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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's right! Wasn't that song a Jeopardy clue recently, they showed a picture of Tim McGraw? It's good I have a short memory or I might have said MCGRAW to TUG blank myself!
  2. Obviously you are a baseball fan! I thought BOAT immediately, then OF WAR. And went back to BOAT for my final answer. Never gave Mr. McGraw a thought until I saw your post!
  3. That made me laugh long and hard. It was the Best Burn Ever. For HOT ______, I said "TAMALE,' the second-place answer, which got a gigantic WTH? reaction from the panel like no one had ever heard of that before. I was glad "DOG" won. Made her burn even better. I didn't think of LOUD AND CLEAR either, until Mario said it. It was the perfect answer, better than the only one I could come up with, FREE.
  4. I felt bad for the two men who Whammied out pretty much instantly this week. Can't blame them for pressing their luck though. I really liked Pam, and yes, she was def channeling Peg Bundy. She had a great personality and I found nothing at all offensive about her. She was nice, so excited to be doing well, and was tons of fun IMO. I wanted her to go out after she won the Guess wardrobe, but a check of the clock told me she would go on. I couldn't believe she left with the clothes and the Cher concert. Coolest player and win ever. Well, at least so far, for me. I wonder if there was a distance the private jet to the Cher Vegas concert would go. Would it pick me up in the Midwest? Maybe Pam lives in the LA area so the jet prize was pretty safe. I was happy she didn't gamble more to get the car. Speed kills. I mean, Greed Kills. I've never seen any high-school girl wearing what Pam was wearing, or having that hairstyle. But IMO, when you are OLDER THAN 40 you can do and wear whatever you damn well please. Heck, when you are younger than 40 you can do and wear whatever you want too. I'm all for people who don't follow the flock when it comes to hairstyle and clothing. While the Peg Bundy look is not for me, I thought it looked great on Pam. I'm irked on Wheel when the puzzle is obvious yet they buy more vowels. (I'm a conservative spender!)
  5. You might add Windmill Jesus to that short list. He is currently my favorite made-up person.
  6. Oh, I seriously doubt that Hannah will ever cringe at anything she's done in the past or will do in the future. Girl is perfect -- in her mind. If she ever did anything untoward, it was because someone else made her do it, it'll be that person's fault. Never hers. Past Bachelorettes have made it through their seasons without copping the attitude that she is The Most Important Person In The World. Not Hannah. Of course, she had that attitude before becoming The B-ette so I guess it's not a surprise. I think of all those lucky guys she sent home. Good on ya all!
  7. I loved your entire post @JudyObscure. But the above made me laugh for a reason no one but I will understand. So thank you! I know a lot of born-again Christians, and every one of them was born again with birth defects.
  8. I watched with half and eye and only one ear so I don't know any of the names of these acts. The dog act I liked -- I've never seen The Greatest Showman so it didn't irk me. The guy's outfit and props were top shelf, and he put this act on the plus side when he got on the giant ball and juggled. Big YES vote from me. The balancing guys who lost their luggage -- and were dressed by AGT! -- were mega cool. I like them. Maybe they aren't worth a million dollars but I'd pay to watch them just stand around on stage, and maybe say a few words once in a while. I don't even care what the words are. Vote: YES. The Orange Magician I hadn't seen before and I LOVED him. He's my Golden Buzzer. Speaking of the GB, I barely looked up when Brad gave the little "bullied" girl his GB. *yawn* So what. I didn't like anything about her, but I wondered about the GB after Simon told her to knock off the bullied business next time ... IF she goes through. Like he didn't know Brad was told to press the GB for her. My vote: NO. Karaoke Guy wouldn't have gotten through to this episode if I were king. I liked the black guy singer who said he worked the streets and subways to make a living. He would have made the cut over the bearded Swede, again if I were king. But whatever. Singers. Eh. I laughed that the bearded guy was all about how he's "different." Dude, maybe in Sweden but in America you look like every singer or backup band guy playing weekends in every tavern in every small town everywhere. I liked the mentalist couple except there is something weird about them that I can't articulate. I don't know how any of those mental tricks are done, and I'm fine with them being real magic. The woman, however, I keep thinking she's a mannequin so I am startled when she speaks or moves. The hoop guy I just saw two nights ago on the audition rerun. No mention then of his tragic backstory. Two nights ago his story was he went to a circus and saw the acrobat guy and decided he wanted to do that too. Now, two days later, his life is full of tragedy and he only performs through his grief in memory of his dad. Okay then. I didn't see who all got sent through, not that it matters. I'll see them again down the road. I just wish I could skip the SIX SINGING GOLDEN BUZZERS.
  9. According to the previews, you'll be skipping the rest of this season, too.
  10. Crowley. HA ha ha. I'd def watch that season with him as Bachelor. Talk about bringing the DRAHMAH!
  11. Fair will be fair when men beach volleyball players wear little teeny bikini undies that disappear into the crack of their butts (don't forget to shave, fellas), and men gymnasts wear French-cut leotards that also migrate into the crack of their asses. Meanwhile, I'm good with Ninja men putting on stretch tank halter tops to wear with their Speedos. Because, as you say, equality.
  12. All these new Pass Rules make me want to mute the remote and numb my brain. Although I'd be all about that Hair Pass, Kevin to Daniel. Good one!
  13. I think you meant to say, "They'd prefer some weak-willed beta dude who will let TPTB turn things into a shitshow." You're welcome. While I don't think Luke is a paid actor, I do believe he is following the script given to him by TPTB, and Hannah is being led by the nose by the same manipulators. All to create drama and water-cooler -- and online -- talk. It works every season.
  14. I was so wanting him to say, "No, I'm going to just sit here a while. You can leave Hannah. Waiter ... can I get another shrimp cocktail and a beer, please?" THAT would have been a Golden Moment. This sentence would work even better if you replaced "Luke" with "Hannah," and "he/him" with "she/her." So FUNNY! Another example of why @JenE4 is the best. I wish I could give @JudyObscure a zillion likes. Why get mad at all? Hannah was the one who insisted she "walk Luke out." She could have left at any time, or just left period and made Luke find his own way out. Being Episcopalian bred, born and raised, I found this pretty funny. Still, I never met Windmill Jesus in all my years in that church, so Hannah's Windmill Jesus has to be some other religion altogether. Maybe he's in The Windmills Of Her Mind. As you write, this is a DATING game. Not a fuck-every-guy-you-see game. Or at least it used to be, until Hannah showed up. I've dated a zillion guys IRL and didn't eff any of them. And Jesus had nothing to do with my decisions to "abstain." It was all me, I tell you, all ME. My choice. Mine.
  15. Wow, that huge windmill property is only $158/night. The little tiny place Peter was gifted must have been a whopping $50/night. The boat, maybe $35/night. Luke didn't get a FS. Fleiss really saved $ by sending the gang to Crete. Guess he's had to pay for that divorce and all.
  16. In that ending clip with Peter in THE windmill, was that couch thing their bed? It looked like a pull-out sleeper/trundle bed. Or was there a bedroom upstairs? Windmills do have upstairs, except most have a big grinding stone up there, sort of dangerous when the wind is blowing. Anyone familiar with sleep overs in a windmill?
  17. I think you mean her conversation AT Luke. Except conversation isn't the right word since that means more than one person is allowed to speak. So much YES to the bolded sentence. Like EMILY would have! I remember disliking Emily during her season, but after suffering through Hannah and this debacle of a season, I'm wishing for more Emilys. Every season the b-ettes get worse and worse. It's like that old song, sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone.
  18. Two words: Sean Lowe This is hee-larious! While I'm more familiar with the teachings of Shower Jesus, Windmill Jesus is all about fucking anyone and everyone as many times as you want, even if you have a husband. Windmill Jesus is also fine with swearing or, more accurately, cussing up a storm so every other word has to be bleeped out on national tv. Windmill Jesus will also love you if you flash obscene gestures that have to be blurred on national tv. Yessir, Windmill Jesus really loves Hannah, she does all the things he's fine with. Windmill Jesus will still love her when she goes bat-shit crazy and kills someone. Hannah in her jail cell: "Windmill Jesus still loves me." You don't have to look THAT closely. @GracieK, one thousand likes to your posts.
  19. Is someone a stalker if the producers of the show you signed a contract to be on tell you to do something, provide transportation, rooms, meals and so forth in order for that person to fulfill a scripted role? Gee, I don't know. I don't feel sorry for Hannah in the least. She's not a good person. And I meant my previous post about her making a purse out of Luke's face. Girl is bat-shit. She'd make life hell for any dude she ropes, unless the guy is a milque toast who likes to be bossed around. And told how to do everything. And never do it good enough. There are guys like that out there. I just don't care if Hannah ever finds one.
  20. None of them could love Hannah more than she loves herself. *sigh* Luke didn't even get a going-away backpack.
  21. Either that or it was his slick way of getting out of being suspected of effing Hannah on national tv, whether he did or not, and having to listen to that for the rest of his life. Dude escaped totally clean. He has good self-preservation skills. Not sure I would call it respecting Hannah -- it's more like respecting Tyler.
  22. Hannah believes love is unconditional. Meaning if she wants to fuck around, that's okay. Jesus and her husband will still love her. Luke, you escaped with your life. Too bad he doesn't realize it.
  23. Well, Peter just got busted on national tv. I hope that condom didn't.
  24. Oh, Luke, the look on your face. You are lookink at the reaaal Hannah now. You want that crazy woman ragging at you for eternity? Get OUT! GET OUT NOW! Escape before she cuts your face off and makes a purse out of it.
  25. I'm 100 percent Team Luke. He said if Hannah had slept with the other guys, he'd be out of there. Hannah won't let that drop, she had to make it to be all about her, that he's judging her, that he's telling her what she can or can't do. Why not just say, "Okay Luke, you're out of here." THAT is exactly what he said, not all that Hannah made-up me-me-me-it's-all-about-me bull cr*p. Hannah didn't hear a single word Luke said. Because I am on Team Luke, I'm all for him to escape and live another day without that harpy screeching at him day and night. God, she is so LIKE AWFUL.
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