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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. The wind is blowing on the Midwestern tundra so I can't get ABC to come in on my antenna. I'm counting on ya'll to keep me informed. It might be the Good Taste Gods making me watch ANW instead. If so, thank you. I will miss seeing Chris B though. He always brings the good times.
  2. That was on national news. They had video (after the delivery) plus you could see a bunch of "pee pads" on the floor. TMZ covered it too, and the question was asked, "Was there carpeting in the closet?"
  3. I watched the rerun last night, and as it turned out, I missed a lot of the acts since my attention turned to more interesting things, like the shiny bobble on the kitchen counter ... But what I did notice: I actually stopped wandering around and watched the guitar guy. He held my attention through his entire act, which is saying something. The rat lady got the burn edit, all put together to make her act look stupid and hopeless. For all I know, it was rehearsal edited to look like the real performance. The rat was a different one than last time, and my guess is the producers told her to run the untrained rat through, then they filmed it like it was the real deal. The whole thing was bogus IMO. We never heard her telling the rat what to do in her last appearance but that was the focus this time. Still, I'd rather watch her train rats than have to sit through any of the "singers" on this show. Gonzo Tambourine Man ... for someone who speaks no English and has to have a "translator" on stage with him, he sure understood the judges' comments, especially the "take off your clothes" comments. There has to be something going on that we are not aware of for him to go through. Stephanie's Child, the three drag queens, WAY better than Gonzo. And that's saying something. That, plus I actually liked them. Hate the opera husband/knife wife. End of that story. I don't remember seeing the one guy with the Border collie before. I barely saw them this week. The Light Balance kids ... ugh. At least they're not singers, that's the only plus to them. "Thanks Mom and Dad for creating everything in our act for us so we could get the Golden Buzzer." I got a laugh out of Elle or Gabrielle saying the Brazilian women in the tight black plastic pants "literally" set the stage on fire. I missed that part of their act, but it would have been exciting to see. I'm obviously in the minority in that I didn't find the Voice Guy the least bit entertaining. I looked away from the tv so I could concentrate on the voices, not his face, and that didn't work for me. He still sounded pretty much the same throughout, at least to my ears. I don't mind Terry being in the background and not overpowering the acts (Nick) or being some flamboyant camera hog (Tyra). I think he's the best host so far. Less is more in the case of a talent-show host. Howie's script has been edited, he doesn't get to say "There are 18 acts and only seven will go through" any more. That line has been passed around to the women. Is Howie on his way out? Meanwhile, I wish someone would tape Simon's fingers together. His obsession with putting his hand, one finger projecting out, over the side of his face is getting ... well, weird.
  4. @Stan39 wins post of the day. Nicely done! I was wondering if Hannah, when interviewed after winning those beauty pageants, said the pageants were "helping her grow as a person." Because she sure repeats that line a lot.
  5. LOL at me. I'm so used to these people not having jobs other than SM Influencer or Chicken Lover so I assumed JoJo didn't have one either. I always figured Jordan wanted to be a sportscaster and JoJo was along for the ride. Go figure! Wow. Who knew. Well, Chocolatine did, and now so do I. I have to say, I'm ... amazed! Thanks for the info.
  6. Naturally, since both have so much experience in real estate, construction and refinishing/rebuilding houses. I suspect these articles are written by people who are told to write those things so readers might actually believe this show really did have a lead who was/is those things. It's all smoke and mirrors. Each season has to be more dramatic and "It's never happened before!" than the last. Hannah's season sucked IMO, Luke was manipulated by production, Hannah's wishes to send him home were ignored by production, everything was scripted to make it The Most Dramatic Season EVAH. Hannah is anything but strong and independent (and never will be IMO), but we are being told she is. If she actually goes on to get her Hollywood job, there's more publicity for Fleiss and his franchise. It's Hannah doing her "growing." I'm also positive the show knew about the exes back home, too, and that includes Jed's gal. If we can find it, they found it first. It made for an ending we'd never seen before, right? Happily ever after isn't good for ratings.
  7. The situation of the death raised red flags to his family and friends. Just not for the cops or coroner. As for peeing outside, if you don't live where there is winter, you've never had the joy of seeing your boyfriend/husband "write" his name in the snow. Or been outside with your man who is too lazy to go inside so he pees in the bush in the side yard. As one gets older, one gets to have more joys in life such as those. Hopefully, you will be able to stay thinking all men lock the bathroom door to pee in the toilet. I wish I could go back to those days. But as Mr. Poe wrote: "Nevermore."
  8. Who here locks their bathroom door when you know you are home alone and no one is expected to be home for hours? Yeah, that's what I thought. And a fall in a small bathroom during a heart episode would leave bruising on maybe the neck, but moreso on the head, arms, legs, torso, where the person might have fallen against a sink or toilet. The neck would be protected by the head/shoulders, which should have more bruising than the throat. JMHO of course since I wasn't there. But family members thought the bruising and locked door was funky, and they should know. Even Bob's friend/guy relative said Bob locking the bathroom door was bogus. I give him more cred on that topic than anyone else. Especially the police. Dateline always tosses us red herrings. That's what irks me. Although as I posted earlier, it demonstrates how easy it is to influence others when only one side of a story is told. It's a life lesson, if only we would listen to it.
  9. First, most men I know don't even close the door when they go to the bathroom when family is in the house. Men pee outside all the time, in groups, and public urinals are just that, public, one next to the other. I don't know anyone, male or female, who would close the door when they knew they were alone, much less lock that door to keep out ... who? I live alone and never close my bathroom door. And when I did live with someone, I closed the door but never EVER locked it. I mean really. Why? But maybe some people are paranoid. I just don't believe the dead husband was. So hey, BIG HUGE RED FLAG you dumbass cops. And heart failure doesn't cause neck bruising. So there's that, too.
  10. I spend my time staring at her hair so don't even notice the brows. House on Pitch Pine Avenue: Dateline always does this, sets up the entire episode to make someone appear to be the guilty one (the son), then at the end the rest of the evidence and the real killer is revealed. I hate that, but it shows how easily people are swayed by telling only one part of a story. Dateline totally left out that mom was going to testify in the custody hearing the next day. Red flag, people. One that, apparently, the cops conveniently overlooked. This was a prime example of how police and coroner are just people being paid to do some job and just putting in their time to collect a paycheck. The police and coroner in this case were no better than office workers who spend their day shopping online or standing around outside smoking instead of actually doing what they are being paid to do. Just keep collecting those checks, folks. The husband's body found in a locked bathroom? Nothing suspicious there kids. The wife dead on the floor, marks on her neck? Keep moving folks, nothing to see here. Then the son and father to the kids murdered? Oh, so three dead people in that one house made those officials actually get off their rears and think, hey, something weird is going on here. As the show said, if they had done their jobs after Bob's murder, the mom and son would still be alive. But if the killer had done a better job of making the son's murder look like a suicide or something, he never would have been caught. I wonder about the reasoning behind the murders, that it was "for the kids." Yeah, those kids will grow up just fine knowing dad/step dad murdered three people, and mom was in on it too, and finding dead grandma won't affect me at all, and having my parents in prison won't leave any lasting scars either. I did wonder what family members the kids were living with now though. I'd be worried they would end up dead some day too if I were one of those children.
  11. Sarcasm obviously doesn't come off well in the written word. "This was a joke, son, a joke." --Foghorn Leghorn
  12. Just caught the rerun. I have to say I like Maggie. Maybe I was influenced after reading the negative comments here. But, and I say this as someone with no kids, even if the ex if paying support, doing the physical work of raising kids, keeping up with training yourself, and doing whatever work she has to do to get through each day, she deserves a break. And if the bow and makeup makes her feel good about herself, then good on her. Just like some people have tats or piercings or weird hair or wear funky clothes, Maggie can have her bow and matching lipstick, it's okay with me. I like Daniel Gil, and got a kick out of Akbar saying "He's got body in his hair and now he needs to get his body up the salmon ladder." He's one who makes the course look so easy, I imagine even I could complete it. And trust me, I couldn't complete the first obstacle if that was a "Walk a Straight Line" obstacle. I watched The Kid during the interview after the Power Tower and, while some might think he looks arrogant and expressionless, to me it appeared as if he was working to hide his emotion and not let the tears start. Speaking of interviews, the side of Maggie's face was turning black pretty quickly by the time she was interviewed. I, too, hope she recovers well from that fall. Watching her fall and knowing she was concussed, made her getting as far as she did pretty amazing. Add me to the list of people wishing more women from OKC would have gotten through. In all, a pretty good episode though. And yeah, LOL at all those wimps in OKC wearing hoodies, winter coats, gloves and wool hats in July. Trying to fend off the 115 temps I guess.
  13. I was gone so came here to see what I missed. LOL!
  14. And not to be forgotten, @j5cochran, who did a stellar job on the show as well as being a contest participant! One of my contest highlights was, one week, getting a better score than hers. Hey, rocking one week out of 46 isn't that bad, is it?
  15. A moment of clarity has come to me. This show is no longer about finding that Fairy Tale "true love" and hasn't been for some time. It's about ratings, creating drama to be talked about/written about long after the show has ended, resulting in more $$ in the pockets of Fleiss et. al., and the actors (yes, they are following scripts) creating a SM presence so they can live by shilling products online instead of actually having a real job. By "real job," I mean a place of business they leave their house/apartment to go to five days a week from 9-5. One has to watch this franchise with that in mind. Still, it's entertaining to snark-post live. But it's just not real in so many ways.
  16. Ugh. I just fell off the Tyler Train. Oh well. See ya'll in Paradise. Although LOL at Tyler working to get CH to foot the bill for their dates. Smooth move he learned from Freeloader Jed.
  17. CH: Hannah, what's going through your head right now? Hannah: *crickets* Uh ... *crickets*
  18. I hope Tyler's been up on SM and knows everyone wants him as next Bach. Don't tie yourself to that beyotch Tyler.
  19. Let me add a few more NO NO NO NOs to that. Oh, whew, she just said she doesn't need a husband. I totally agree with that,. Leave those poor men alone you shrew.
  20. There were 217 FJ clues. Which, in my book, puts you in a strong B- slot. So, congratulations!
  21. Wow, Jed's hair has gone all Country Western. I do appreciate that Hannah doesn't have fake boobs. That's the only positive thing I can say about her.
  22. I don't know about that, but Hannah is my Most Hated B-ette ever. Matches her nose. So they broke up over the phone? What a pair of candy-ass losers. Although I guess I've known that about both of them for a while.
  23. Hannah's giving CH her Patented Pageant Smile. Ugh. Hannah needs to rerun her speech to Luke about how she effed a guy the night before their date, twice, and that's okay because it's her body and he has no right to tell her what she can or cannot do. Yet Jed can't have sex with someone (in a free cabin) before he even met Hannah. I wish Luke were there to point and laugh.
  24. Totally with you on that. I'm on Team Jed. I just hope they do break up. A life with Hannah would be a living hell.
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