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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm just missing scores or @opus and @Toothbrush for this week. Don't quit now, we are so close to the end!
  2. Check this out, gang. A Go Fund Me page!
  3. WOW, @zoey1996, Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Zoey. That's remarkable and worth celebrating. Here's some dessert to share, complete with pearls, to top off your anniversary dinner.
  4. Okay, this made me laugh. And I respectfully request the unredacted version. *taps toe, waiting patiently* If you have that dream again, play James and beat him. I mean it's a dream, you can make it do whatever you want, right? Meanwhile, I'm screencapping your post so I have it for blackmail when you get on the show. It will make the best interview story EVAH. Thanks for sharing!
  5. When I was there (a very long time ago), contestants sat together in the audience and were called on stage when it was their turn. I guess I was thinking of the Teachers Tournament, as @teebax said they were kept in the green room until their time to play. But that's a tournament, so yeah, I can see them not wanting to know what scores others players get. That makes Rebecca's $200 clue choices even more senseless. If one is going to lose against James, at least step on the gas when you drive the car off the cliff.
  6. And when he leaves after his 42nd game, James will say, "Good bye, and thanks for all the fish."
  7. Oh, that was so irritating. She FINALLY gets a pick a clue and, on a board that is 95-percent full, she goes to the $200 clue? TWICE? This made me wonder if people playing now against James know his strategy. We do at home, but players are sequestered before their games. Maybe they think they are going into a normal "old style" top-to-bottom game. That would explain Rebecca going for the smallest clue values (twice!), but still, she couldn't see James raking in the big-time cash from the bottom of the board? Thanks, @GreekGeek. Actually, this made me laugh. Horses can be pretty smart.
  8. I know of Elgin, Illinois, Elgin watches and the Elgin marbles, but did not know there was some dude named Lord Elgin. I did terrible in my contest against myself tonight, my score was so pitiful I can't even post it, "I am not worthy" (TM Garth) of being allowed to post here. I attribute it to my onset of something resembling pneumonia. Yeah, that's the ticket. I didn't even get Rocky Mountain High, and John Denver was (and still is, RIP) my long-time crush. So I know I'm sick. Safe travels @Mindthinkr. "Laissez les bon temps rouler!" Well, watching it is decidedly more fun than being in it. And yes, we need to find out what that horse did/did not do.
  9. You just hush yore mouth (TM Shaft) with that jinx talk. La la la, I can't hear you.
  10. Your pasted-in url is still two lines and still too long. Creating a tiny url is this long: https://tinyurl.com/y43cdprt Or, as @peeayebee says, just use the url link provided in this edit box. Even easier. Welcome back, to anyone who clicked on either or both links. I use tinyurl when I'm sending a link via email or inserting into a document. It's very handy. In any case, thanks for the link, @ProudMary. That was a good article.
  11. Let me introduce you to https://tinyurl.com
  12. LOL, this is so good, I'm stealing it. Thanks. How did I miss this tidbit? I bought my van in St. Charles, the black tinted-windows stealth van, the one suitable for broadcasting while being driven repeatedly around the block. WHAT? Lizzie is a mom? When did that happen? LOL again. I'm stealing this one too. Thanks x2.
  13. Or not. It doesn't matter either way. /apathy/ Thanks! I needed that drink! ETA: Congrats James. Very cool. Thanks for letting us know, 3.
  14. I didn't see an IRS business code for "Drug Dealer" when I filed my tax return last week, but I'll keep an eye out for it next year. Personally, I don't give a care what profession anyone has, and because of that, I do not "admire" one more than another. There are individual people, however, whom I greatly admire. Some post here!
  15. Don't be so quick to assume that he is not. Several former contestants post here, even more read here and do not post. I agree with @mostlylurking that no one is better than anyone else based on a profession. Some people, however, are better than others based on the kindness in their hearts. Those are the people I want in my life, whether they are sports gamblers or cancer-curing microbiologists or grocery-store baggers. And some people here are better Jeopardy players than others. And that's a fact, jack.
  16. I was pulled over for speeding on my way to see Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider. That was an easy get for me.
  17. You are correct. I did ask what happened to him/Dom just last week in this thread. I guess I'll find out Friday.
  18. That drama was all about Weller's dad, not his mother. I don't remember her ever being mentioned, maybe in passing, but not as a storyline subject like his dad and Taylor Shaw, the person Jane was suppose to be. Of course, my memory might be faulty. I just don't remember the missing mom being the cause of all the pain in his life. I personally think writers are grasping at straws trying to keep this show on the air.
  19. To start on a shallow note, the close ups of Jane's hair, it looks like layers of asphalt. Why is everyone in Patterson's lab wearing lab coats? Everyone except Patterson and Rich. What's the deal? Weller made me laugh when he held his badge up to the neighborhood gang guy and said, "I'm a special agent." LOL! So now he's not FBI? He's "special"? I was waiting for the tough guy to come back with some major snark on that. Has Weller's mother ever been mentioned in four seasons? I didn't think so. Yet Weller says, "That woman has put me through so much pain my entire life." Your MOM is the reason for your "pain"? What pain? Any pain in your life, Weller, was caused by you. How freaking old are you? Close to 40? Geesh. Got issues much? (Well, yeah, he obviously does, since episode 1. So never mind.) Weller's mom to Jane: "I've never seen Kurt this happy since he was 9." Kurt was anything but "happy" when he was with you. I know it was suppose to indicate how much in lurve he is with Jane, but he sure didn't look happy in any scene he was in this episode. In fact, he never looks or even acts happy. The only time I've seen Weller happy was when he was fangirling Bill Nye last week. So, the boss of the FBI didn't know Three Blind Mice Kathy was released but everyone else did. So much for official line of communication. Where did Patterson get bankloads of billions? What did I miss? ETA: The Patterson/Rich verbal patter is on my nerves now too. Make it stop.
  20. As did I. Glass houses and all. James is providing entertainment and water-cooler talk pretty much non-stop at the moment. So I guess he's the game-show Jason Momoa who gets talked about with tons of social-media buzz while he doesn't even have to shave. (JM looks SO much better BTW.) Please unlurk more often! James had $1,800 I believe when he hit the first DD. I don't remember the clue/answer (maybe that was the Quaker one? Yes, I think so.) He bet it all so went to zero. He had another wrong answer after that (don't remember that clue either, but another player did answer correctly ... I THINK! That was a whole day ago!) and went into the red. I'm guessing there are some screen caps and gifs out there somewhere of that now-historic event.
  21. I have no doubt it's from hanging around all of us brainiacs here. You're welcome.
  22. WEEK 32 — NO asterisk 154. Stamps. Living people are rarely seen on a stamp, but in July 1945 the USPS issued one depicting this military event. 155. International News. In 2014 this 10,000-square-mile region moved its clocks forward 2 hours to Moscow Standard Time. 156. 20th Century Literary Characters. His first name refers to the ancient district in which you’d find the Greek capital; his surname is a bird. 157. Comic Book Superheroes. During his years with the Justice League of America, this superhero sometimes used the identity “C. King.” 158. British Monarchs. A “VI” has followed these 3 royal names of English kings.
  23. I played the game against myself again today and got beaten badly, 36 to 25. Some of those Do Not Knows I did know and could have answered if I had FJ time instead of the split second allowed for regular board clues. I've also discovered that my mind wanders if the clue is too long, and I'm thinking about something else before I get the whole thing read. Or listened to. I did get the three TSs, Quaker, sawbones and Jerome Robbins. Maybe I should get double points for those. I saw the FJ category and thought, "Oh, crumb bums, I'm sunk." I thought the same last time we had that category and it turned out to be an easy Bonnie Prince Charles question. So I figured no such luck this time. But will wonders never cease, I answered easily and without much thinking. Which is good because if I started thinking of those kids I might have said "William," like Gabby did. I thought James seemed tired too. I hope he is getting some rest and didn't have to tape another game right after this one. I want him to continue forever. This interesting factoid is from TheJeopardyFan.com. James was VERY close to this record: With James being incorrect on the first clue of today’s match, Liz Haigney Lynch’s record of seeing 179 consecutive clues without being incorrect remains intact.
  24. I hope you do it again today. Maybe your neighbors will bring you a nice casserole or dessert as they "casually" check on what's wrong with you. It could be a win-win!
  25. And that's a plus in my book. I hate beards and can justify that after reading this yesterday. Extra points for all my dogs! I think some people have called me that.
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