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Me from ME

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Everything posted by Me from ME

  1. I've seen pictures of her holding Neeshi in a way that was most certainly uncomfortable for the poor dog. Once again, Twit is thinking only of her own desires. The fact that she did not spend last Thanksgiving or Christmas with Chase reaffirms my theory that she learned of the girlfriend sometime around the first trip to Paris. Not that Sarah was pregnant but that he had been in contact with a former love interest. We have some evidence that he had always been in contact but Whitney had not been aware of it. Since she accepted the proposal she somehow thought that the wedding would really happen and that she could win Chase away. Twit did this by going back to Paris, posting pictures of herself posed seductively in her room, naked in the bathtub and swimming naked with one of the women who accompanied her. All were in the interest of attracting him back. In her delusional mind when he invited her to appear at the bar opening it indicated that she was being successful. The baby was the final indication that she would not be marrying him. Then again, her delusions kept reawakening the possibility that the weekend in the mountains or the meet-up on the highway would change his mind. After all, she has the emotional age of a 13 year old and those tactics often resolve situations - in romance novels.
  2. I'm sorry, but she isn't much of a teacher. I have never seen her break down the routine into separate parts, teach each one and build upon them as the class is confident in the simple steps. She seems to rely on "5,6,7,8 wiggle, hair flip, twerk, hand pose"
  3. That would be a good job for Twit. The bigger monstrosity she had to consume the better but she'd happily try it and finish it up. I really don't enjoy Noah at all but I did love Carnival Kings. It was a Carny version of the Great British Bakeoff which took place at the Texas State Fair and in one episode one of the livestock did a runner in the background while the contestants were deep frying out in the open a few hundred feet away.
  4. There is the guy from the dance off that was on the cruise. His mother and sister are big fans of hers, and evidently he is as well. I think there was some senshus dancing going on. He appeared to be in her thrall. But I think although she was flirty and acted suggestively with him I think she was showing off for Buddy. (Can't remember if it was the same cruise that Buddy had the p*nis flute.)
  5. Although shortly after she gave herself the Covid haircut she put the extensions in for a selfie.
  6. Hey, thanks. Without context I thought she might have been referencing Corona, the beer.
  7. Having misplaced my Twit to English Language translating app could someone explain what this might be? I'm not going to pay to watch so I appreciate the screen grab of the blue dress to remind me how out of place she looked when she deigned to visit. I would really appreciate seeing a clip of the the professional dancer at the clerb looking matronly and devoid of rhythm. Thanks and, Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Really? For her threatening outburst at him when he advised her to not make a fool of herself or get hurt by needlessly trying to get over the log?
  9. She has left this forum but still comments on a private Facebook group.
  10. I rarely look at Instagram but yesterday I happened upon the recent video she posted before the first episode was broadcast. She was opining how weird it was to see herself on TV (as if it was a unique experience for her.) She was shoveling some food in her mouth, drinking some kind of soft drink and talking with her mouth full. The sight of it, the sounds of it were beyond words. She couldn't wait a few minutes? Now, remind me again why she doesn't have a romantic relationship.
  11. A question about the timing of real life as opposed to reality show narrative timing. I recall that there was an instagram post by one of the cast that lead us all to surmise that production had arranged for a trip to the mountains after the trip to Paris. Speculation was that she was looking for a wedding venue. Does anyone remember what month that was posted? Also, wondering if the vegetation in episode 1 looks like that in February? Aren't things just a little bit frosty in N.C. in the winter?
  12. I thought he said he worked in Guest Relations on cruise ships. And, from what I've seen that job consists of having an impassioned expression when an entitled passenger rails on about the cost of internet, the automatic tip, or some other issue with which they should already be familiar. In other words, at that level, he had to nod sympathetically, make a soothing statement, and do nothing. I am really disliking Captain Lee. He seems foul mouthed and usually in an equally fouI mood. I compare him to a Captain Ian McNaught, the youngest captain of QE2. He was universally admired by both passengers and crew. He loved that ocean liner as much as most of us and after he saw her to her retirement in Dubai he made the decision to not be at the helm of another ship. I am late to this discussion but since Peacock streaming has it available I have been watching mostly to see the locations and some ships with which I am familiar in the background. The short yacht cruise experience seems pointless to me. I take a ship to get somewhere in luxury, to visit interesting places without having to repack my suitcase, and to have a comfortable bed and great food awaiting me after I have touristed all day.
  13. Seeing that made me reassess whether Twit had found out about the girl friend before the Paris trip. I remain convinced that the whole thing was initially cooked up by the bros, production saw a good story arc and ran with it, while Twit believed it was real. She didn't seem to be acting in Boone and it looked believable that she thought herself to be in a relationship while we saw his discomfort in any wedding planning. His anger even bubbled up when he was asked who would be his best man. I think that Chase kept her at bay by pretending to be an old fashioned, southern gentleman. He made a big show of apologizing to Glen for not asking permission to propose which would be in keeping with him telling Twit that he didn't believe in sex before marriage. If she was truly infatuated with him she would have done anything to keep him and that would include not mauling him if that's what he wanted. Ignoring each other on the flight back from Paris might be a result of an argument, or, direction by the production company to keep the trip from becoming public knowledge. A random obese woman in First Class and an unkempt 30 something wouldn't be recognizable unless they were seen together.
  14. The third person that was discussed was the professional photographer who took the photo on their balcony. I don't think it was on the cruise. It might have been when they were unclothed, high on something and in her closet when they did a short video. And who can forget that she tried to force Todd to sleep in the same bed with her when they went to NYC? I have a hard time imagining that she has turned anyone down.
  15. Let's not forget the picture of those two that was taken on the first NoBSatSEA on her balcony - they had their arms around each other and both were NUDE! I think she had it framed and displayed it in the entrance hall of her house.
  16. While we are on the subject of body language, I recently read an article with this title: Body Language Analysis №4193: Hope Hicks, Sexual Attraction, Armpits, and Elbows — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence. In the article by Dr. Jack Brown, writes With rare exception, whenever a woman exposes her armpits — and more specifically as Ms. Hicks is doing here — directed OUT LATERALLY (not straight ahead)— it’s a subtype of high-alpha nonverbal behavior. More specifically, this display is very strong signal of both sexual attraction and putting oneself on sexual display. Hicks’ sexual emotions are being amplified even further via the upward direction of her elbows. So, I believe Twit was attracted to him, enough have him sit between her open legs in that hammock as well as to expose her armpits. She was sending a message for sure. On FULL sexual display...but, what's new?
  17. Just as the fans joined NBSactive as a way to believe that they were actual friends with the twit, I also think that they thought that Ryan was hot and attractive. It was all a way of elevating their own lives to be living vicariously. Then the fantasy bf rejected them by proxy. Of course, they will rage on even if it is not justified.
  18. Although not a highlight, let's not forget sinking into the mud when at the "family yurt" (rental yurt).
  19. When she asked Buddy if it would have happened if she didn't look the way she does, I think she was begging for him to tell her that she was beautiful and fabulous just the way she is and that Chase didn't deserve her.
  20. I guess time will tell. The article also mentions that MacArthur was skeptical about the seriousness of the virus. I am inclined to think that more people have contracted Covid and not reported it. As several people become ill and require medical care the actual numbers will be made public.
  21. Good to see that Jingie is wearing a face covering. However, just saw thishttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/coronavirus-outbreak-strikes-la-megachurch-that-defied-public-health-orders/ar-BB1ajjUI?ocid=msedgntp
  22. Can someone refresh my memory of whose crotch in which she buried her face? She was lying or sleeping on her couch and some male walked over and she sat up and grabbed him before taking a big sniff.
  23. My view is that "everyone" wasn't in on it at the beginning. Just Ryan and Chase. Yes, that would support my premise that she was well aware of the sham by the time they went to Paris. Ketzel, I agree with everything your wrote except for this Yet, she thought she had Roy "in the bag" while the only physical contact they had had was him touching her "beg" at her insistence. Sitting in the hammock with Chase, and all the other instances of physicality between them probably did convince her that it was real.
  24. That's what I thought upon hearing about her "big announcement". It provided an entire season for wedding planning before the wedding ceremony which might even have been a cliff-hanger. I may be delusional, however, I still maintain that she was kept in the dark about Chase until social media indicated that she was being played. If someone were to rewatch the entire season they might suss out when her affect changed when she was around him. Early on, I think she bought it and later she was contractually bound to act like she was in a real relationship. The story arc remains the same. We are still going to watch her dealing with a broken heart and surviving it, only to emerge triumphant...you write the rest.
  25. That is what she said. She said that her boyfriend gave it to her. I was thinking he had modified it some how - but, maybe he just opened a drawer and handed it to her and told her to have a good time.
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