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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I fixed that sentence for you. You're welcome. Fixed that one too. I think so too. At least I would. I do like his voice and piano playing. I'm hoping Robert Finley gets on the casino circuit. There are multiple casinos here that have entertainment, some of it pretty high end. I'd pay to sit and listen to him. He'd be perfect for a casino lounge.
  2. I thought for sure he was going to be kicked to the curb for not wanting to make Ester's changes. "He's difficult to work with." Actually, maybe he was and we just didn't see it! That guy kept changing his look too, first his hair was all girly with a flip-up like was popular in the '70s, then it looked like he had lipstick on. He was very pretty though. I wish his accent were stronger, that Aussie accent is attractive.
  3. It would have been a Golden Moment if Sean Hayes was included instead of Julianne.
  4. I got a laugh out of Kodi's mom waving to the camera at the end when the group of finalists was shown. Yeah, she walks him on, but then she leaves and isn't anywhere near during his performance. But I guess ya gotta grab your 15 minutes wherever you can.
  5. The Charlie Puth episode was my favorite. I liked all three of the writers, but I figured the winning song would be the one that was chosen, and I never guess correctly. Funny that I liked it better when the writer sang it rather than Charlie. The writers are always great singers. It must be luck of the draw that some become famous, like Charlie, while most don't. I liked getting some background on Charlie. He looks so young, but I guess 27 is young. I thought Ester looked especially beautiful last night, and Shane's face looked so chubby.
  6. Personally, I'm glad there were no ugly man hand balancers this season. Maybe there will be next time, so there's hope. Ugly guys with clothes on doing gymnastics. Can't wait!
  7. No pants, either. So there's that. I tease ya cuz I luvs ya. And I award myself this for that dream graphic:
  8. I was for Drew until all that baby stuff this week. Now anyone but. Which means it'll be Drew. *sigh* I'd be fine with Flip. Or Joe. Maybe Joe wins the mil but it's shown as a WWWA.
  9. I did vote for Robert. Anything with Preacher Lawson in it goes on too long for me. Didn't like him then, dislike him even more now. Amen. Goodbye my three Hand Balancing Boys. It's been great to know ya. If there weren't any kids this episode, there would be no acts going forward. Which, now that I think about it, might have been a plus. Songland is my favorite show, I love it! And I'm not a music person. I'm now watching your "something else." Both are better than AGT.
  10. Hey @lb60, I found a photograph from your Jeopardy dream. I guess he can sing, too.
  11. So much this. I was wondering if they all change while standing right there, women included, strip off one shirt, put on another. Or do they have 10 shirts on and just peel off the top one before each new runner. And does everyone get a box of t-shirts before each filming? Including spectators? And who makes those cr*ppy signs. Inquiring minds want to know.
  12. I got a laugh that Crying Singing Girl chose "Cry Pretty" for her song. Then production stuck her in a prop of weeds taller than she is and put her so far back on the stage that even the judges needed binoculars to see her. IMO the show is over her, which is why she went first and why Simon dissed her for how his show presented her. Hand Balancing Guys. I missed their intro package, which disappointed me, but I didn't miss their act and their fabulous shirtless smiles. Okay, so smiles aren't shirtless but you get my point. I voted for them, 10 votes. They could stand around and smile at me all day and I'd be fine with that. Exactly what I was thinking through his entire performance so I didn't pay much attention to anything else. Just kept thinking about that one strap holding his pants up. Greg Morton. Sorry, but I've not found any of his voices good. They all sound the same to me. I didn't recognize the voices, just the dialogue if the line was well known. Maybe he keeps getting through based on his fabulous suits, which would get my votes if they had a category. I've grown past wanting Robert Findley to win this show. I'd still buy some drinks in my local bar so I could sit and listen to him though. That would be an enjoyable evening. I cannot say the same for the Blue Choir Kids or Crying Girl. I've been a fan of Kodi Lee since his audition, but I must have been cranky last night (no Pop Tarts for me!) because I was "meh" about him. He did not get my votes. Jackie Fabulous, I voted for you last week, but last night not even your highly produced intro package was funny. Light Balance Kids ... I can barely force myself to watch their act. Last night was no exception. Except I couldn't grasp why one judge said to stay away from Marvel. Translation: Marvel is the hottest thing going right now so ditch that something that might get people to vote for your weak act. I felt sorry for Eric Chien so I gave him 10 of my votes. Benecio cracks me up because he has regular parents, good health, a nice background, no cancer, no dead relatives, no deformity, no social disability. In fact, his back story is so boring, they keep repeating it: He was a little boy who liked music. Best act of the night (well, behind the Hand Balancing Boys) IMO, and he got 10 votes from me. TPTB likes him too since he's moved into the Pimp Spot. This cracked me up. You and your twin need to get out of that basement. As @Whimsy posted, Sean is a huge star who has tons of Golden Globe/Emmy/SAG/Teen Choice nominations/wins for acting, producing, comedy and voice work. Check out his IMDB.
  13. "And there's not one thing wrong with that" said the poster who dated a guy with a Chevy van ...
  14. He can be charming too. (Don't close that door, I'm right behind you.)
  15. Translation: He doesn't know how he can finagle/convince a woman to support him and their kids.
  16. Man, Mike's got the biggest smile on his face that he's going home.
  17. Clay: Blah blah blah angela blah blah. Me: Oh just STFU. *changes channel*
  18. Ha ha ha, there's a piece of food on Clay's chest as he's going on and on about his ex.
  19. Who was the guy a couple seasons ago who was always eating, mostly meat scraps? Chad? Clay is the new him.
  20. Better to use a cocktail napkin -- or even a sleeve -- than blowing snot on the ground. And leaving it there for posterity. Amen sister.
  21. I learned by watching the old reruns that Drew was a used-car salesman. Backstory video was him in the car lot. I guess selling cars might be considered "real life."
  22. Were Mom and Grandma the two who were wearing Cher's old cast-off wigs? I thought they were hilarious. Well, humorous anyway.
  23. I know this is common, but it boggles my mind. I wonder how many people remember things differently three years after the fact. It has to be misery to wait three years for the trial of the person who murdered your family member ... and then wait to see if that person gets convicted or not. At least Dateline condenses it down into one or two hours. (People can gain a lot of weight in three years!)
  24. She did get a great free promo for her modeling career though, so that was a Big Win for her. Making it through to the buzzer was secondary. Good thing Grant made it to the buzzer to prove to Akbar that cut-off jeans shorts are still okay to wear. Calling them "jorts" is so ... millennial. And snobby. This show is really setting Drew up to win the whole thing. At least it seems that way to me. I don't watch all the backstories so hearing he even had a girlfriend, much less a pregnant one, was a surprise to me. And me being old school, someone who still wears jean shorts, get married you guys. Maybe he is waiting to win the mil before they tie the knot.
  25. Yes! New season, new penguin. I mean, avatar. You, PW, are in a class by yourself. In more ways than one! You are in the Too Cool For School Avatar division. I didn't mean to overlook you. You are IN! All I can say is GFY! if you missed it. I wish I had.
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