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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 43 — TWO asterisk * 209. On The Map. 9-letter name for an area of 10 million square miles–4/5 the size of Africa–but only about 120,000 square miles of it is dry land. * 210. Word Origins. Meaning cobbled together, it once referred to a temporary fix replacing a broken mast on a ship. * 211. Mythology. In Homer there’s only one of these, from the Greek for “terrible”; later they became 3 scary sisters. * 212. On Broadway. This play opens in Vienna in 1823, 32 years after the death of its title character. 212. 16th Century Names. Hoping to stop Dominican friar Johannes Tetzel from preaching for indulgences, in 1517 he wrote a series of debate topics.
  2. I don't have a clue. But then, I'm not the smartest one in this thread! I will be sorry for the contest to end. After the mod messaged me and told me to STFU and basically kicked me out of the Season 35 thread, this contest is my only connection to Jeopardy and my poster "friends." (Insert sad-face emoji) My posts from last week didn't get removed so I am now becoming bold enough to start giving LIKES again to scores as I record them. The mod did force me to consider leaving the contest, but then what would I do with all those prizes I bought. (Don't get excited, they are not THAT great. But a little great is better than no great, no?)
  3. I'm missing a report for last week, Week 42, from @helpmerhonda. Be sure to add your weekly total to stay in the contest. I've already purchased all the prizes and don't want to keep any for myself! Week 43 clues will be posted later today or tomorrow. @Sharpie66 is still missing, which is of great concern.
  4. LOL! I just wrote the above and, rereading it, see Hannah is with horses like she is with these bachelors. She tells the horse to stop and back up, then bitches because the horse stops and backs up. And she just doesn't know how to make it "work." Oh, that's just one viewer's spec in the People article. They are in the Netherlands, land of windmills. Of course there are windmills in the background. I'll wait to see if the FS are in windmills, THEN I'll be all judgemental about it.
  5. What made me mad was TPTB were letting two novices abuse those well-trained and extremely gentle horses. Why not freaking TELL Hannah to let go of the reins and loosen up so the horse will go forward, not stop and back up, which was what she was telling it to do. It was like they wanted that date to be a cluster, and a cluster is what they got. Worst.Date.Ever. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a date. More like a farce that made a fool out of everyone, including TPTB. If I owned one of those horses being used, I would have intervened. Why didn't someone? It's easy to stay put in a dressage saddle on a Friesian. As for the helmets, if either one of those two morons fell off on their heads, no harm would have been done.
  6. We don't know that from watching the show. The PTB are giving him the Vacuous and Dumb edit. As someone else posted, the preview of the car driving away could be Luke in there or it could be CH. This show likes to dangle the carrot in front of our noses, then pull it away. What we DO see, however, is a blurred hand so we ASS-ume Hannah is giving someone the bird. So I guess since Jesus is alright with Hannah f*cking multiple people, he's good with her doing obscene hand gestures too.
  7. I did catch the editors showing a close up of the salami on the tray, a pile of it all dried out, ancient and shriveled. The next scene was Garrett picking up a pile of salami, inspecting it, shrugging like, "Oh, okay," and chowing it all down. Chad would have been proud that Garrett got his edit.
  8. In my case, it was discovering he doesn't have anything inside his head besides some sawdust and moths buzzing around. Pretty only goes so far when there are good-looking guys out there who are actually smart as well. Every once in a while one appears on this show. (Not often though, I must say.) "Tyler and I's relationship is over on this show!"
  9. Watch for the play opening this fall on Broadway, "Hannah, Woman of LaMancha."
  10. I thought for sure a Bachelor Handshake was going to happen ...
  11. Oops, reading backward, I see @Ms Blue Jay caught my Seinfeld reference! Yeay!
  12. It was a reference to the Seinfeld episode where there is a flashback to high school and George's gym teacher was ragging on him. The catch phrase was "Costanza, can't stand ya." So when I wrote "Can't stand ya" in that post, I put Costanza as Tyler's last name to give credit to the quote. I know, obscure. But no harm intended. I'm just off the Tyler Train after this episode. WAY off.
  13. One of the commercials tonight promo'd the sent-home bachelor will be on GMA tomorrow. I wonder which one it will be. Maybe it'll be a group interview. Willie Nelson song: "Mamas, don't let your daughters grow up to watch Bachelor(ette)."
  14. Maybe the FS is in a windmill? Grasping at straws here. I'm irked previews show Luke being sent home. Spoiler alert. But maybe he come back on the last episode, with a Neil Lane ring, and proposes! I do remember some weeks ago CH telling Hannah some dude bought a ring and is back to propose. So there's that hope.
  15. Who had the windmill date? Inquiring minds want to know!
  16. But that would leave her with saying absolutely nothing. Which, after thinking about it, would be an improvement. Yeah, go home Garrett and take that smart-ass smirk with you.
  17. OMG. Hannah just said "Luke and I's relationship."
  18. Yes! What God Has Put Together Let No Man Put Asunder. Is Luke the only one who has not professed his lurv for Hannah?
  19. I was joking when I kept saying Luke found Jesus in the shower, but I guess that's what really happened. Go figure.
  20. OMG, Garrett just said "Hannah and I's relationship."
  21. I hope Garrett is going home. His smirking and smiling and winking at Luke is more creepy than anything Luke has said or done. Then asking Luke if he is crushing on him (I paraphrase), Garrett is full on flirting with Luke. Talk about a Wrong Reasons guy, Garrett's it. I don't even want to see him on BIP.
  22. I'm on Luke's side at the moment, I'm tired of Garrett's smartassery too. Just STFU Garrett. You are so high school. Yeay, I was just getting ready to tell Luke to leave, and Luke left. Ha ha! I'll bet Garrett puts the salami back on the tray. He's just that kind of guy. All the good guys have been sent home. *sigh*
  23. The same person is doing Hannah's eyebrows AND Luke's.
  24. Luke, shut the freak up. You are ruining your chances of getting that HT that I so want to see. Ask about how much Hannah is enjoying her JOURNEY and what Hannah thinks about whatever, just as long as the subject is HANNAH. Only then are you guaranteed a rose. That, and throw her down on that couch and make out. That works too.
  25. LOL! I know, it makes me happy too. Those boys all get to live another day. Hoping Luke has one crazy-ass family, with road kill in the basement freezer and a mom that chugs booze right from the bottle and a sister with more tats than Adam Levine. That will be worth putting up with this tedious season. Oh, cr*p. So I hope Peter Pilot goes home. For the reasons I posted above!
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