys were and weren't wearing though. For some reason, I can still picture them in my mind's eye.
  4. GForce. I wonder if Simon was reading how much everyone hates this act since he changed his tune with them this week. While the act was obviously professionally choreographed and produced, I tried to imagine them as The Little Girl BTS, but I just couldn’t make it work. Plus it was creepy. I also couldn’t understand anything they were saying. I dislike them for so many reasons. Voice guy. I don’t think he’s all that, his voice doesn’t change all that much, it's up to us to recognize the famous line. But I relate to his love for movies and hope he can get a job doing something in the industry. Maybe an announcer for some show or something. He seems like a nice guy. Dancing high school girls in white. I still like them. Too funny that Howie does too now. I wonder what the other kids in their little high school look like since these are sort of Stepford Girls, which is a little weird when I think about that. If all of their friends and family vote for them, they are a shoo-in to go through. Talk singing girl with glasses and guitar. I stopped what I was doing (because I was just listening, not watching), turned to the tv and said, “You suck.” And to repeat what Julianne said: “And that’s all I’ve got to say.” Three hand-balancing brothers: Gotta agree with Gabrielle and Julianne. Nice on so many levels. I figured Simon wouldn’t like them because my guess is he’s thinking, “I don’t look that good and this show is suppose to be about me, all about me, and these three are making me look like a soft, grubby ill-dressed slob. Get rid of them so I stay the center of attention.” Me likee. Me also likee the idea of getting rid of Simon. The 13-year-old wild card singer. It cheered me up to see the clip of her crying after being eliminated. I can’t stand her voice when she’s talking. I hate it even more when she is “singing.” I’m hoping America makes her cry again and sends her home. I also can’t understand the words when she “sings,” not that it makes any difference. Simon thinks she “a little fighter.” I think she’s a little PITA. Tied with Talk Singing Girl With Glasses for Worst Act of the Night. The light painting guy ... he was spray painting graffiti-type stuff in his intro. Is this Banksy? I liked him. At least he has talent, which is saying something for this show. Oh, nuts, Howie stole my Banksy line. Broadway boy singer. Started out sort of weak but got better. I like him, plus he probably will have a career after this show. Which reminds me I forgot all about the military singers. Maybe because they turned into a choir this time. Broadway boy yes, service choir, no. Danger act. I watched part of this for the first time, I don’t like danger acts. I still don’t. But I give them a lot of credit for the crazy stuff they were doing. Kodi the GB singer boy. He could win this and I’d be okay with that. Question of the day: Can tear-away shirts be put back together and reused, or are they one-time-use only? Asking for a friend.
  5. I felt Jamie was going slower to concentrate more, sort of like back when Flip changed to being more focused than showboat. I was positive he would beat Angry Birds, but then I was positive Najee and Joe would too. Shows what I know. This whole episode was a downer, I didn't even watch the Tower run off. This course made me not care. Good on Alyssa though. And yeah, what's up with The Beast? Is he not even getting a WWWA?
  6. Plus trace the pings off of cell towers. Not that I want these people to actually BE smarter and get away with murder.
  7. Yeah, that went on for WAY too long. I didn't see the beginning, but was the husband shot in the head at close range with a shotgun? Holy smokes, there would have been no head left. I guess that Jeep won't be "restored" any time soon. And speaking of the Jeep, who gets a Jeep stuck and can't get it out? It looked like a Wrangler, which only comes in 4WD. I have a 4WD that got stuck in a huge pile of snow and I couldn't rock it out as much as I tried. I put it in 4WD and it drove away like there was no snow anywhere. So did the wife get the life insurance? Inquiring minds want to know. I was wondering who the woman with the long dark-brown hair was they kept showing before commercial breaks. Turned out it was the wife! Geezy pete, she sure looked different. Plus it would have taken a couple years to grow out that much hair after the blond dye job. I don't know if they said she waited in jail for her trial or what. No Miss Clairol in prison. As for being physically abused like she told her lovers, shouldn't she have had some bruises or other marks on her body from a big, mean, abusive husband? Abusers will keep from punching in the face but will whale the tar out of someone's body. I'd think the boyfriends would have noticed that, unless she was having sex with them while completely clothed. I was glad the mom has the firefighter family now. She seemed like a nice woman. It was the only up side to this episode.
  8. I have to question whether any of these players "clearly care for" anyone on this beach except themselves. These men "clearly care for" Hannah? That's why she gets picked first for all the dates? More like, those guys have some fantasy about making it with a chick who looks like a school girl and want to be "her first." /lightning strikes me/
  9. I'm not seeing the Hannah attraction. Do men like tiny females with miniature facial features? I guess the answer is yes. I can't get past her profile, which looks like someone hit her in the face with a pan. I know that's being shallow, but isn't this entire franchise built on shallow?
  10. And he keeps losing his virginity in different places each season.
  11. I totally did not understand that since it was said the same evidence was given in both trials. What were we missing? Yes to that. To me it meant he was hoping he'd have to strangle just one person, not two.
  12. No kidding. Maybe 911 was going to save the cops a trip if the daughter was still alive or something. That lingerie might not even have belonged to the dead woman. Maybe the murder guy brought it with, something he stole from one of his other 20 lovers, and dropped on the dead body to throw cops off. If true, it seems to have worked. I think Boyfriend is out and free right now though, @JudyObscure. The ending talked about he could be prosecuted again if more evidence was found. At least that's how I remember it. And I, too, thought meth when I saw his face. Yikes. I guess murdering your girlfriend and your own son will do that to a guy.
  13. I like this show, it's been a must-see for me every season. I seldom see the first night it's on but I make a point to catch the rerun. Heck, I'll even watch the rerun if I did see the Tuesday-night broadcast. It's not boring in my book although sometimes my mind wanders. But that happens a lot with me, I don't blame the show. Plus I like posting about it here, so there's that added bonus.
  14. Saturday night's ep was a rerun but I hadn't seen it. It was the 20-something woman who was having an affair with a co-worker and got pregnant, then got murdered with less than one month to go on the pregnancy. The show made everything point to the boyfriend, who had "15 or 20" other "girlfriends" he was having sex with. But this show does like to not tell us everything. I was stunned at the boyfriend being interviewed throughout the program, his hair all neat and very short 5-o'clock shadow beard. Then the very last talking head with him, he had a scraggly beard, long hair growing straight up and a couple zits or moles on his face that weren't there before. Wow to that before-and-after. I wondered about his alibi. He went to "another girlfriend's" house that night instead of meeting the dead woman he set up a meeting to see, then sat down and watched football on tv instead of telling the woman he was there? She was asleep at 8:30? She said she didn't see him until 10:30 when he woke her up. No one asked him game details to verify his story? Plus, a horn dog like that goes to his girl's house, she's asleep and he just turns on the tv? Yeah, don't think so. The cops made him bring in the clothes he was wearing the night the woman was murdered. Yeah, I'm positive he gave you all the right ones. Two other DNAs were on the lingerie covering the dead naked woman. so it couldn't have been the boyfriend who killed her? And if it was a robbery gone wrong, why was she naked, and if the burglar killed her, why not take the tvs and other stuff since she was dead now. Easy peasy to walk out with stuff and leave a dead body. A burglar could have cleaned the place out plus made/ate dinner while he was there. And do burglars always trash a place, throw flat screen tvs on the floor instead of stealing them? Yeah, didn't think so. Last question: What was this dude's job, and did they hold it for him while he was in jail all those months? Guy had serious debt, imagine the interest building while he was incarcerated. Maybe that's what popped up those zits he has now.
  15. Cheer up. We get to see Tambourine Man in the lives. So all is good, right?
  16. Caught the rerun last night. I thought the dog act was given a set up, having the dogs run around on and off the stage at the end was on purpose, TPTB told the people to tell the dogs to do that. No one was trying to call them back ... all a trained dog like those needed was a "come" and a "down." But this way the act could be proclaimed "chaos," and a great sound bite and show drama was created. Simon telling them to do Lion King if they came back was on point, but didn't a dog act do "wild animal" costumes another year? Not that it matters since they aren't coming back. I kept staring at Jay, couldn't figure his deal out. He kept holding up his head, even in the aerial shots of the judges. He spoke fine though, so I doubt he was drunk. I kept staring at his overly done solid orange/tan face (no one else had such extravagant makeup) capped by his snow-white hair. I even googled if he wore a wig, it was so fake looking, but evidently that's his real hair. His half-closed eyes were a stark contrast to Julianne's, she looked like they were popping out of her head whenever she was given a chance to speak. Of course Jay's GB went to a singer. Kara With A K being shown to unsuspecting viewers was a first-class crime. The show owes me for making me sit through that horror since I don't have FF. Almost as painful were Suitcase Guy and Ben the Tassle Dancer. WTH. I liked Benicio but didn't remember seeing the other singing boy he was up against at the end. Why have those two go backstage? Were the judges going to put through the "wrong" kid? Oh yeah ... to make some drama and pad out the last hour, that's why. I liked Jackie Fabulous' hair and thought her act was okay, although I don't remember any of it now. The little girl singing "You Don't Own Me." Okay voice I guess, but I wondered if she was singing about her parents, teachers or the old guy down the street who drives a white van and gives her candy. In any case, really creepy song choice. Especially given certain current news stories. I don't remember seeing the Horizontal Juggler before and sort of didn't see him last night either. Who was the guy they kept showing who had metal things pasted on the left side of his face? For a minute I thought Hoop Dancer Guy was back. I liked the contortionist woman. She was all kinds of weird, would make a good partner for last season's contortionist guy who got sent home right away. She'd make an interesting stripper act. Not that anyone anywhere was thinking that, what with the stripper pole and all. I liked Eric Chien the Money Magician. If I were Jay, I would have told him to make those coins reappear in his hand, then put that cash in my pocket. He could have bought some headache/NoDoze pills with it. The Voices of Services singers are good, but please with the sending (almost) every singer/singing group through. How are they going to "step it up?" --TM this show. Every other act has to but not the singers.
  17. I never saw a single episode of the original series, and I had no interest in this reboot either. I did know some of the actors because pop culture, but nothing more than that. I had the tv on while deciding what DVD to watch, and the rerun of this episode came on. I thought I'd watch for a few minutes (because pop culture!) and after a few minutes I totally forgot about the DVD movie. I watched until the end. I REALLY LIKED IT! Of course any references to the old show went way over my head -- if there were any -- although the Luke tribute at the end made me tear up, I just had a good time watching this episode cold. I'll be tuning in next week too. Yeah, it totally surprised me. But I'm in.
  18. The series itself takes place in Nimitz Bay, a imaginary town on the fictional U.S. territory of Reef Island, but is filmed in Queensland, Australia. In the U.S. territory of Virgin Islands (where the show is not filmed nor pretends to be located), cars drive on the left hand side of the road, but nearly all the automobiles on the island have left-side steering columns. So close, but no cigar. My point is, this show pretends to be U.S. based yet must not have the budget for left-drive cars. Or it figures no one cares. Which I guess no one but me does since virtually no one watches this show. Too bad it doesn't have the pull to at least shut down a few Queensland roads so actors can drive on the right side and, you know, pretend to be U.S. I guess Reef Island is some island where everyone migrated from Britain and brought their cars and driving habits from the UK, then America won it in some war or something and annexed it as a territory. Yeah ... that explains it.
  19. I watched the whole episode last night, the first time since ep 1. I didn't listen very well so am not sure of the plot, I was mostly distracted by looking at Cat's hair, which changed from being plain brown to sort of blondish on the bangs part, then being red/auburn/strawberry in other scenes. I wondered if she wears a wig, or was between getting touch ups between shooting scenes out of sequence. I also kept staring at the shockingly yellow fringe dress she wore to the party. Girl really needs some support underwire, that's pretty much all that I could see when she was standing with front to the camera. Maybe men think that's attractive? I did wonder why no one in the formal party, including the people hosting, noticed FBI guy and cop coming through wearing clothes that looked like they hadn't changed them (or taken a bath) in a few weeks. I wondered if the two guards got canned for letting them in. Or if they just went off and got drunk on vodka. Or whatever that was. When ex-husband FBI guy came to Cat's house, again I kept staring at the 60s hippie top Cat was wearing. It went off her left shoulder and she left it off, which I thought was weird unless she was looking to entice the ex. Anyway, she was again bra-less although the baggy top was a blessing. No bra strap, just a tan line from a wider strap, like a tank. I wondered why she was all bent about the ex hooking up with someone. I mean, it wasn't like she has been trying to get back with him, plus she's been sleeping with the cop. So I didn't get that at all. I thought that snake necklace was all kinds of ... not cool or expensive looking. But what do I know. The thief guy reminded me of someone, like a junior Benedict Cumberbach, but he kept making faces which I guess were suppose to make him look evil or mysterious or sexy, I couldn't decide which. I liked the end where Cat is walking with her surfboard covering up her torso, the leg strap flapping in the breeze. Next shot is an athletic Cat running toward the ocean, filmed from the back, leg strap attached. I guess she lost a few pounds and got into shape when she bent over to hook herself to her board. ETA: Got a laugh out of the American flag being shown, then everyone getting into those right-driving cars. Like we don't notice that, show.
  20. Season finale was last night. I sort of watched. If I had been the middle lady (who ended up winning), I would have passed those six or seven spins to George (I think that was his name) when I had more than $25,000. I was glad at the end, after she quit and kept her winnings, they let her play out the spins she didn't take, just for fun. Getting a Whammy on the last play when she had more than $100,000 had to make her feel better. I guess they aren't spins, but I don't know what else to call them.
  21. As high scorer in the Season 35 Contest, we* expect @biakbiak to take the Jeopardy test next time it is offered and then let us know when he/she will appear on the show so we can set our DVRs. It's only fitting, right? *That's the Kingly We.
  22. Some single women wear a wedding band to keep jerky guys away. Some women who have lost their spouse wear a wedding band in his memory. Some women wear a ring that looks like a wedding band because they like the way it looks. Some women who wear a wedding band have a husband who also lives/travels in the RV with her. Some women wear a wedding band because their husband is back home building excellent sets for the rats to use in their performances. I'd say the audience is prompted by the production people to boo, clap, stand, cheer, yawn, do Xs with their arms or be stone silent, whatever scenario has been scripted by the show's producer. I'd also guess that acts dissed by Simon but put through anyway are told to make their next act revolve around him because, after all, isn't AGT all about Simon?
  23. My post was about the women dancers who beat drums with fire clubs. Gabrielle said the women "literally lit the stage on fire." Here's the video. She says "literally lit the stage on fire" at 1:54. Apologies, I said they were from Brazil in my previous post. They're from Argentina.
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