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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. YES. "Like" this 1,000 times. And then 1,000 more. She's the rude one, not the men. She's a crazy ass, that's for sure.
  2. You'd think the bach who watched Colton's season with his dad in the hospital would know that. (Just can't remember who that was. Maybe it was LUKE! Ha ha ha!)
  3. Oh, please Hannah. The guys are sitting around talking. If you don't want to hear it, move to another room or go outside. If you want to direct their conversation so they only talk about what YOU want them to discuss, good luck, bitch. Hannah: "Stop talking about him because I can figure that out for myself (re: Luke). Me: Yeah, good job so far Hannah.
  4. No kidding. If I were one of the guys, I would play the part to keep traveling and eating well while in Europe, but I wouldn't want anything to do with her if Luke is her "type." I'd just stay on as long as I could to be either the Bach or on BIP. There. I said it. LOL! She's tired of hearing screaming. Then send your F1 boyfriend Luke home you dumbass.
  5. Are any of the guys listening to Hannah while she has her entire bare leg up to the crotch sticking out of her gown, up on the sofa? I don't think so!
  6. Stirring the sh*t is what that's called. Luke is so priming up for a starring role on BIP. And TPTB are loving every drah-mat-ic minute of it. *yawn* It's like the guys were told to grill Luke and get on his case. If not, what a bunch of little babies. Get over it. I do like Garrett being able to say a group of sentences without a single "like," while Hannah, on, like, the other, like, hand, can't even manage, like, one.
  7. How far did a PA have to drive Luke to get those shots of him in a church?
  8. They really need to flash names on the screen when the guys are talking. I recognize High Hair Garrett and Rupert Friend Tyler, and Mike is one of the black guys. But everyone else? Mystery men.
  9. Yes. It's reinforcing that men on dates, when a woman says no and go home, he gets to have sex with her anyway. Because HE wants to.
  10. I hate it when people pronounce "strong" as "schhtrong".
  11. Luke: "I HATE THIS! I hate being in this position." Translation: Rejected and SENT HOME. Why are you not gone, Luke? Oh, that's right. TPTB sent you back to beg so Hannah will let you stay. Blah.
  12. Of course Hannah was looking out the window to see if Luke was coming back like the producers told him to. Hannah's on script!
  13. Hannah looked like she was trying to not laugh while sending Luke home.
  14. Got everyone recorded for this past week, except @Sharpie66 who has been missing several weeks. Let us know you are okay Sharpie. Thank you all for continuing to play the contest. Good luck this week everyone.
  15. WEEK 40 — NO asterisk 194. 20th Century Theater. The final scene of this play takes place by a grave & includes the line “He had the wrong dreams.” 195. Landmarks. Poet Rabindranath Tagore compared this landmark to a teardrop glistening on the cheek of time. 196. Popular Products. This product that brought virtual tourism into homes in 1939 introduced its first virtual reality device in 2015. 197. Word History. This word for a bug or malfunction was popularized in the 1962 book “Into Orbit” by the Mercury astronauts. 198. Medical News 2018. For the first time, the FDA approved a drug for the treatment of this, though there hadn’t been a new case in 40 years.
  16. Thanks @helpmerhonda. I hope you had a good vaca. I'm also missing your Week 38 score. If you scroll backward here, you'll find the clues so as to refresh your memory. Well, I'll need your this week's score too (Week 40). Clues yet to be posted.
  17. Thanks for that link, @car54. Now I know why that woman was chosen as spokesperson ... she's retiring so will be out and gone. I'm glad Dateline put the spotlight on Lauren's story. I just hope the U gets burned, as do all of the people who did nothing. Then got awards for letting a student be murdered. And yeah, gotta love the spokeswoman saying the Dateline comment was "harsh." Excellent article, and thank you SLC Gazette for running it.
  18. Oh, his video is so definitely NOT funny. At least to me. I give him a big NO from here to eternity. But thanks for the link. It's shocking that he can actually make a living doing that. (Or at least he says he does.)
  19. I don't think any piece of paper or bunch of words telling this guy to stay away from Lauren would have made any difference. He was going to kill her. Period. And that he killed himself afterward ... I'm not sure what that says. But he wasn't going to go back to jail, and he made sure of that. It's so dumb that someone has to prove they are in physical danger or have been physically abused to get a restraining order. After they are dead is too late. And as for men not having an record of physical abuse/violence so police ignore their threats, every murderer has a first victim. They aren't born with a bunch of kills under their belt. How about stopping stuff before it happens, not having all this hindsight. I'm still gobsmacked that Utah students can all legally be packing guns in class.
  20. Good news for anyone who hasn't seen it the last two times it was on.
  21. Easy. They just stop filming, back up, and reshoot the scene with all contestants performing exactly to the script they were given. And which ever person broke from script gets some joke editing later, like the permanent black butt bar from seasons ago, or cuts from Hannah's crazy eyebrows to film of a giant flying bird. If I remember his intro package from episode 1, wasn't he an admitted big player who went through women like candy in a bowl? He had been a hard-core Use Em and Lose Em guy his whole life. Then he told producers he reformed after he found God and Jesus while the show filmed him taking a shower. And now he's all about being religious and a One Woman Man, like a Reformed Sean Lowe. Although I guess the "I'm a changed man and now I'm a nice guy" wears off when he's not in a shower.
  22. I have a feeling she's going to experience it later on in life as well. More than once. One guy didn't watch the season on tv after it was over. Forgot who that was. But it's silly to imagine, if you are F1, that your dearly beloved didn't touch ANY of the other guys, or they her. But she chose YOU and now you are engaged, so who gives a care what she did before your engagement and soon-to-be-marriage? *cough* Or stare at each other, a la Mike and Luke. What guy sits like that or even moves his leg like that when he's wearing pants, much less wearing a skirt? So much TPTB fakery. The editors love that black bar. I remember the one woman, they put it over her ass in every scene just to be smarties. I admit my mind wandered during their date, but I didn't see Hannah and Luke even kiss much less Hannah do her trademarked I'm On Top horizontal make-out session. Maybe there were some lip pecks during the Handshake, but nothing even close to what she did with other Bs.
  23. This is sort of a non-important fact to me, since he was only inside the dorm waiting for Lauren. Maybe it was too cold outside for him. As soon as he saw her, he went outside and killed her outside. So the end was the same if he was waiting in the lobby or the bushes outside. Yes, I wondered about this too. Why not block his calls or change her number or something. But I guess what's a no-brainer for me isn't for everyone else. I cringed that she actually paid this dude $1,000. And no cop thought about tracing where that money went? I wonder how Lauren paid it. Bitcoin? Money drop in some rando park trash can? I wonder how long that university spokesperson got rehearsed before she appeared on the show. It would have been better for that school if no one spoke since it was because of the school doing jack that a student was murdered on its campus. I felt if she said what she wanted to, SHE would have been fired.
  24. I keep staring at her eyebrows during all her closeups so I pretty much miss any conversation, which, in retrospect, is a (like) blessing. Those brows fascinate me, I wonder if they are the same ones she won pageants with or are they her Bachelorette brows. In any case, they are HARSH. I think the other poster's weedeater is more appropriate for fixing them than mere tweezers. I got up and did other things during her "deep" convo with Luke on that beautiful cliff overlooking the Masterpiece ocean that both were ignoring. I don't think that's the reaction TPTB were looking for from viewers.
  25. Yeah, Garrett's the guy with the Mile High hair. Sans hair, he's only 5 ft. 6. With hair, he's 6 ft. 2. Not that it matters whether Fancy Hair is Dylan or Garrett since they all have interchangeable looks.
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