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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That usually means a tapeworm.  Or he's pregnant. (Reference: Last week's episode.) Yeah, finally, I know ONE name now. I need more injuries so I can ID some of these guys. And no, I didn't know there was a Kevin until now!
  2. I don't know who any of these guys are on this rugby date. Evens the THs aren't getting named.
  3. WEEK 38 — NO asterisk 184. Games. When this game was introduced in 1860, it had squares like Intemperance & Poverty & if you hit the Suicide square your game was over. 185. Animated Characters. This cartoon character was based on a character in the educational comic “The Intertidal Zone.” 186. 19th Century Novels. The author of this tale dedicated the novel to British philosopher William Godwin, her father. 187. National Anthems. Its anthem was adopted in 1947 to replace one by Joseph Haydn that had been tainted by associated with Nazis. 188. Oscar-Nominated Families. It’s the last name of Alfred, Lionel, David, Emil, Thomas & Randy, who with 90 nominations, are the most Oscar-nominated family.
  4. I'm sure you are correct. It cracks me up that someone would spend $200 to look like an unemployed dude wearing a $2 tee he bought at Goodwill. To be fair, he might have been narrating so the masses of people watching on black-and-white sets would know what was happening.
  5. I was mesmerized by Julianne's eyes, they kept jumping from looking like normal people eyes to resembling black holes in a skull. To quote Spock: "Fascinating."
  6. I agree with this. Which makes me wonder why TPTB wanted Cam to tell Hannah all about his illness that has made every woman break up with him in the past. Isn't that sort of stupid to do on a dating show where the prize is KEEPING the woman? Doesn't make sense to me. But my money is on Cam going to BIP.
  7. Always have a box of Miss Clairol in your go bag. I thought this show was cancelled so I "sort of" watched last night to see how the series ended. I can't watch this show seriously, it's just too whack. So I don't know who Ice Cream, Briana, Weitz or Bethany are. Not that it matters. I did get some things done while the tv was on. The head of the FBI guy is so OTT like he's trying out his stand-up material on, well, everyone. What's up with Weller being so touchy about the word "family." He's such a dickweed, he's the brother I'd forget to invite for Thanksgiving if he were in my "real" family. Jane's hair continues to make me stare at it full time, which might be why I miss most of the dialogue. It's like a plastic wig that doesn't move. The best part of this show is coming here to read the snark. And sort of figure out what each episode was about. Even though I still don't know what last night's two eps were all about. Not that that matters either!
  8. LOL at Weller and Jane shooting that guy a zillion times, then Weller running over and shouting "Don't die! Tell me blah blah blah." Don't shoot if you want some guy to live and talk to you.
  9. This makes it harder and harder to believe any contestant is on the show for The Right Reason. Well, except the Right Reason seems to be to become a SM "influencer" or a D-list celeb. Haven't a couple ettes had "influencer" as their occupation lately? Every day I hear Ashley I plugging her lip plumper medicine on the radio, the one that has a zillion side effects and, oh yeah, might give you the fish lips you bought the stuff for.
  10. I can't tell one apart from another either, except for JPJ, the only different one. If I miss the two seconds the name is shown during a TH, I don't know who is talking, and the name isn't repeated when the TH keeps coming back to talk more. Not that it matters. I just don't know which guys are the ones you all are talking about! (Not that that matters either.) I had the same problem in Colton's season, all the women had the same hair, looked the same. Even down to the final few I couldn't tell them apart. I think the season of Hannah will be the same for me. Not that it matters!
  11. Catch the rerun on Sunday night. See above for time. Kristine was the fifth woman announcer. Alison Haslip was co-host with Blair Herter during the first season on G4. (Jamie Rahn was "Captain G4" back then.) The next two seasons the sideline reporter was Alison Haislip. Angela Sun was sideline reporter the fourth season, when Johnny Mosely took over as host along with Matt Iseman. The next two years Jenn Brown worked with Matt and Akbar. Kristine was on the four seasons after that. Now we have Zuri Hall. So, 11 seasons, six different women co-hosts/sideline reporters. Kristine is now star/host of "Fair Game with Kristine Leahy" on Fox sports.
  12. "While We Were Away." The group of contestants who get short vignettes of their runs shown after a commercial break as opposed to showing them from start to finish, get a WWWA. It is not popular on this thread, and especially short changes ninjas who make it to the buzzer.
  13. My tv schedule shows the repeat is on Sunday from 6-8 p.m. central time on NBC, right before the repeat of AGT (if you are interested in that!). Just in case you need to set an alarm or something to remind you!
  14. I was sorry to see the Marine go first. I liked him a lot but going first means you are going to fail on this show. The episode kept my interest which is a good thing. Lots of new people being introduced, which is funny to me since some of the ninjas they said had been on for four or five years I don't remember ever seeing. Maybe they were victims of WWWAs. Or my wandering mind. Speaking of, there were plenty of finishing WWWAs this time but I didn't mind. There seems to be more and more competitors so they have to weed them down somehow. Maybe they should let people who have no chance run during the afternoon so the field can be thinned down quickly after they all fall on the first obstacle. I was yelling at everyone who tried the Mega Wall to GETUPTHERE! and was stunned when the one guy actually made it. Good on him. I guess the ninja gyms have to up their warped wall now.
  15. So in other words: "Hannah, you keep working and bringing in the big dough while I work out in the gym all day and get facials and waxed abs. Your money can buy more mirrors so I can better see my reflection from every angle." No thanks!
  16. I know this was just a brain slip, but that would be my favorite season EVAH of this show.
  17. For some reason, I imagine Hannah had that exact same reaction when she got word she was the new Bachelorette.
  18. I pretty much enjoyed last night's show. Okay, so I'm easy. I REALLY dislike the two new judges though, since they put the POC where the former POC sat and the blonde "cutie" in the same place where the previous blond "cutie" sat. WTH show, why not switch them up if you are going to switch them up. I kept waiting for Gabrielle to throw her arms up and shout, "Wot joost HAH pened?" Instead, Simon kept saying it. Which actually was pretty funny. I loved Shin Lim but I thought this card guy was good and I enjoyed his act, even if it went on about 10 minutes too long. It was new stuff for me and I was good with it. The singing teen girl was anything but. Singing, that is. But I knew she would go through because you don't rank on someone who says they were bullied. If we all looked back at grade school and junior high we'd discover we ALL were bullied. Only it wasn't called that then so wasn't "cool." It was just how life was as a teen, you got picked on for everything if you weren't one of the "cool" kids. I would have X'd her except TPTB want her to go through for some reason. I laughed at the Human Fuse telling judges he had nothing else, that was as good as his act gets. I laughed because absolutely NONE of the other acts got asked that question. That's my pet peeve with this show. Why not ask the piano/dancer guy how he is going to "step it up"? Speaking of, I thought he was okay, although I thought his "I'm so shy and can barely speak English" was a rip off of last year's "shy" girl who went all Mick Jagger as soon as she started "singing." She was never asked to step it up either. The tall ginger drag queen made me want Prince Poppycock back. Judges all thought this guy was perfect for a Vegas show and loved him. Makes me wonder if Poppycock wouldn't have won it all this year, Piers Morgan was such a dick the year PP was on. I can't stand all ginger man's facial hair though, it's so mega gross IMO. So I'm good with his leaving soon. I didn't listen to the comedian so can't comment on her, although I think she was a step or two higher than Trailer Nasty, thank the gods for that. I kind of didn't listen to the Star Wars voice guy either. So ... pass. Golden Buzzer Kodi I admit brought tears to my eyes, and I did like his singing. I just wish the judges would have told him he had a great voice and THAT'S why he got the GB. Instead they made the point he got it because he's "inspirational." WTH does that even mean? That other blind and autistic kids can sing like he can? So if you are blind or autistic and can't sing, you are a failure? I don't care for that message at all. The judges should judge on talent. Or maybe I'm asking too much.
  19. I was going to post the same thing except I couldn't remember Kelsey's name. Yes, they would make a great couple. The conversations they could have ...
  20. I guess I zoned out during Cam's speeches since I didn't hear what his health problems are. All I heard was leg amputation, grandma and he had to "rehome" his dog, a fancy way of saying he gave it away. Or sold it. I have no idea how they all were suppose to mesh together.
  21. The guy pulled the football pad back just as she was going to run into it which is why she fell. Like Charlie Brown and the football that Lucy takes away as he's kicking at it. I thought it was a dick move on the guy's part. Both her knees had to have gotten bruised from her fall on the bricks. I would have kicked his ass to the curb so I'm not sure what I thought about Hannah laughing it off.
  22. I found myself staring at Hannah's eyebrows whenever she had a closeup. They are obviously faked, and drawn on so she looks like this guy, only it's both the brows that are similar to, but more severe than, this guy's one:
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