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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes -- thank you. She never recovered from it emotionally and was never the same afterward.
  2. This totally got my blood up. I've been involved with purebred dogs for decades and have shown multiple breeds professionally and put AKC championships on more than 100 dogs. I've also trained obedience dogs. I have no tolerance for ill-mannered dogs or disrespectful, irresponsible owners. First, to let two dogs ride loose in the back of a van is the same as just chucking your toddler child onto the passenger seat of your auto, or letting it roll around in the back of the van. One is against the law, the other is who gives a care. A friend of mine who is an AKC judge let her dog ride loose in her car, and then killed it when she was in an accident, rolled the car and the dog was thrown out the window. There are crates made for dogs to ride in safely. Use them, people. They are for the same reason as car seats are required for human babies. Second, if I had been taking groceries to that van and those dogs jumped out barking at me, a person who is afraid of no dog, I would have turned and walked away, told the lady to leave and come back some time when she can either control the dogs, contain them inside the van or not have them with at all. Bye, no free groceries for you, stupid person. End of that story for me. I have zero tolerance for dumbass dog owners.
  3. While Queen was good, this episode reminded me why I quit watching during this time span. It couldn't even force a smile out of me. Then this being followed by John Mulaney's repeat ... I've seen that episode four times and I love it more each time. He actually makes me LOL. Go figure.
  4. Holy cats. It's the Jeopardy curse at work again. Only this time it's a contestant not a clue/answer. So sad to learn that news. RIP Mr. Philbin.
  5. I've never seen The Chase, but wasn't it posted here that James was on it? Some Jeopardy dude was. I thought it already was an American teevee game show.
  6. And ... it's 1990 and the carpet that SUCKS is gone.
  7. I guess we'll find out in ... SEASON SIX!
  8. Was he in an episode? He was wearing prison orange in Times Square, so maybe he was on this show before Prodigal? I pay little attention to any of the villains, but should have remembered the handsome Lou Diamond.
  9. Well, I cut him some slack being that he's dead and all. Did I see Gil from Prodigal Son in one of the Times Square groups? Jane's eyes kept changing from green to brown and back again. I figured out why Jane's hair is always hanging down in skank layers, so a double can do her fight scenes since that weird hair turns her into Sia, completely covering her face. I actually thought her fight double was a dude, I kept staring at his/her ass during the prolonged fight scene. It wasn't very feminine if you know what I mean. Okay, so I don't always look where I am suppose to. I, too, noticed the complexion of that baby and was all eh, maybe not a good choice given what's going on now. Seems like Mayfair got her photo in for a split second at the end, even if Mayfair herself got no cameo. The end caused me to squeeze a few tears out, but not before yelling WTF! when Jane and Weller decide to kiss with four seconds left on the bomb clock before they cut the wires. That was the most bogus part of the episode. Maybe the bomb did go off and even we viewers got zipped. Oh, and Rich was sorely trying on my patience with his "patter" (son!) throughout. Just STFU for once, dude.
  10. I heard CH ask Brad about buying the engagement ring and then not giving it to anyone after he spent all that money. Then when he proposed to Emily, he held up a ring box with no ads on it. Meaning, no Neil Lane. Does anyone know when Neil Lane came on board and started giving rings away? (I know, I know, they only get to keep the ring if the engagement pans out.) And where and how the Bachelor bought the rings in these early seasons? Neil Lane is such an institution now, we all laugh about the great vacations he gets so he can show his box of rings on camera.
  11. PW, that is such a great riddle. Even when I looked at the answer, I was all, what? It took a while for it to sink in. (I'm blaming one long day at the doctor's.)
  12. You mean the "first" year of the lockdown. Or the first year of the lockdown decade. I forgot to mention that Chuck Forrest was really rocking his John Denver hair. I was gone today so missed the Frank episode. Does anyone know how to look for it, like a date, so I can try to find it online?
  13. Somehow Thursday has rolled around again. Good luck on anyone who might get a small smile or grimace out of one of these. I know they aren’t great jokes, but maybe I think that because I have an inferiority complex, even though it’s not a very good one. I told my husband I wanted to be cremated and he made me an appointment for Tuesday. So apparently RSVPing to a wedding invitation with “Maybe next time” is not the correct response? Oh, by the way, don’t worry guys, the man who fell into the upholstery machine last week is now fully recovered. I was at the rental store last weekend and this guy came in all sweaty and exhausted. He put a chainsaw on the counter and said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with this thing, but it took me all afternoon to cut down one tree.” The rental guy picked up the chainsaw and said, “Let me check it out.” He pulled the cord and started it up. The guy jumped back and shouted, “What’s that noise?” My church was suppose to have a class about prophesies but it was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. I thought I had schizophrenia. Turns out it was my wife saying: "You treat me like I don't exist." A Tibetan monk sees Jesus in a tub of margarine. He raises his eyes to heaven and says, “I can’t believe it’s not Buddha.” And finally, one that encompasses several types of people ... and maybe some of you posters: What do you get if you combine an insomniac, an agnostic, a schizophrenic and a dyslexic? A person who argues with himself all night about whether or not there is a dog.
  14. If I were Chuck I would have bet $1 just to keep it from not being a tie. Neither he nor the middle woman bet wisely. Thanks @Driad for the Forrest Bounce link. That's what I thought it was, but that he would bounce around the board a la James, jumping all over with no pattern. As it was, he just went to the top of a category that suited him better. Like if you are playing the Bible category and I ring in first and answer correctly, I'm NOT staying there, I'm going to category Westminster Best In Show Dogs. It's stupid to stay in a category that isn't your wheelhouse, regardless of how Trebek feels about it. I found "The Forrest Bounce" to be very underwhelming. And disappointing.
  15. Exactly! It was so noticeable, which made it even funnier. At least the show got some money to upgrade the set a little for season 2. So what was the Amazing Forest Bounce that we were all suppose to be so gobsmacked by? Even Trebek warned us we would be stunned and shocked by such bold play. Was it that when it was his turn he went to category A when other players were choosing category B? More shocking was in yesterday's first game ever, the player jumping down to the bottom of the board for the $1000 clue when there were clues worth less not chosen yet. But no one noticed that? Shout out to @lb60! I swear I heard Trebek call Chuck by the wrong name. At least more of the board got cleared this time, no thanks to Trebek's constant chattering after every answer. He went into a full discourse after one of the "12-Letter Words" answers. I figured Chuck would know FJ since he went to Yale. Not that that makes him smarter, it just puts him closer to the location than the two players from California. (Waves to @ams1001)
  16. That was a clue on today's Jeopardy (sans image)! "And the Oscar for best PTV poster goes to ... "
  17. It's like I wrote the above since that describes me exactly. It was no fun to watch Colton, and Hannah was even worse, so Peter's season didn't even exist in my world. I even quit watching DWTS because of Hannah. Found out some weeks after that season ended that she won. Eh. Hoping for a return to the old days with Clare. I have a friend who grew up in Colorado with Trista's Ryan, went to school with him all the way through college and they are still friends to this day. What people don't know, it was never stated in the news or online, was that Ryan was drafted by a pro football team out of college. His first day of practice as a rookie, he was tackled by a regular team member while they were on the way to the field and was so badly injured he could never play. His payout from NFL made him a millionaire. So all the spec at the time about Trista settling for a volunteer fireman's salary made me smile. My friend's parents were at the Trista/Ryan pink wedding.
  18. LOL! That was ME! So thanks for recapping what I missed while I watched Andy Griffith and Prodigal Son reruns. You're the best, @ams1001!
  19. I've never been a trend or style setter so in the '80s I was still wearing my '70s clothes. I remember a guy at work being a hottie (in his mind) with his blue velvet hip hugger bell bottom pants. Meanwhile, I was sewing edging (in paisley colors!) to the hems of my own bell bottoms, to make them longer because they were suppose to drag the ground, especially if you were wearing (Pee Wee Herman) platform shoes. Yes, I would have had to go shopping to upgrade to a 1980s wardrobe if I had to walk across that Jeopardy stage to the podium!
  20. There were so many arguments about this in 2000 that I looked it up. If the players had written CE after their answers, they would have been correct. "If you use the Gregorian Calendar and start the first millennium with the year 1 AD then the third millennium began with the year 2001 AD. But if you use the Common Era Calendar, in which years are numbered -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., and you begin the first millennium with the year 0 CE then the third millennium began with the year 2000 CE. You have a choice. And if you opt for the Common Era Calendar you no longer have to put up with the smug assertion that "there was no year zero (so the new millennium began in 2001)". There was no year zero when Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Calendar in the 16th Century but there certainly is one now (and in the future), and the new millennium in the Common Era Calendar began in 2000 CE." LOL at the comments about horrible '80s wardrobe. If any of you were alive then, you were either wearing the same thing or dating someone who was, plus you had one of those '80s hairdos. In another 40-50 years, people are going to look back at today and laugh at what you are wearing and what you look like right now, reading this. A personal "thank you" from me to @SoMuchTV. ETA: I remember the first champ being interviewed during that Strahan special. I didn't give him much thought then, but now that I think he's sort of jerky, I'd like to see that present-day interview again.
  21. I haven't been able to watch Kimmel for a while since my antenna dropped ABC for a few months. Got it back last week, so got to see monologues by Whitney Cummings and Sebastian Maniscalco. I knew of Whitney but was not familiar with Sebastian, but both were so good and both made me LOL several times. I love Joel McHale so was looking forward to seeing him last night. Man, what a disappointment. There was not one thing funny about or in his monologue. He totally and unexpectedly stunk. How disappointing was that.
  22. He was cocky and greedy, a bad combo. I could see it in his face and via his smirky grin. So I say "Good on ya, buddy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, and enjoy your Rice a Roni." Glad he lost. Wonder if he was the inspiration for the Cheers Cliff Clavin Jeopardy episode.
  23. Thanks for saying that since I absolutely remember the cards concealing the clue being slid up by some guy in the back. As a victim of sexual harassment in the office, I was insulted by Trebek's jackassery about the carpenter vs. nurse occupation. After federal dress code was changed so women could wear pantsuits in my (government) office (top and bottom had to match) and me being the first to do so, I was so horribly verbally attacked by all of my male managers (because no woman could actually BE a manager) that I spent hours in the bathroom bawling my eyes out, afraid to go back to my desk. So I say: "Screw you, Trebek." At least yesterday's The 50's was changed to The '40s today. Was V8 juice so new in the '80s that it was a TS? I guess it was common for at least six clues to be left on both boards at end of game. And money was one half of what it is now. I wonder how they split the second- and third-place cans of hash and packets of Lipton rice among three losers. ETA: When Greg added the 101 Dalmatians and seven dwarfs, he answered "The total is 108," which is NOT in the form of a questions. Yet he got a pass. Seemed the timer buzzer was pretty inconsistent on some of those clues too. Trebek no sooner called on a person to answer than the TIME'S UP buzzer sounded.
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