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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Wow, beautifully said @StormWarning. I award you the Gold Medal for Best Post. I got a kick out Gregory after yesterday's game, he was having a good laugh at the end of the game. Fill in your own reason as to why.
  2. @shlbycindyk, you deserve a LIKE and a LAUGH from me for your above post. I just had to pick one. Nicely written.
  3. You are given a pass on this answer based on your avatar. I rule your answer correct due to special circumstances.
  4. @Prevailing Wind, it's so good to learn Miss Stella is doing well and her demons have been released. Big "WHEW" to that. I've had the opposite experience, that the fresh oxygen can make the demons grow. So I'm glad to know good can and does happen. Give her an extra chin scratch noogie from Saber.
  5. This makes me think of James Sikking, the actor who played Lt. Howard Hunter on Hill Street Blues. LOL at me. I'm a Marvel fan and have been all, "Who the heck are these Justice League dudes" and have no interest in their movies. But I did know Aquaman, I'm not a total Marvel loser. Just a partial one.
  6. Aquaman isn't one of the Fantastic Four, so you are still golden!
  7. I was checked out at the beginning of this episode so missed four clues before I remembered, hey, I'm keeping track of Knows and Don't Knows. I was ahead 14 to 12 after Jeopardy round, and tied after Double Jeopardy. I managed to break the tie with my FJ answer, so I ended up winning, 29 to 28. My mind wanders a bit, well maybe a lot, so my ADHD (self diagnosed) kept me from doing better, and I admit I did need "more time" to come up with the right answer so counted some I knew as IDKs. These games go too quickly! But I did do better than yesterday, although I could blame yesterday on the flu bug that sent me to bed after the show ... which airs at 4:30 p.m. here. My first thought for FJ was, who was the head of Fantastic Four, the guy married to Sue Storm, Johnny Storm's sister, what was his name? I couldn't come up with Reed Richards so read "C. King" again and then, duh, "Aquaman." LOL at James thanking his wife for Bad Movie Night since I heard the film was not the best, even with Jason Momoa swimming around.
  8. Catch him in the next! (Just guessing.)
  9. Thanks for your interesting insight. And yes to that "nerves of steel" thing. (I don't have them either.)
  10. Would it change your game play, @MrAtoz, if you were on after James' run?
  11. Well, this isn't something I wanted to hear. I'm sure you were bummed too. I hope your illness did not affect your game. Hotels: Most nice hotels will comp rooms, our magazine and office staff got free rooms at Hiltons, Mandalay Bay, and other plush places when we had an event in that city. I still think Amazon was a tournament tightwad. Did you get to stay to watch games after your tournament taped? Or were they another day/week so once the TT was finished, so were you? Were you able to see anything else in the LA area? Inquiring minds want to know!
  12. Thanks for the vote of confidence, @SHD. I did get 24 correct on yesterday's game, counting FJ. That left 37 I did not know. I even missed all but one of President's Dogs. How sad is that? I guess Fala and Barney and Millie were clues in J6, which I did not play. As for James being shamed because he's a professional sports gambler instead of a Nobel-Prize-winning biophysicist or something that could "save the world," I put myself through college and worked my whole life to support myself. But if I were never born, nothing in the world would be changed. Maybe a few dog-show records would be different, but that's hardly earth shaking or society saving. So count me as big of a slacker as James. I hope everyone, including James, has been blessed with having an income from something he or she loves, something that makes that person happy. That's all I wish for anyone, including James.
  13. I saw the "Charity Nye" thing on the Internet. You know, the place where everything is true. She had never been photographed though, one site said. So I looked further and found this: In the 2017 PBS documentary Bill Nye: Science Guy, Nye revealed his family's plight of ataxia. Due to his father's, sister's and brother's lifelong struggles with balance and coordination, Nye decided to not have children himself, so as to avoid the chance of passing on the genetic condition to them, even though he "dodged the genetic bullet" himself. Thanks, @MrFluffy for clearing that up. I guess Patterson is the daughter he never had.
  14. Everyone reading here who has an occupation that contributes to society and makes a difference in the world, raise your hand: *crickets* Yeah, that's what I thought.
  15. Thank you @Fex! I hope so. They'd be dolts if they did not. Play to win, not to appease viewers who want everyone to start at the top and work down, one category at a time. I also thought that was charming, and funny too, it was unexpected, which made it moreso. It was a surprise, not like past players who danced constantly or mimed constantly or mugged for the camera constantly. And yes, his tearing up about his late grandmother made me tear up too. I beg to differ. See my above sentence. I don't have the slightest inkling of what this sentence means. Two contestants every game go home without winning. Every game has one winner, two losers. Except remember this: Just making it on this show is an achievement and something to be proud of. There really are no "losers." I thought both laughed, and I got a kick out of that. Just enjoy being on the show, and coming in second or third to James is pretty neat water-cooler talk. Tell Dr. Toothbrush I thought his full name might be James Watson Holzhauer. I respectfully disagree. James is driving ratings up, and media is talking about him and the show. There is no end to people applying to be on this show, Jeopardy will never run out of contestants. And consider this, from a poster on TheJeopardyFan.com: "James said in an interview that he took the online test 13 times (every year since it’s been offered) and had two in-person auditions before he was invited on the show." Alex knows how media works and when each game will be aired. When there is a movie promo category, he will say at the end, "XYZ movie opens tomorrow," even thought that episode was taped four months previously. James was a bit hesitant to think of himself as a "celebrity" when Alex said that, if you watch his reaction. I got FJ strictly by accident. I thought the clue wanted the author. But because of the bird last name, I joked "Harold Finch," because someone made a comment just last week about Harold Finch in another thread I frequent. Then I thought, well, that's a tv show, so what about Attitus Finch. Of course, that's wrong because he's a character not an author. But I'll stick with it just to have an answer. Surprise. Even wrong answers can be right some of the time.
  16. Since there aren't many TSs these days, I've decided to keep track of how many clues I can answer correctly during a game. I doubt I'll make it into double digits. James' range of knowledge is astoundingly vast. I got a laugh out of his "happy birthday to no one," mainly because I'm no one so I took it as a personal shout out. I was stumped on FJ. First I thought Moldova, but it's too small. So I went with Siberia, even though I know it's 5 million square miles, not the 10,000 asked for in the clue. But at least it was an answer.
  17. From MacroTrends.com: • Amazon revenue for the quarter ending December 31, 2018 was $72.383B, a 19.73% increase year-over-year. • Amazon revenue for the twelve months ending December 31, 2018 was $232.887B, a 30.93% increase year-over-year. • Amazon annual revenue for 2018 was $232.887B, a 30.93% increase from 2017. • Amazon annual revenue for 2017 was $177.866B, a 30.8% increase from 2016. • Amazon annual revenue for 2016 was $135.987B, a 27.08% increase from 2015. Amazon paid zero in taxes. All the above money goes right in its pocket. And they couldn't cough up anything for the Jeopardy Teacher's Tournament. Wow, great sponsor. NOT.
  18. Posters got warns and banned daily on TWoP. I went through five identities there, and posters would "disappear" on a regular basis. I prefer PTV in every way. I believe there is a difference between snark, expressing an opinion and just being nasty. I do the first two, and please someone KMA if I do the third.
  19. I just heard on my local news that a day trader from Wisconsin cashed in a check for $1.2 million betting on Tiger Woods in Las Vegas. His ticket was shown ... he bet $42,500! Obviously, day traders make more than I do. I think Austin got a car reality show on some cable channel. Don't quote me though. He said that was another of his dreams, I guess he's a car aficionado.
  20. It seems like one or more of the champs who returned for the All Stars Game took a year off to travel after winning big on the show. Even if James lost now, he'd have something like $200,000 in his pocket after taxes. One can travel cheaply, even overseas. I know because I always travel cheaply. One does not have to stay in a Hilton suite or eat in a five-star restaurant. There's camping and packing your own food purchased at local groceries. I've toured the entire southwestern United States without spending much at all. Those are trips I'll have forever. If I were James' partner, we'd do several years of "wow" with me holding the purse strings. Then I'd send him to another game show to win more. Ha ha!
  21. LOL at this because Alex ruins a lot of my pleasure in watching this show. He can be such a tool sometimes. I, too, hate the fawning over James and comparing him to anyone. He's his own person, not a clone of someone else. Just let him play and let the games proceed. JMHO of course, as always. That's a good question, one I never thought of, naturally. I have no clue how sports betting works. If I ever get on this show, "Sports Bets" will probably be another category I will tank.
  22. That reminds me: I hate those gigantic mops of hair that flail their way through a routine, beating the partner to death with blows to his face, all while attached to some unseen female. On that note, I really appreciate JLo coming out with different hair styles, including lots of pulled-back hair or bun hair. I get irked by every woman today having hair parted in the middle with lanky skanky extensions to make it even longer, lankier and skankier. That JLo can rock all types of professional hairstyles makes me happy. Contestants on The Bachelor need to take note. That aside, I enjoyed most of the Upper Division dances. Then Poppin' John came out and I was in tears by the end of his performance, then had a big sob attack for about five minutes after he was done. I don't know what that means, but man, he got to me big time. I would have scored him no lower than 98. Most of the Junior Team routines looked too much the same to me, and I got bored so only gave them passing glances while I did other things. The only other shallow note I have to add is that Derek looked pretty good in those pants he was wearing while mentoring. Hey, hey, HEYYYY!
  23. OMGosh, I didn't think of that. But if it's a clue tomorrow, I'm freaking out.
  24. LOL. I try to be! This is suppose to be a fun place, not a bully pulpit. At least IMHO, and I try to treat it that way.
  25. Ouch. (To the post above shlbycindyk's.) ETA: Thank you @shlbycindyk. Totally agree, and 1,000 likes to you.
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