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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Push ups. They're free. So are crunches/sit ups. Don't need a gym membership to do those. Or much space. As for food, prisoners can and do strike about anything they want. Is their fried chicken too crispy/not crispy enough? Strike. No ranch dressing, just vinaigrette? Poor things. Strike. Here's a menu from a federal prison: While maybe some consider spaghetti and meatballs or bran cereal or salisbury steak with gravy "crappy," IMO every one of those meals beats what I had for breakfast, a week-old doughnut bought on discount, and my lunch was one half of a frozen pepperoni pizza purchased on sale for $1.50. Prisoners would have something to strike about if they had to eat MY daily meals. I'd love to have any one of those above meals made for me and served to me on a tray. I wouldn't even have to do dishes afterward. Sweet. Anyone who is overweight, in prison or out, means they spend their time sitting/sleeping/doing nothing. It's not the fault of the environment, it's the fault of the person. I say this as someone who sits and sleeps a lot.
  2. Guitar Guy got three judge votes so Julianne wasn't needed. I expect she still got paid though. I wonder if the other act got more America votes (I've already forgotten who it was, Falco?) so they make a fake judge vote at the end so the act TPTB wants, wins. All the judge angst is so fakety fake since I'm positive they are told who to vote for, their humming and hawing is just time killer until the show is out of time. *signed--Jaded Viewer*
  3. Spoken by one who knows. Personally, I don't have any idea what prisoners eat, but somehow I imagine it's better than the average joe's meal. Some guys in prison stay super buff, they work out all the time, in the yard and in their cells. Others are lazy asses who spend their time sitting or sleeping. I'd guess Riley is a member of that second club.
  4. I didn't have a clue who Leona Lewis is, never heard of her, but I recognized her songs played at the beginning. My radio station never IDs songs like they used to back in the day when stations had local DJs instead of nationally syndicated shows. I liked the winning song too, but it sure went all Spanish-language for the final version. Not that that's a bad thing (*coughJustinBiebercough*). At the end when the final three songs were sung again, the contrast between everyone all happy and smiling and bopping along to the song that would win sure switched up quickly to sad faces and tears being held back for the last song, the Tall Drink man's. I figured that was the end of him. I wondered if the guy who sang the Spanish part of the winning song got hurt feelings he wasn't used in the final rendition. I laughed when Tall Drink was called that when he came into the room. And during his rehearsal when he said he had so much trouble with women, and the show guy said he should try a guy, I burst into loud laughter at that. I also liked that judge (I do not know these peoples' names) saying he felt like he was birthing a child after Tall Drink sang the revised song. This was my favorite episode so far. Although none of them have been duds, it's been fun to watch every week.
  5. I liked the backstage segment last night, it was fun and interesting, and made me like Gonzo. I appreciated that the camera person was fascinated with Gonzo's rear end, which kept getting its own close up. Terry looked quite nice in those jeans and shirt. I did a laugh when Opera Girl squeaked during her rehearsal. Because of the fun intro, I was bummed that Gonzo went home instead of the choir. Now I wish I had given him 10 votes the night before. As for the choir, as another poster said, I can hear the same thing at any number of local churches. And not even their choirs, the congregation. I would have been okay with all three of the Dunkin Saves going through, but since I was online, I voted for Jackie. I thought Falco was tired the night before and I didn't care for Guitar Guy Monday, although I liked him the second time he appeared. I noticed the results weren't being shown on my tv as people were voting, like last week, which made me realize my vote wouldn't count. So yeah, this week I voted and it did count. Yeay me. Bello Nock does that spinning wheel thing and also makes it look like he's going to fall, as did one guy last night. I wondered if Bello was now working in Vegas. No one would recognize him without his High Hair and clown suit. He's actually quite handsome when dressed all regular like. That entire act was great, and made it clear there is work in Vegas for the knife throwers, acrobats, hand balancers and contortionists. I meant to ask who that judge was Monday night, wearing the red t-shirt. Thank you Julianne for pointing out it was Simon. This is the best post of the day. Maybe the entire week.
  6. There needs to be a "BARF" emoji.
  7. This made me laugh since I imagined Hoop Guy being electrocuted via his lighted hoop in all that water. Yeah, I'm bad.
  8. This made me laugh, so thank you. I was baffled by Simon saying to Hoop Guy, "Is THAT a million-dollar act?" when he's never asked that of any singer, ever. Although I guess once he gets them to sign a contract, all singers ARE a million-dollar act. For Simon. And how many times have we seen Gonzo, yet he's obviously "a million-dollar-act" since Simon keeps him on the show. I agree about Jackie's performance, but let's not ruin it by putting her in the same category as Trailer Nasty and Cara/K. Please!
  9. Thank you. And for all the reasons you mentioned. The only bright spot is this kid will have to go out and get some office job somewhere when her voice gives out when she's 15. And yeah, lightning will strike me for writing that. I'm ready.
  10. I was watching for this last night thanks to poster comments here, so I noticed this AND that Gabby was first after Jackie Fabulous. WTHeck show. Like if the Judge Of Color doesn't like the Act Of Color, then the White Judges shouldn't either? The Black Singer bored me so much, I didn't notice if Gabby went first after him, I was channel flipping. Simon buzzing the acts HE put through never ceases to annoy me. I felt sorry for the dog act, the dog wasn't feeling it last night, he was either tired or bored or something. He didn't even want his reward (the tuggy toy) when before he was so enthusiastic and energetic and grabbed his tuggie to play with. No Simon, the dog did NOT shine. However, his backward foot-matching with his owner was something I hadn't seen before. And yes, people, I work with dogs professionally. Choir, Guitar Guy, Black Guy Singer, Beat Box Guys ... I got bored and looked away to do something else. Translation: Flipped to another channel. Gonzo ... I think he hurt himself by not stripping down to his undies and tights. Simon, it's your fault he was there so take your X and shove it. I liked Benecio and was WAY impressed with his singing of the National Anthem at the Mariners' game. He was the only singer I stopped and listened to. And I agree with the poster who said if the background track was "overpowering" him, Simon, you jackass, talk to your stage crew, NOT the kid who has absolutely no say in how his act is produced. If you hated it, hate yourself Simon, it's your fault. I was glad to see Hoop Guy back, although disappointed with so much water it washed all his sparkly glitter off. I wish he had been wearing long tights instead of the little trunks, too, but that's just me. I wondered if the show borrowed DWTS's water trough and sprinkler for the act. Or does every network have its own? Loved Dom's act. I pointed to TapeFace so his act was a win-win for me. But it would have worked regardless of who was pointed to as I was mentally doing an imaginary finger point at the same time. But who cares. I liked him. Jackie Fabulous made me laugh. And I still like her hair. I laughed that she said "Oh, HELL no" when Terry asked if she would go jogging on the beach with her. I would have been tempted to say I'd make an exception for you, Terry. Because I would. I happened to be online when the show was over so decided to vote. Odd that one could vote 10 times for as many acts as one wanted. What's up with that? I voted for Dom, Chien (although he's so good I figured he didn't need my votes), Benecio, Jackie and Hoop Guy. I want Hoop Guy to go through just to say "Bite me" to Simon. ETA: HATED Opera Girl, which is why she's not mentioned above. She's been mind blocked.
  11. I think the invitees were people TPTB invited. The show is the one paying for this thing. I mean, wedding.
  12. Which beats the lanky skanky greasy extensions all to heck. One even has to own a comb or brush to achieve an up do. Does CH get paid extra or get a nice tip for performing the wedding? Or is he just included in the Paradise Package?
  13. And the raccoon. That's when this show used to be mindless fun. It's taking itself much too seriously these days.
  14. I was a real Dean fan on Rachel's season. That is, until we got to know his personality. Then all of a sudden he wasn't so good looking. Now I think he's skanky, with or without the 'stache.
  15. I'm for that. So I can not watch it. TPTB keep sneaking her into BIP scenes, which causes me to flip the channel on this show.
  16. It would have been hilarious if Demi gave her rose to Blake. Or Derek. Or Dean. That would have been worth watching this dreck episode (instead of flipping to ANW and SYTYCD every few minutes like I did.)
  17. I wasn't going to watch the Hinckley episode but ended up doing so anyway. I remember being so IRKED when he was let go, and even more angry after his sentencing that said he would never serve any prison time for shooting three people, and only by the grace of god not killing Reagan. Instead he got free room and board, medical care and everything else free, paid for by our tax dollars. So irritating and upsetting. President Carter was lucky Hinckley never got a shot off to kill him. I guess that's not worth any prison time either. According to heavy.com, "Hinckley said in a 2018 evaluation that he has never been happier" and he's "happy as a clam." Well, good for him. How about asking Jim Brady how great his last years were.
  18. True this. And it works the other way too. When I got engaged, all of a sudden men who had never looked at me before wanted to go out with me, and more than one married man suggested we spend the weekend together. Or just "go to his house since the wife was away." I've never had so much attention in my life. It all ended, however, when the engagement got called off and all of a sudden I was no longer desirable. Even though I was the same person throughout.
  19. So I guess I could be like Demi, get on the show and date a few guys before telling everyone about my boyfriend at home. The show would then fly him to Paradise so we could sponge off of the craft-services table, have a great vacation together, then get a free Neil Lane ring and get married on teevee. SWEET!
  20. Like Hannah B's Angry Bird brows. Yikes.
  21. CH: Paradise is all about finding love. Me: LMAO. Yeah, right.
  22. Where did this Taz-a-whan person come from? She is complaining about people kissing and hugging when they are in a pool, because it's too hot to touch? Girl, you are on the wrong show. Maybe you need to hook up with Dean. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  23. I'd call him "honest" if he told the women he's romancing that he's a player and won't be around in the morning. Then they can make up their own minds to stay or go. So far, in all his appearances, I've never seen him do that. You know, be "honest."
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