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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's why it should have been a BMS. Kit Carson and all. LOL! This must be why I knew it as well. Saturday morning cartoons were a treasure trove of educational topics. This surprises me more than all of the TSs that Monday's players did not know. Say it ain't so! ETA: Good on Sara for winning that game. Well played. I'll be rooting for you to go all the way.
  2. You will recognize your work when you hear it on the radio ... or American Idol. Bummer about your loss. Just having your iPad stolen is bad enough, then it had "stuff" on it. Yes, I'm a backup believer. And a regular user of Disk Utility. Maybe those "scraps" will come back to you bit by bit. Take/make notes. And back them up!
  3. On ABC's cast page, John Paul Jones' occupation is listed as John Paul Jones. It appears the show hates him too.
  4. From RS: "At the beginning of the season for the first time ever, we know that ABC released 33 men on the “Bachelorette” Facebook page. I can tell you that 3 of those guys never made the cut: Joe Romeo, Matt Dione, and Ben Granger. Hannah’s season started with 30 guys, with 8 going home on the first night."
  5. According to what I've found in my search, Matt Dione was kicked off the show before filming. He had been stalking a woman on social media and got busted. The guy with the hearing-impaired family is Matt Donald, not Matt Dione. All the articles that talk about Dione being removed from the show are from March. Here's his photo, I pulled it from Cosmopolitan's website. (They got it from ABC):
  6. Who is Matt Dione? Was he one who got sent home? Now I have to go look him up. *sigh* But I agree, what a dick.
  7. Don't bother. They all look exactly alike in those promo photos. They did all look better IRL, thank goodness. Was there packing popcorn in Box Joe's box? If there was, why wasn't it stuck all over his black suit? I'm cranky today and didn't think CH's fake sweeping was funny. I wanted to see a bachelor goof. Isn't Luke the one who found God in the shower? He did admit he was a dickwad before he found The Lord and saved himself. Maybe he reverted somewhere over Europe. Since Alabama's football team is the Crimson Tide, "Roll Tide" is a rally cry, kinda like Kansas' catch phrase is "Rock Chalk Jayhawk." It also can be a greeting or to tell someone goodbye. As in: "Roll tide, Scott." Unfortunately, this season isn't going to Roll Tide until Hannah gets her ring.
  8. Thanks for that tip @dcalley. I didn't know that ... but now I do! Works on my desktop.
  9. Oh, no, there goes the pilot who did not wear his uniform. Next time, dude. You can wear it on BIP.
  10. I knew she'd keep the long-haired blond guy. He's all set to be this season's villain/biggest dick. Oh, it IS daylight now. Yikes. Long (and boring) night.
  11. Maybe they rented by the hour this season. Sometimes those rose ceremonies don't happen until dawn, the rejects leave in daylight. It's common for some not to get to talk to the B-ette though. I guess those are the people who don't watch this show so don't know they are suppose to say, "Can I steal you for a minute?" when she's with someone else.
  12. You are not suppose to be thinking and using logic watching this show. The whole "spy" and "girlfriend" reveal was in the script. Thank the show's writers for giving Hannah that line.
  13. So big deal, Hannah is going to trash can eight guys tonight, who care if she sends a guy home early. Well, the producers do so it looks like something actually happened during this long and boring night. Scott was tonight' villain but no one will remember his name after a couple weeks. Or a half hour. It's not like the final night and she discovers the girlfriend. Taking bets on which other guy has a girlfriend who will appear half way through the season, in some foreign country, to reclaim her beau.
  14. Makes me wonder if this guy is a producer plant to create drahmah. Not that TPTB would ever do anything like that on this totally real unscripted show. *cough*
  15. How do those two evesdropping women know this guy has a girlfriend?
  16. Jed is Wes.2! You know love it don't come easy Jed.
  17. Rachel is getting commercial money. Good for her.
  18. I'll remember Matt Donald. And LOL at him smelling like diesel or gasoline after getting off that tractor. But I'm hoping he makes it to hometowns (TPTB might make sure he does) since I want to see his family interact, PLUS all those cool critters. BARF on the pilot guy showing up in his uniform.
  19. You mean like "On The Wings Of Love" Jake Pavelka? Yeah, that really went well.
  20. That was a huge mistake by the show. Her real name was Caroline Lee Radziwill so the player who answered "Caroline" should have at least been told BMS. But my thinking is those clue writers thought he meant Caroline Kennedy, Jackie's daughter. Even though the clue said they were sisters and yes, Jacqueline's sister's name WAS CAROLINE. This show sometimes.
  21. I'm surprised he didn't run into Sean Lowe in that shower. This show needs to quit putting white type on a yellow background and thinking people can actually read those words. What's up with that. Use a red, blue or even black background show.
  22. Just tuned in. In time to see the Dancing Construction Worker. I said "What a dick" out loud to him on my teevee. The pilot guy looks okay so far. Hoping some others stand out. I looked at the cast online today and thought they all looked the same with the exception of the long-haired blond dude.
  23. As soon as I saw the promo for Fat Shack, I knew the Sharks were going to buy into it. Such hypocrites after dissing DoughP last week for being SO UNHEALTHY and causing anyone eating a scoop of dough to be on the way of killing themselves through obesity. Then four out of five Sharks try to buy in on a food place named FAT Shack. Gah. I looked at the Fat Shack website during the show. There are 10 in Colorado, three in Texas, one in Washington. A large Fat Sandwich will run around $14, more or less. This laughable headline is on cnbc.com today: "‘Shark Tank’: Mark Cuban made a 6-figure deal with franchise that sells 2,000-calorie sandwiches." I hope he has a few Saucemotos for dipping while eating those Fat Sandwiches in his car. I enjoyed the QuickFlip (or whatever it was called) guy, he was muy entertaining. I wouldn't buy his products but he was fun to watch. That dog vest was a good investment IMO. Coyotes not withstanding, I'd put one on my pet dog if I were inclined to take it to a dog park (which I think are horrible places) so it wouldn't be mauled by the crazy and vicious dogs people let run around there. Plus it's common for dogs being walked on a leash to be attacked and mauled by loose neighborhood dogs. It's also a "thing" for little dogs to be carried off by hawks and eagles when they are in the back yard minding their own business. What the Sharks go for and what they kick out are always a surprise to me.
  24. @teebax, I was going to ask you if you and other tournament players got to stay, or did stay, to watch the final games so you would know the winner, or if ya'll were sequestered or kicked out. (No rudeness intended!) I hope the one player whom you did not care for isn't the final winner. Have you kept in contact with the other teachers? It would be interesting to know how they are doing during the showing. It's cool that Tucson is treating you well. I hope your students are duly impressed with your play because I was. Too bad your stress-induced illness (my diagnosis) didn't wait a few days. That was not a good way to end such a fantastic experience.
  25. You could just find FJ on the NY Times or TheJeopardyFan.com, then you wouldn't have to turn the tv on at all. Saves time. Me, I still like to hear the clues to see if I can answer them. I don't care who the players are.
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