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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. It's like all of these guys are auditioning for BIP. And thinking about it, I'd rather be on BIP than this show (with Hannah).
  2. Hannah laughing her ass off at that guy screaming in pain while getting (in)voluntarily waxed was sick. And I mean sick in a literal sense. Combine that with her joy at the men getting shocked almost to death in the birthing room ... if I were a man I'd take a hard pass at even thinking about hooking up with her much less getting engaged. I'd be afraid to go to sleep at night if she were in the same room.
  3. Yes, we've seen this before. Like EVERY SEASON!
  4. Cam looks like/reminds me of Evan who married Carly. Well, now we know there's a Kevin.
  5. Hannah comes and takes Cam away. John PJ: "She was like really emotional." Guy whose name I don't know gives "Oh crap, here we go again" look.
  6. I thought he was going to say he was suppose to get his leg amputated but came on the show to meet her instead, so he might die before Final Rose. But it's been all worth it to meet her and feel her love.
  7. Or engaged to a complete dickwad who might try to murder you some night.
  8. Yes! I'm so glad he realized was a dick he USED TO BE and now is nothing but a nice guy with only the best intentions.
  9. If you have to give a guy lessons on how to date and how to treat a woman after knowing him just a few hours, I'd say: HE IS NOT WORTH IT!
  10. His app and the guy who just got removed and the guy who got kicked off before the season started. I don't think they have a tester for anything, or else they are trying to squeak crazies through for drama and ratings. There are three so far and this is just the third week. Maybe we get one psycho per week?
  11. I'm in love with Lukas Graham. He's Danish, his hits were "7 Years," "Momma Said" and "Love Someone." If you haven't seen/heard him, you aren't keeping up with RL. The 1:1 Tyler.
  12. There was some deal with his having warrants or something for abuse or something. I read about it last week and forgot about it, obviously. It said he would be taken off the show while a group date was going on. That Chinese Crested dog looks like it's ready to bite anyone who gets close.
  13. OMG, Lukas Graham gets all my roses. (I guess they couldn't afford his entire band.) Show over.
  14. I hate when that happens. And it's happening a lot lately, isn't it. Yeah, all I want to do is make out with some dude I don't know when I'm too sick to get out of bed.
  15. "I quit my job to be here!!!!!!! The job I WORKED SO HARD to get!!!!!)* (*And probably will never get again if any future employers watch this show.)
  16. John PJ was chowing the nuggets. Brought back flashes of that meat-eating guy from a couple seasons ago, he was on b-ette and bip.
  17. I don't know these guys' names but the guy who Cam kept walking in on was telling Hannah that he and his girlfriend were pregnant and lost the child in the second trimester. Don't know if that was Mike or someone else. ETA: Sorry, @Mabinogia already posted the same. ETA2: Well, that was Mike and it got him the rose.
  18. I think Hannah should have had to experience the child-birthing machine too.
  19. WEEK 37 — NO asterisk 179. Name The French Author. “I am making myself liable to articles 30 & 31 of the law of 29 July 1881 regarding the press, which make libel a punishable offense.” 180. Poetry & The Movies. Robert Lowell’s “For the Union Dead” honored the 54th Massachusetts, the infantry unit in this 1989 film that won 3 Oscars. 181. 19th Century American History. In 1832, by a narrow margin, this state’s legislature rejected considering abolition; a split was completed in 1863. 182. Jazz Classics. In one account, this song began as directions written out for composer Billy Strayhorn to Duke Ellington’s home in Harlem. 183. Around The USA. Astronomy buffs visit Idaho for the USA’s first dark sky reserve; oddly, part of it is this resort area with a bright name.
  20. I wondered about that, how deep the water is since everyone can stand up in it. I don't know how much is "required" for diving from that height. It was fun though, and even if the scoring was kinda bogus, everyone was a good sport and all had a good time. Even I did watching! It was great to see Nick Coolridge, he's my favorite ninja of all time. I was shocked Joe beat him by skipping the rope, although thinking about other obstacles that "judges" don't seem to care if they skip parts, good on Joe for figuring out how to get to the buzzer first even though Nick had such a big lead. I also was happy to see Isaac. I'm one of the few, or maybe the only one, who likes him. I hope he and Nick continue in the new season.
  21. Maybe because I feel not much happens on this show that isn't in the script, I think TPTB set that scene up with shirtless Luke ("Hey you two, what about we film a massage. Luke, how about you take your shirt off"), then sent Cam over, or whoever that was ("Hey Cam, it's your turn with Hannah, she's in that tent over there, go ask if you can steal her") so all three would be blindsided. (*drink*) All to cause watercooler talk and online discussion so as to keep the franchise current and trending. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Like @JudyObscure, I watch this show for the snark and fun posting here. I'm not invested in whether anyone is there for The Right Reason, nor do I care if anyone actually "finds love." I pretty much forget everyone when the season ends, and much of the time I forget everyone DURING the season itself.
  22. Weather reports preempted all but the last 10 or 15 minutes so all I saw was some fight that was too dark to tell who was shooting at whom. Then Weller has his child back again? And Patterson wants to adopt a child? (With Rich?!) And that's about all I got this week. And I stayed home so I wouldn't miss this episode. LOL!
  23. If it really were no big deal, it (and whatever other offensive words they are using) wouldn't be bleeped out. Maybe it's "okay" at the mall or local tavern, but it's not okay on national tv if the network wants to continue to broadcast. I appreciate people who can speak complete sentences and convey a thought without the need to interject any swear words. That takes some skill these days it seems, a skill Hannah and most of her fellas don't seem to own. As a business owner, I wouldn't hire any of them.
  24. Oops. I totally missed the Canada part while concentrating on the teacher part.
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