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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. For @30 Helens (everyone else can skip or risk falling asleep), here is a short lesson on PBGVs. PBGV ears are set low, even with the eyes. When pulled forward, they should not extend beyond the nose. The fan of hair in front of the eyes is a breed characteristic and very important. The tail is carried up, similar to these photos, when the dog is moving. Color is always predominately white with spots that can range from black to lemon. Dogs under 12 inches or over 15 at the shoulder cannot be shown. Weight is 35-40 pounds. They are a heavy dog with substantial bone. They are active and vocal, the AKC standard says: "Good voice, freely used." They are so energetic that some show people, who got them when they were approved as an AKC breed (1990), got right out of them. Coat is harsh to the touch. It is my opinion (TM PTV) your dog was a Lhasa Apso or a mix of Lhasa and not any part Dachshund. Longhaired Dachshunds do not have coat on their faces, just ears, and their heads are narrow with a very long, narrow muzzle that tends to be Roman. The tail is straight, carried low, barely lifted off the ground when moving. These are Longhaired Dachshunds: Without seeing your dog's tail, I'd guess the dog as a mix of Lhasa Apso or even Havanese. Havanese are popular, being ranked No. 24 in popularity on the AKC list of 193 dogs. Lhasas are No. 71. PBGVs are rarer, No. 156 on the list of 193. Both Lhasas and Havanese have a soft, silky coat and carry their tails up and over their backs when moving. They also both have short legs. Dogs that were not bred to the AKC standard also tend to be longer in back than the breed calls for. My bottom line is, however, that a dog's breed makes no difference whatsoever if he/she is a Good Dog and a faithful companion. Just like it makes no difference (to me) if a person is part or all Swedish or Italian or Spanish if they are nice people.
  2. Boy, I don't know if I have the energy to sit through another season of the same old same ole, even if it's the Most Drah Madic Season Evah. Like another poster said, these spoiler don't affect me since I don't know who anyone is and am not sure I care. But yeah, Hannah sure did win the Travel Jackpot so that's worth tuning in for. I guess. Maybe things will pick up during the season's run, but after the exhaustion that was Colton, I'm not sure if I care if Hannah "finds love" or not. Someone, help me cheer up! I can only hope there is some eye candy in the group, although that doesn't seem likely from the photos posted above. *sigh*
  3. Christmas gift: The Brady Bunch boxed set.
  4. Spoiler tags, @opus, spoiler tags!
  5. Not enough sexual innuendo on Jeopardy. Trebek needs to step that up to win next year.
  6. If you had a dog, it would have cleaned the kitten's leg for you, AND eaten the ruined creamed spinach. Dogs can be very handy to have around. My grocery had a coupon for free spinach a couple weeks ago, before the Jeopardy spinach category. I made creamed spinach and, while it was okay, it didn't ride all that well with me and I have no desire to make it again. Maybe I need a different recipe. She obviously likes those tall, dark and handsome men.
  7. When I worked for a professional show-dog handler who had a lot of Shih Tzu clients, one of my jobs was to "iron" the Shih Tzus. I'd go through each one's coat with a flat iron (like people use) to remove any waves and get the desired flat, straight coat.
  8. He obviously has been to Mardi Gras and caught some beads thrown off a French Quarter balcony! And he's another black panther! Me likee. Good on you for hiring a trainer. I hope he/she helped. Yeah, 5 months is long enough for dogs to turn into monsters. I'm a zero-tolerance dog owner, but I also am a firm believer in positive reinforcement and, with all my dogs being show dogs, all are used to eating/sleeping/staying in crates while I am gone, being bathed/blow dried/groomed/teeth cleaned/nails trimmed, and will stand on a grooming table where I can do anything to them, no fussing. I've had vets comment on how well-behaved my dogs are. I used to think all dogs were that way. Boy, was I wrong. I've seen dogs behave horribly while waiting at the vet's, doing things they would only do once at my house and then never again. I blame people, not the dogs. One person couldn't bring her dog into the clinic because it kept biting her when she tried to take it out of the car. My vet (the senior partner) sent the newer doctor out to "get" the dog. I laughed and said, "So, you sent Scott out to get bit." Another time, the vet tech asked me to pick up an older gentleman's dog to hand to her through the office "window" so she could take it back for its nail clipping. The little sh*t dog bit me when I put my hands on it. *sigh* Another time a dog was barking non-stop in the waiting room. The owner was just sitting there letting it. My vet, who also has a boarding kennel, said the person boards that dog at his kennel and they have to put it in the run farthest from their house. Other dogs are practically dragging their owners through the lobby. Gah. Nightmares. p.s. I did edit my above post to note that Shih Tzu do indeed have undershot jaws. I had to double check with AKC.
  9. Shih Tzu or Shih Tzu mix. I'd guess she carries her tail up over her back when she moves. If it does not, I am wrong. She appears to have an under bite (undershot jaw) which is correct for the breed. If you let her grow out, she should have a long and silky coat. If you let her coat grow out and it's NOT long and straight hair, say it's curly or wavy, she could be a different breed, or a multi-mix. But with a spot on her back and colored ears, that's more typical of a Shih Tzu. Side note: I hate when Jeopardy asks players to identify breeds, then they use a photo of a "not show" dog that has been cut down so it does not have the correct coat (or conformation) for the breed. Anyway, I wish people understood that getting a puppy is like adding a 2-year-old human child to their household, it's a full-time job. And then, like people children, a dog only grows up as good as what the adults let it be, or teach it to be. That's why so many adult dogs end up being dumped, they are horrible citizens. For some reason, people expect all dogs to be born with the same skills Lassie and Rin Tin Tin have. So good on you for taking on this pup, @Abstract.
  10. Perhaps The Brady Bunch is AFTER His Time?
  11. LOL! That's why I rely on Jeopardy PTV posters to keep me "hip*." *'60s reference
  12. OOooh, I'm a big fan of Bosco. He's got the black panther look I like. Thanks for posting!
  13. Skip New York. Chicago is closer, and that's where The Berghoff is. Take the train downtown and walk a couple blocks down Adams (toward the Art Museum!) and there it is on your right. That's today's style. I just have two words for it: whisker burn. I don't have either condition but when someone tells me to smile or my photo is being taken, my face turns rigid and my smile is forced and anything but happy looking. As for being filmed, that makes it worse as a person can't escape. I had a speaking part in a corporate promo film and would clam up and look like a dork every time they said "Action." Back when one could smile for a driver's license photo, my smile looked like a space alien's. The only time I got a good photo was when the photographer said to look "right there," and he pointed to a funny picture (A guy with fried eggs for eyes). It made me laugh, my smile was REAL, and I got a great picture that year. Bottom line: I see nothing "wrong" with James' smile, his teeth, his jaw, his face or anything else about him. But I'm also not that judgemental. Glass houses and all.
  14. I agree. It was another poorly written clue. My search says the first boatload of U.S. Army camels came from Tunisia, Malta, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt, and the second boat load all from Egypt, which is part of both the African and Asian continents. Not exactly "all" from "Africa." The first load included two Bactrian camels, which are found in central Asia. While I knew about the camel experiment, elephant was a good (if wrong) response based on the badly written clue. Zebra was a wild stab based on its resemblance to a horse I guess, even though they are notoriously difficult if not impossible to domesticate/train.
  15. The Berghoff is a German restaurant where the entrees include Wiener Schnitzel, Sauerbraten, three kinds of Game Sausage, Sausage Trio, Spinatknödel, three kinds of schnitzel including Jäger Schnitzel, and German Gnocchi. The Berghoff sides include the German standbys of sauerkraut, potato pancakes, red cabbage, spätzle and German potato salad. Creamed spinach is just one of the "American" sides, along with cole slaw, chips, Brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes. There is not one single steak on The Berghoff's menu. I’d guess James has been to The Berghoff, it’s one of Chicago’s most famous places, which is why he didn’t ring in. Who figures a German place for creamed spinach. It was a stupid clue. And I stand by that fact.
  16. I actually said STFU to Lizzie at the beginning when she's waxing on a bunch of BS to Red. Although that could mean they really are related, the tendency to drone on endlessly. I did like Red admitting he can't decide what to do with her, although I vote for shoot her and put me out of my misery. The experiment with the kids was nonsensical. The world's population is 7.5 billion and rising every day, and this one little kid is going to save the world because she can withstand heat and drink salt water? Even if she had one kid per year, odds of her child having the same genetic make up are slim unless the father also can do those things, then it's still not assured. So I really wouldn't count on her for changing the world given it takes about 15 years (give or take) to even see if the experiment on one kid works. It was a plus for this show to talk about climate change, the plot was just, well, stupid. Yeah, the scientists in Downsizing did it much quicker and easier. And better. I wonder about Lizzie sitting outside some amusement park and watching Agnes like some sort of stalker. Wouldn't she actually want to SEE her kid, like maybe give her a hug and tell her mommy loves her? Agnes is going to freaking freak out when (and if) Lizzie actually rips her away from her real mother, Scottie. Real in Agnes' mind anyway. I have no idea how kids grow ... how old did Agnes look? I was expecting her to be 15 or something, like the soap opera rate of growth.
  17. This is a fun article that has some good info about James' donations, plus an ending sentence that made me laugh.
  18. WEEK 34 — NO asterisk 164. Organizations. The oldest of these business booster groups, formed in Marseille in 1599, uses “de” instead of “of” in the name. 165. European Cities. Founded, according to tradition, in 11 B.C., this former capital lies about halfway between Paris & Berlin. 166. The King James Bible. Of the 4 riders mentioned in Revelation 6, only this one is explicitly named. 167. American Plays. A character in this 1944 play is said to be like a piece in her own collection, “too exquisitely fragile to move from the shelf.” 168. Words of the 2000s. In 2008, TIME Magazine described this new practice as “one part social networking and one part capital accumulation.”
  19. I never would have gotten FJ today. I know GoFundMe and Kickstarter, but did not know the term "Crowdfunding." I also was trying to think of SM influencers, like Lori Loughlin's daughter, so considered Instagram after discounting YouTube. In other words: No clue.
  20. I lost today's game by one point, although I'm missing 10 clues I didn't hear while doing something else. Not that it matters. Color me irritated at Treck's READING reading reading of the clue for echocardiogram. James went up several points on my Good For You Scale when he flashed the Vulcan salutation after giving the answer of Leonard Nimoy. May you live long and prosper Mr. Holzhauer. Pete gets first choice in DJ and picks the 400 clue. *sigh* These players are suppose to be smart. WTH. Camel was a TS. Of course. Because it's an animal. Aardvark. The Berghoff's creamed spinach being a TS totally tossed me. I've eaten there multiple times and had no clue it specialized in creamed spinach. So I checked out its menu. Creamed spinach is one of eight side dishes in the Berghoff Café where it is merely listed as "creamed spinach" while chips are "Berghoff seasoned chips." It does not come with any of the cafe meals. In the Berghoff Restaurant, out of 9 apps, 10 salads, 11 sandwiches and 20 entrees, only one entree comes with creamed spinach, the Chicken Schnitzel. Creamed spinach is just one of 10 sides available. So, while "creamed spinach" answered the clue, adding "The Berghoff Restaurant" to it is what made it a TS. People go to the Berghoff for German food and beer, NOT creamed spinach. Side note: The Berghoff has a professional wait staff. When I went with three other people, our waiter, an older gentleman complete with white napkin over one arm, took our entire order without writing a single thing down, and delivered an excellent meal to each of us, with no questions or errors. Memorable.
  21. I need that hug emoji for @pennben. Your mother sounds wonderful, a skilled Jeopardy player and a wise person. You were lucky to grow up under her watch. I'm glad you are back, I hope the show brings good memories. If that was a workshop AT Iowa, then indeed the specific university was referenced since University of Iowa in Iowa City is just called "Iowa" and Iowa State at Ames is, well, Iowa State. I know because posters here have kicked my butt about that exact topic more than once.
  22. I don't remember any book I was required to read in school, from grade school through college. Not a single one. I can't even remember any classes I had in high school. I guess I went since I graduated and went on to college some years later.
  23. I was sitting right behind you at that premiere.
  24. Yes! I'm a huge Vonnegut fan. He was born in Indiana, yes, but went to college at Cornell, dropped out to enlist in the Army after Pearl Harbor. After he came home, he went to University of Chicago where he got an undergraduate master's degree (yes!) in anthropology. In 1965 he started teaching at University of Iowa, where he stayed for two years. It was there he started writing Slaughterhouse Five. Now I've forgotten the clue about him!
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