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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. For ______ And Out, right away I thought OVER. Then I figured if these players are from California, IN would be the easy answer. Because ... delicious. Delicious won!
  2. I was wondering how much cheese is a decade's worth. I didn't watch ending credits, maybe they say it there, in small print. Maybe there is a Cheese of the Month Club. She didn't get any Whammies through the whole game, then got blasted out at the end. That was a tough go. I would have had a pretty false sense of security by the end, too, I guess. The other two players got roasted by Whammies. Since I'm trying to appreciate the Whammy, I have to say I did get a kick out of the fireman Whammy. On a shallow note, I keep staring at Elizabeth's poochy stomach in her tight dresses.
  3. I got a laugh out of Simon giving Robert Finley a big THUMBS UP as encouragement to begin his act.
  4. I heard on Ryan Seacrest's radio show this morning that Demi Lovato has been crushing on Mike Johnson, and they are tweeting each other about it. How crazy is that? I'm guessing she might change her mind after seeing him on BIP (because we all do), plus BIP might also can his prospects as TB. But who knows.
  5. I don't remember the names of any of these acts, but I can recognize most of them from @Neet's post, so thanks for that! Bir Khalsa. I can't even watch these guys. I didn't the first time, didn't this time. Don't remember if they got voted through, but my vote would be a big, fat NO. GForce. WTH. Only Howie got it right, he couldn't understand anything they were saying. And "saying" isn't "singing." I would have sent them home the first time, but go figure, they make it through. Means we have to see The Bunch of Brats again. SO many other acts were more deserving. Yes, even Valerie Sassyfras was better IMO, so that gives you my opinion of GForce. Dom Chambers. Was this the magician with the iPhone in a dress? If so, I liked him. Yes vote from me. Mat Ricardo. I guess I missed him since I don't remember anyone plunging a giant knife into an arm. More's the pity. Lamont Landers. My dislike of him was a carryover from his audition, when he should have been kicked to the curb. Thanks for making me hate him, Simon. Michael Paul. Didn't watch his act. I noticed it was on, I just didn't look over. I did not like his repeated poop jokes the first time so I guess my subconscious protected me from more this week. Alex Dowis Light Art Show. I thought this was pretty good, and timely given the 50-year anniversary of the moon landing. He's like the Sand Artist Lady with lights. V. Unbeatable. Hooray for this history-making act, getting a GB on talent, not singing. They were pretty cool. I wonder what their health insurance covers, if they even have any. Bravo on the little kid at the end, barely making it into the chair yet holding his pose. Nice job. Izzy and Easton. I got a laugh out of Julianne telling Simon the little girl wearing pointe shoes means "she's good," then we never see her go en pointe once. Adem Show. I liked them last week so was bummed they got montaged this week, which means see ya, don't wanna be ya. I did like the two seconds shown. Robert Finley. I pictured myself sitting in my local tavern and listening to his singing all night, and having a great time. Problem: I don't drink nor do I have a local tavern, but I might change that if Mr. Finley comes to my town. Duo Fusion. The show faked us out like they only did one thing, then Julianne spilled the beans when she said she had never seen anything like their LAST trick before. Too bad they are gone, I liked them. I'd watch them all day while I'd have to stab my eyes (and ears) out if I were (g)forced to a Gforce show. Valerie Sassyfras. Better than Gforce. Ryan Niemiller. I don't find jokes about his disability funny. How about trying some material that isn't pandering. Of COURSE he got sent through. My vote: No. I'd never heard of Dwayne Wade, then got clarity when it was announced he is Gabrielle's husband. At least they made no secret of being impressed with Duo Fusion's skill. I hope they have lots of makeup to cover up the bruises. And some good health insurance. Julianne's hair ... she was in total disguise. I wondered if it was a wig or if she ratted out her real hair into that straw pile. She'll need a ton-load of conditioner if it was the real deal. The other judges kept saying only X acts go through, which left Howie with not much to say. Is he on his way out? Say it ain't so!
  6. I half-way thought that, and wondered about the Prussian Blue oil paints and watercolor tubes I have in my paint box. But I figured those paints were just named that and the color came from ... whatever, but not real Prussian Blue. I need to look into that, and maybe buy more tubes!
  7. That would be the Most Hilarious Season Ever if Luke came back with his ring, proposed to Hannah after Peter, Jed and Tyler get sent packing for being liars and cheaters, and Hannah says yes to Luke. Then the two love bugs get to be on Jimmy Kimmel that night, and on the cover of People magazine! Best Season Ending EVAH!
  8. Got all players recorded for last week; thanks everyone. One more week to go, then it's the Big Reveal of Winners. Remember, six of you will be winners! I'm looking forward to seeing @teebax's episode on the Teachers Tourney. It was preempted here, and I got raked good in the Season 35 thread for complaining about that. I wonder if she has revealed who Mean Teacher was yet. I'd like to put a face to the name when that tournament gets rerun.
  9. I tuned in half way through, so missed the husband saying he wanted his wife dead, and that he had girlfriends. I just knew it was him when it was said he was being so wonderful and bringing her food all the time when she got sick. Total red flag to me, I knew he did it and it had to be poison. The son wanting to eat her breakfast sandwich was chilling. I'm such a smart ass, I would have told my husband to buzz off and given the kid half of the sandwich. I wonder if the husband would have knocked it out of his hand ... or just let his son die too. Learning that about Prussian Blue was a big eye opener. I was surprised the gov let Dateline air info about it, it seems to be kind of a secret. I'm guessing "some people" have ready access to it and, like @TVbitch says, it won't be any of us. I really felt sorry for her. How can she trust anyone again. I wouldn't even trust my women friends, much less any guy I met anywhere, relative or stranger. And eat at a potluck or buffet or anyone's house? No thank you. I really wish her well, her story broke my heart. Her husband, meanwhile, was a real dumbass, for all the reasons @TVbitch listed. I mean seriously, go to the library for your google searches. Although he figured he'd never be caught, pretty much like all killers think. "No one will catch ME." Now I'm going to be giving people on computers at the library the side eye.
  10. I didn't know who that was hosting last night, I thought it was the "regular" woman with a different hair style, except she looked so different. But hair can do that to a person! I count on you people here to keep me straight.
  11. I turned TMTA off after the first 20 minutes, couldn't take it any more and I won't read the thread either. Too ugly in every way. I just want this Most Horrible Season Ever to be over. I am intrigued by Hannah falling though, I'm all in for that. I don't even care if lightning strikes me for thinking evilly, I'm nowhere near the nasty person Hannah is. As for her having to sit there and face "that cheater," heck, "cheater" describes pretty much all of her final guys (except Luke, imagine that!) from what I've read. I'm all about that, too. It's Shower Jesus Karma kicking *ss, and that I will DEF watch.
  12. I'll bet I'll do better getting all the FJs correct though. So there's that. Maybe I'll actually get a 5 week. Maybe.
  13. I thought the same, so paid attention and noticed that the two glass doors have a space about one-neck-wide so if a head did get caught in the doors, the person won't be killed. By the doors. Or right away. Agree. Especially since running again gives them more experience on different obstacles. I'd think most ninjas would want to run every course in every city, just to check it out and get better. Drew is awesome and I love him running in jeans, like "no big deal. Just taking the long way to town."
  14. Totally agree. The hate is overpowering, here and on the show. I'm done being manipulated. Right now I dislike everyone on this show, including CH. I hate what TPTB have done to create its self-professed Most Dramatic Season EVER. Baloney. You can find me at American Ninja Warrior, where everyone is upbeat and positive and cheering for each other to succeed.
  15. Exactly what I was going to say. This episode is going to be dreck, a pile on of Luke and a bunch of bitchiness by The Cast Offs. I was going to skip it but then, like you said, here I am. I think all of these remaining men AND Hannah are not very good people. And then we get treated to High Hair Garrett and the rest of the Self Righteous who got sent home by Windmill Jesus. I mean Hannah. Ugh.
  16. You get a seat at The Party Table. GFY!
  17. Eh, poor Izaak Walton. And all he wanted to do was go fishing ...
  18. No fair passing notes under the table!
  19. I would totally watch his show. And the brick wall reminded me of so many other shows. Even The Good Wife had the law firm move into an old warehouse with the same brick walls. Most retro restaurants have "original" brick walls too. Although taking two years to solve a murder might be a little lengthy span of time, even for a Dateline spin off. He'd have to step it up some.
  20. Ken Jennings liked and responded to one of my tweets once and I felt like my life had been validated. So I know what ya'll are saying. I almost swooned right out of my chair. Sometimes the happiest things are so simple!
  21. What, only one week left in the contest? Say it ain't so!
  22. You could have a nice career as a hit man. Or woman! And pass all the polys. Last night's episode about the woman soldier being "disappeared" and the PI taking the case of his own volition was a rerun, but I had forgotten most of it. I guess it's good to have short-term memory loss where Dateline is concerned since so many are repeats. I know the PI was working on his own, but how did he pay his bills over the two years he worked this case since he wasn't being paid as far as the show said. I also wonder how he got so involved out of the clear blue, the show didn't explain that fully or even at all. He had a military demeanor so that might have been the connection. I do want to say that I know several people who have dogs certified for trailing, tracking, search and rescue, and human remains detection. Friends' dogs have found bodies at the bottom of lakes, deceased buried six feet under concrete, lost dementia patients ... it's remarkable what dogs can do. I'm glad this dog got a pay off by finding the body; dogs can get depressed when they can't do their jobs to a conclusion. Meanwhile, I wondered why the killer didn't move out of town/state. He had every opportunity, assuming he was being paid by the Froggy Bottom bar.
  23. Well, the party this week is at the Table For 1s and 0s. Glad I will have company, usually I'm pretty lonesome here. I'm bringing a bucket of wings and a six-pack of Mountain Dew for that good old Appalachian Tooth Rot thing. Plus freshly made choco-chip cookies to help wash down the Dew. I remember when Mountain Dew's slogan was "Yahoo, Mountain Dew!" and the image was a hillbilly holding a jug, and the jug shooting its cork through the hillbilly's hat brim. Maybe that will be a FJ some day. You're welcome.
  24. WEEK 45 — NO asterisk 218. Women Authors. An award for works of horror, dark fantasy & psychological suspense honors this author who came to fame with a 1948 short story. 219. European Country Names. Resolving a decades-long dispute with its neighbor to the south, in 2019 this 28-year-old republic added “North” to its name. 220. 17th Century Names. In the 1670s English author Charles Cotton built a fishing cabin on the banks of the River Dove to honor this friend & author. 221. Notorious. The death penalty has been carried out only once under Israeli law—in 1962, for this man. 222. States’ Governors. It’s the only state to have had 4 female governors, 3 of whom served consecutively between 1997 & 2015.
  25. Same here. It's like the space aliens that beamed me up last week and made me so smart beamed me up this week and extracted my remaining brain cells. I didn't even have guesses for the four I missed.
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