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Me from ME

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Everything posted by Me from ME

  1. And she looked so smug and self-righteous after she said it. I think she was even slightly nodding her head. I don't remember but I wouldn't be surprised if she had her arms crossed.
  2. LOL. Can't decide if that is better than placing second out of two in the weightlifting competition.
  3. Stand Up Comic. Oh, never mind he had to pay to do that.
  4. As I recall the reason she thought Roy was enamoured with her was because Manny and LauRen had "conflicts in their schedules" and "could not" attend. I think he drew the short straw and had to bring the flowers which were actually arranged by the station. Twit jumped to the wrong conclusion that they were from Roy and that he wanted to be there. There have been so many faked competitions over the years that I can't speak to whether this one was real or not.
  5. That episode title seems like the equivalent of click bait. The plot will probably boil down to everyone telling her that she is beautiful just as she is.
  6. As someone who has long believed that Ryan and Chase cooked up the idea of the grand romance between Twit and Chase for a small amount of publicity for their businesses this might seem like a contradiction. However, I think that Brittany was hired by Pilgrim Media to play the role of Buddy's girlfriend for a short time and to elicit organic reactions of jealousy from Twitney. Production is familiar with her feelings for Buddy and her enmity toward his girlfriends. She did not disappoint. I think it was a genius move to cast someone who resembled WWT but was opposite in almost every way e.g. not morbidly obese, appropriate, clothed, personable etc.
  7. sainte-chapelle excellent summaries. I think you enumerated everything from that dumpster fire of an episode what took you so long?🙂
  8. Their biographies indicated that James was a producer on ANTM. I did a quick check on line and found this So yeah, it's about the reality show fame.
  9. Even more telling was her passive/aggressive question to him, "you're in the water with a fat girl, are you OK with that?" Him saying "yikes" as well not being interested in her was enough to strike out in anger. When you think about it, first she was annoyed that Buddy had invited Brittany, probably she was annoyed that Heather had declined the invitation, and then, the fairly attractive guy that Ryan brought along seemed indifferent. Our girl was not having a great weekend and acted out while the cameras were running. Imagine what she is like without them.
  10. Yesterday when she was blathering on about KYV I did as I always do and changed the channel. Are you paying attention MSNBC? Sometimes I forget to go back to your network.
  11. Maybe someone should send Twit this link. Just a few helpful hints that her friends might appreciate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUXqmgTuNww
  12. That's quite a combination of being controlling yet remaining grossly uninformed/stupid.
  13. I've been wondering about Tal's actual profession for a while. During the Lake Norman episode he mentioned working in a hospital yet just before he and Jon parted ways he posted a video on sm of Jon napping while Tal narrated that he was grading papers. I don't remember him ever talking about having earned an advanced academic degree so considering him to be a therapist might be an overestimation of his credentials. I do think he was previously referred to as a substance abuse counselor which is a whole different thing. Where I am from, it is a quasi professional career populated by either Corrections Officers, Mental Health Workers, or former substance abusers who have received specialized training. After seeing the video he made just before Christmas caused me to wonder if he has changed careers and has started teaching.
  14. Wondering the same. However, it doesn't say much for their mutual feelings of passion. I think a while ago when we were discussing "crossing the fleshhold" we thought he might have been high or drunk when she put the moves on him so that might be the one that didn't count. Now I'm curious when the other occasion might have been. She sure does tell him that she loves him a lot. Not sure how often he reciprocates. Next week's previews make her look like a psycho. That woman is full of rage and since the scene with the knife is probably producer driven they want to show us how they feel about her.
  15. Ryan has brought in so many friends for a little bit of TLC money but is this Campbell the same "Cam" in the T'giving shirtless incident? Not sure if she would have recognized him since she was inebriated then, but, kind of strange that both of Ryan's friends are Cams. This is beyond ridic... oh wait...no dick.
  16. And sometimes there is a someone seated at a desk with a view of all the showers to insure that you are truly without clothes when showering. Ashley showed a side of her we haven't seen before. "Don't you think you come off as being douchey?" to Ryan. And to Whitney "You haven't made any new friends in Greensboro either". Twit was a little overly aggressive when she yanked Buddy's head back while taking over the clippers.
  17. The three who are not part of this core group of vipers are beginning to wonder what they have stumbled into. I wonder if things like this make Jon rethink his relationship with Tal.
  18. Aaaand she proudly announces that she has peed in the water. It's the trifecta.
  19. Well, now, she meets Ryan's attractive and fit friend and off comes the suit. She is SO jealous of Buddy's new gf.
  20. I'm so sorry. Having been through it myself, I totally understand. It was a blessing that my Mom spent her last days in familiar surroundings I'm glad that yours can as well.
  21. The Redditor who posted that Twit was with Casey during quarantine only posted under that identity a single time and went silent when some people questioned the post. I think the one who said Twit was propositioning the crew and walking around naked was the same one who almost nailed the due date.
  22. I think I read about her walking around naked in front of the crew on Reddit. Also, she might have propositioned a few as well. Some of the Redditors who claim to have inside information have been woefully wrong (Chase quarantining with Twit) but the exhibitionism seems on point.
  23. Just now bingeing all seasons since it is on Peacock TV. I have travelled a lot by ship, and have witnessed celebrities acting very poorly e.g. someone from the Harry Potter franchise (although not one of the stars) daily sleeping drunk in the lounge reserved for first class passengers, a famous actor arguing about his bill at the Purser's Office wearing only a bathrobe and slippers but I digress. I came here to say that since the time that the automatic tip has been added to the final statement that some people complain from the time they board as a strategy to have it removed. (I have never had it removed and always except once surreptitiously hand another envelope to my cabin steward and table stewards at the end of the journey.)
  24. My husband was our dog's favorite person in the world. When he would return from a long business trip the dog would ignore him for a while. When our marriage was headed for its demise the dog picked up on it before I did. In the middle of the night he would go down to the living room and howl.
  25. Well, we have seen multiple instances of her equating nudity with sensuality (heh, almost forgot how it is really spelled) and lack of physical boundaries with sexuality. And I do agree with you that the instances when they were filmed together since she learned of the baby were written in his contract it is entirely possible that in her mind if she hugged him and rubbed up against him that it would remind him of what he would be missing. In fact, she said as much in one of her pouty faced crying talking heads. The delusions and denial are a very big part of her personality.
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