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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Did he make it on to the show? If not, that would be depressing to spend the $, unless you also made a (camping) vacation out of it. "You're a lumberjack and you're okay ..." For your viewing pleasure, here is The Undertaker. He's a seven-time World Champion, and won 21 straight Wrestlemania matches, a feat called The Streak. His signature move is the Tombstone Piledriver. Side note: As a kid, my favorite wrestler was Mad Dog Vachon. Behold, The Undertaker:
  2. She wanted Red to cancel his lunch with somebody since his MO has been to buy a nice lunch/dinner for someone, then murder them. So she was saving "someone" from being killed. Maybe Red was going to eat out with Dembe. So Lizzie was saving some unknown Blacklister for some reason, first time ever. I thought the deal was Mr. Kaplan was Masha's caretaker, full time, for Katarina. So now Mr. Kaplan never existed? Eh ... Which makes me wonder, since they found an actor who resembles Spader, why Ilya had to have repeated surgical makeovers so he would look like ... Spader. WTH!
  3. I'm leaning this way myself since none of this makes sense any more and with yet another season of this bogus whatever it is, the writers have to keep releasing more flying pigs to put on paper. Because I can't remember which episode was which, I'll just put all my thoughts in this thread. That was pretty jackassery of Lizzie to tell Red that no one listens to podcasts on cassette. WTH, Lizzie, some people still have flip phones. And corded land lines. I was hoping for Red to pull out his gun and shoot Lizzie then and there after her "confession" that she turned him into the police. No such luck, unfortunately. Aram now runs fingerprints from his laptop? Alrighty then. Liz grows mint at home to put in her tea? Alrighty then. Ressler shows Dom's photo to Lizzie: "He's a ghost." Next scene: Lizzie is knocking on Dom's door. WTH! How did she find a ghost? I guess look in the White Pages if it was that easy to find a face from a photo. Lizzie asks: "Why did you lie to your granddaughter?" when she didn't even know Dom existed until Ressler's magic photo told her everything she needed to know to ID and locate him. The close up of Lizzie crying in Dom's car as they drive made me laugh, it was shot like a hilariously Bad Fellini Movie. I really don't get why it makes any difference all these years later who is the real Red and who is not. Spader obviously is pretty good at being a master criminal, why does his name matter? If he were some incompetent, he would have failed (read: been "eliminated") years ago. All of a sudden Lizzie remembers she has a kid. Just can't recall its name. At least Dembe put his affairs in order so he'd be ready when Red shot him. I still don't get why he felt so compelled to protect Lizzie. But there's a lot about this show I don't get. Everyone who cares if Katarina is alive and who the real Red is, raise your hand ...
  4. I wondered about a warrant too, but couldn't they say they were justified breaking into the cabin because they "heard someone in distress?" Then found the freezer contents by accident while saving the imagined victim. At least I've seen that work on other tv shows.
  5. From the Trivia Conference of North America 2014! This year's will be in August. http://qnatrivia.com/trivia-championships-of-north-america/ It would be wonderful to just go and watch.
  6. Hundreds of thousands of people take the test every time it is offered. How many of those people are smart is debatable. I take it every time it's offered and have never once given a thought to having money to travel to the show. But I do know how to budget for vacations, and I could make it to and stay in LA on the cheap were I ever to be asked to do so. Thank you for that hilarious screen cap. I don't think any of his episodes could have aired when Friday's was shown since they are taped months in advance. If Trebek said that, that was mean. But not surprising. She landed five planes at LAX during that taping. As a devout Cubs fan, I had no problem with James answering "Cubbies." James also is a Die Hard Cubs Fan so his answer was appropriate IMO. I had the Las Vegas answer before James got it, and I don't live there. I didn't notice Trebek giving any extra clues to influence James' (or my) answer.
  7. I was looking at just that earlier today. It's been four weeks since an asterisk. The last one was Week 20, question 143, the Pinocchio FJ. I will have to count back to figure which was James' first game. It seems so long ago! I'd like to rewatch that episode. (Congrats on your five, BTW.) It's nice to know you are human! Some weeks I wonder ...
  8. @Mindthinkr, I hope you are doing well and NOLA weather has improved. It was on national news showing the flooded streets in the Quarter and the empty jazz fest set up sitting there in the pouring rain. The tornadoes that went through Louisiana were massive, at least you missed those. I've also been worried about you since that escapade you told us about. I feel like your mom now, you need to check in, I'm setting a curfew on you! Meanwhile, if you want a laugh, we are slated to get 4-8 inches of snow tomorrow. Take THAT, people with Spring Fever.
  9. WEEK 33 — NO asterisk 159. 19th Century Brits. In a poem Lord Byron, a lover of Greece, calls this diplomat & fellow lord a “plunderer.” 160. American History. On May 1, 1869 these 2 men met at the White House, 4 years & 3 weeks after a more historic meeting between them. 161. Geographic Nicknames. This term for an area of the Atlantic originated in 1964 in Argosy, a pulp magazine. 162. The Elements. Oddly, mining of this rare earth element with a geographic name, atomic no. 63, is mostly in Asia & with some in South America & Australia. 163. 19th Century Novels. The title character of this 1841 novel says he got his name because he kills bucks & does, but not people.
  10. If it makes you feel better, I hit the 9 instead of the 0 when putting in your score for the week. You were rocking this week for a while there.
  11. I managed to win tonight's game by four points. Yeay me. I had to stop and read FJ several times because I couldn't believe it. Bucks and does? As a poster wrote on TheJeopardyFan.com, next FJ category will be Dead Presidents and the clue will be "This former president is buried in Grant's tomb." I got the TS of water (dog soup). Yes, I have dogs but dog soup sounds gross anyway. I laughed at gaslight being a TS since so many people do that these days. Caviar ... an amazing DD stumper, but good on Tyler for betting it all, even though he did not have that much "all" to bet. I also got the TS of intake manifold. I rebuilt my carburetor once, back when autos had them. Nice that James got to ring in on the answer of Las Vegas. I'm guessing his wife has been there the whole time. Just my opinion! When I think Monty Python I want to start singing "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay ..." Robin ... yikes. She was one very special person.
  12. This question has been answered if you care to read the posts.
  13. I have to admit, I don't even remember Buzzy's stint on the show. Austin, however, if only I were so lucky to not remember him.
  14. I totally agree with your teacher. Plus: "Less is more."
  15. @Browncoat, I made your dressing recipe today and it is indeed delicious. It would be wonderful on a roast beef sandwich, yes! Thank you so much for posting. I would def make a stop in The Cheese Shop now for a sandwich with a side of that dressing. (Only now I'm in kind of an "Ugh, I ate too much of it" malaise.)
  16. Gah, a WaPo post. I keep exceeding my read limit for WaPo. I know, I need to actually pay for a sub. I follow several WaPo reporters on Twitter so have to conserve my clicks. I did hear on the radio this morning that James is back in LV, but then Season 35 finished taping a while back. So ... never mind I guess! Or disappear into obscurity, like Nancy Zerg.
  17. I was there in September 2016. I don't remember which room it was in as I came upon it during a full day of walking in and out of different rooms. I went to see a special exhibit that featured Hopper, my favorite artist. It was through studying him that I FINALLY conquered oil painting after several years of rather poor instructors. My last year, I was lucky to have an instructor who taught us to see like Hopper. But I digress. I photographed all the paintings I liked that day. I do not care for Serat so did not take a photo of that painting. I did walk up close to examine the pointillism brush work, and had to step to the side of multiple people fawning over it. I can picture it in my mind, and it was displayed as described. At least in my mind. I know I am not always correct, so if it's been moved again, I guess it really does not matter. Just that the painting is very large, approximately 7 x 10 ft. The Art Museum is a wonderful place. Too many fabulous things to see, can't do it justice in one day IMO. It's expanded considerably since my first visit many decades ago. That's a wise decision! I took Amtrak when I went to the Art Museum, it's an easy few-block walk from Union Station straight down Adams. Come back one block south on Jackson and you will find a Garret's Popcorn Shop. That's worth a trip to Chicago in itself. My Amtrak ticket, two hours each way, round trip, cost less than parking in Chicago to say nothing of missing the tolls, almost $30. Leaded gas obviously was Before His Time! ("Get the lead out!")
  18. That's the podcast from the Steve Cochran radio show I detailed right above your post, @Mario500. Cochran has named a new segment to his show, "Interviews With Brothers of Famous People." A clip with Ian is now being played as a promo for Steve's show. I heard it multiple times yesterday, last night and this morning. James' hometown is a far west Chicago suburb so Chicago radio/tv is all about him at the moment.
  19. PW, your travel blog made me think of where I stayed in Arkansas, Board Camp. Just north of there is a teeny tiny town named Ink, Arkansas. I was told it got its name because, when residents were given a ballot to vote on a name for their town, at the top of the ballot it said, "Please write in ink." So they did. I love all the kitschy things you visit on your travels like the metal t-rex and the praying mantis with a scanner code on her butt. There used to be a show on PBS about such things, like the Mother Goose shoe house and teepee motels. I loved that show.
  20. The difference being, Jennings himself never said booze-related categories were/would be his downfall. I believe James himself singled out Ballet.
  21. I have one so I can get free things from companies, but I post nothing (just an ID photo of dog and horse). It's amazing how many people have found me though, in spite of me having the same name as dozens of people around the United States. I guess it's the dog/horse pics that give it away if someone really searches for me. I only know people in those worlds. I've gotten more than 40 friend requests and have responded to ... none. I dislike the burden that FB puts on people, having to "like" everything or people get offended and "unfriend" you. Gah. Too high school for me. If someone wants to know what I'm doing, they can call or email. (Which is why my phone does not ring and my emails are all spams.) ETA: I got a friend request once from a dog friend's cat. I did not reply, of course, but now I wonder if she was using her cat's name like you do, PW. On your WV trip, I was really offended by the ivory hunters maiming that lovely elephant. Horrid people are everywhere. At least they left her one tusk. Other things made me laugh, like you not rolling your window down all the way to take a photo at Interstate speed over the Mighty Miss. Nicely done.
  22. Holy cr*p, @Browncoat! When I saw the category of The Elements, I was hoping for the subject to be rain, or another one of THOSE kinds of elements. But NO. So I came up with the answer of (remember, this is in my head so it's phonetic) ... EUR-ranium. You know, spelled like Europe. Then I spelled it in my head and was like, oh, duh. I guess that's wrong. I've never even heard of the right OR the wrong answers. I ended up losing today by 13 points to my Evil Self. *sigh* I wish Evil Self would get voted off the island or something. I feel about her like some of you do about James. Speaking of, I did get the TS of plebian, and the TS of Double Indemnity. That was a great film noir, with Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck. I got a laugh out of Trebek correcting James' pronunciation of "Jatte" after his answer of Serat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Welcome to Jeopardy, Mr. Holzhauer! Side note: A Sunday on La Grande Jatte is at the Chicago Art Museum. It takes up an entire wall, floor to ceiling almost, and is on a wall between two doors so it's the only painting there. There are benches in front of it and always people sitting there plus standing to look at it. I don't care for it myself. But that's just MY OPINION!
  23. It would be fun playing Shout It Out Jeopardy with someone. But watching alone, the best I can do is play against myself, and I constantly am getting my butt kicked by me. I guess I should divide further, such as Nice Me and Evil Me. Evil Me rules, Nice Me drools. But most of you guys knew that already.
  24. Oh, MAN, @Mindthinkr, what a way to ruin your vacation if not future travels alone. Invest in some pepper spray and carry it when you go out. I've always traveled alone, all across and up and down the U.S. I've never encountered any problems, although I'm 5-10, athletic, and have a look that says "Go ahead and try something so I can kick your ass." I know this because when I used to go out with girlfriends, they would all get hit on (or picked up!) and I would be left to go home alone. When I asked my friends about it, they all said I have an "Eff you" aura so I scare off the guys. I actually would try to kick some guy's ass if I were accosted so I guess it's true. (And no, I wasn't a butterface, I used to be a photographer's model and never broke any cameras. That I know of.) The only time I got weirded out was walking from Nogales, Arizona to Nogales, Mexico. I had planned to go into all the shops for some great bargains, but once in Mexico I felt uneasy, so I walked around a few blocks non-stop, then back into Arizona. It was just a feeling, but one I had never had before. So I paid attention. The only other "strange encounter" I had was in southern Indiana on my way to Kentucky, about 3 a.m. I pulled into a rest area planning on spending the night there. There were three or four little picnic shelters, all with lights, scattered along the roadway in. Under each of the lights was one man per shelter, all doing "poses" as I drove by. I figured I was not in their demographic, but still, I drove on into Kentucky to spend the night. @Prevailing Wind, your vaca blog is FANTASTIC. I especially liked your Arkansas one since I spent all my summer vacas from a wee kid through college on my aunt and uncle's farm in the Ouachitas. Way back before Interstate highways, my mom driving and me in the back seat of her Studebaker convertible, we took highway 67 down Illinois, through St. Louis and into Arkansas. Two hundred miles out of Walnut Ridge, there started a series of billboards in the shape of a salad bowl stating how many miles/minutes to the Salad Bowl restaurant. So, of course, we stopped at the Salad Bowl for lunch on every trip. Once we spent the night in Walnut Ridge, that was a big event. One of our more memorable trips was taking the Toad Suck Ferry across the Arkansas River. The ferry was retired in 1970. I remember that trip quite well, even though I was a wee tyke at the time. My mom was bold driving that big Studebaker onto the wooden ferry. I was deathly afraid of bridges and water so I think I blacked out for most of the float across the river once we drove on board. But it was the talking point of our vacation for that year and years to come. Thanks for that recipe @Browncoat. I will def make some and report back. Yum!
  25. Thanks, @Mario500 for the WGN link of Ian Holzhauer's interview with King John. Ian was on Steve Cochran's WGN show this morning; I'll see if I can find the podcast link. Ian is a lawyer in Naperville (soon to be a partner, he revealed!). He said James as a kid knew every line in Dumb and Dumber, and all of the Simpson's episodes. He memorized all of the Cubs stats and is a baseball fanatic. Cochran tried to get James a job with the Cubs but that was strongly overruled by the WGN sports guys. But it seems a job with a major league team would be a dream job for James. (Nickname: Jamie) Ian did say their dad won't do any interviews and is getting tired of being asked or harassed about it. Oh, James is 1-1/2 years younger than Ian. He was a great baseball player and very athletic growing up. Ian did not know James was going to LA to be on the show, and said he covered his tracks so well, no one knew what was going on except James' wife. He said James has been donating to food banks and those dedicated to feeding kids. He also said when James was in Naperville he took Ian's kids to Culver's (a great Midwestern burger/food chain). On the counter was a collection box for a food pantry for kids, a non-profit that one of the nephews was enthusiastic about. When James got back to LV, he send a donation to that charity. I don't see Cochran's podcast of the interview up yet. Andy noted on TheJeopardyFan some days back that James might be trolling his brother as he has never been mentioned in the FJ extras.
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