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Me from ME

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Everything posted by Me from ME

  1. Well, that was uncomfortable. Now she looks as if she has been crying or is about to. Check out the mascara under her left eye. She can't do anything other than read prepared questions - and you just know someone has tried to prepare her for what could have been a big interview. Loved the non question she asked toward the end and the look on her face as she waited for Joe to answer. The interrogation reminded me of how a parent accuses a toddler.
  2. I got the impression that she has had several sets of extensions. The most recent were quite long and she said that she didn't like them as much as others she had worn (they tangled easily?). She might have kept some of the others and is using them now. (Hard to believe because she seems wasteful in other areas of her life.) The last photo might be a wig, which would explain the fullness.
  3. Since I listen to MJ on the radio I lost track of who said it, perhaps Mike Barnacle? but a long list of adjectives used to describe Trump included Mau-Mauing. Yes, a word - it means intimidating. I'm not likely to use it in conversation though.
  4. The shorter (darker) hair which is closer to her cheek is blunt cut - just as it was when she finished cutting and shook her hair out. The extensions she probably clipped in look unkempt and scraggly.
  5. The most recent photo she posted makes me wonder if she has added a few extensions since the haircut. the length is different as is the color (to my eye anyway).
  6. Good thing she stopped dancing - not enough hair to flip.
  7. cherenkov, I was about to say the same thing. There is one that would have gotten tangled more easily than the yellow sapphire she has been seen wearing. I think the haircut came out great and I had thought her hair loss was much more serious. I do have a question about the first picture though. Her roots look grey. Is it that her hair is turning white prematurely, or, is it dry shampoo build up? Either way, I understand why she finally washed her hair. Random thought: does dry shampoo come in different colors? I only used dry shampoo once and the static it created was ridiculous. Never again.
  8. I agree that this is probably not in Greensboro on the basis of the floors. (Although with penchant for throwing her weights down on the wooden flooring it's entirely possible she needed to replace them.) 😁 She is keeping Buddy on a tether. Probably paying him to bring groceries and keeping up the charade that she is SOOOOOO desirable that not only is she is engaged to another man but she can't keep the other one away. Actually, since the Chase/Casey relationship is fake, she probably misses Buddy and will do anything to see him, regardless of the motivation on his part.
  9. WHOA! I've never seen Joe yell this way before. I mean he had a point but I really thought he was losing control. Is this what off camera arguments look like?
  10. Boris Johnson was just been moved to the ICU. The physician commenters are discussing his risk factors and evidently being overweight is right in there along with diabetes and heart disease. Of course, smoking also increases the risk of a bad outcome. I don't follow Twit's social media. Has she posted anything recently?
  11. It's Texas so I'll use an equine term. Way to hobble your kid. They have the illusion that they are free but can't go far or fast. However, I've had horses who learned to gallop with their hobbles in place. So I guess the smart ones could get away.
  12. Aside from wasting Dr. Birx' time, I am more worried about wasting Dr. Fauci's energy. Last weekend during one of the long "press conferences" I had my eye on him hoping he wouldn't faint or collapse. Why don't more commentators mention that the possibility of NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS of a medication factor into the equation? Talk about the cure being worse than the condition.
  13. Right out of the box this morning. Mika wouldn't let Joe interrupt and when he started reacting negatively they cut to stills of DJT. Now, I think Meeks is making faces as Joe takes over because they are cutting to more stills. Quarantine seems to be wearing on them.
  14. And then being taken out to a fine restaurant. This just illustrates how isolated these people are from the real world. Good hosts make their guests feel welcome and comfortable, not given tasks or tests to gauge how they will fit in with the herd. (Exhibit A: Brandon going on a tree job the first time he visited the Bates.)
  15. I thought it was embarrassing how quickly Kelly stated that she felt that she and Gil fit in with a family who were clearly out of their league. They were guests and treated to all kind of entertainments which were probably high ticket items. Kelly's contribution? To suggest a picnic, at which her hosts helped prepare. When Chaney called it quits I wonder how disappointed KellyJo was when she saw the end of that particular gravy-train.
  16. I haven't run afoul of the mods yet, so I hope this won't do it. Our beloved researcher and Snarkmaster General is well and commenting to a lesser extent elsewhere. Also, the source for the Snicker's Bar cited as being perfectly engineered is from From The End of Overeating by David A Kessler, M.D. e.g. "while its flavor characteristics are appealing...the real key to its success lies in its even disappearance and clean getaway. The chocolate, the caramel, the nougat, and the peanuts all disappear at the same time. This contrasts with many products whose nuts become annoyingly lodged between your teeth and your cheek. The genius of Snickers is that as we chew, the sugar dissolves, the fat melts and the caramel picks up the peanut pieces so the candy is carried out of the mouth at the same time." I think the reference to pizza having the addictive triumvirate of Sugar, Salt, and Fat comes from a book of the same name by Michael Moss which I didn't buy but borrowed from the library so I can't be sure. But I do know that it's difficult to only eat one slice of pizza.
  17. A little off topic but is Keir broadcasting from Bath this morning. It's been a while since I have been to the Sally Lunn tearoom but the facade looks just as I remember it. I know they said London but...
  18. As I recall, the wedding venue was to be in NC. The whole group made an inexplicable trip and it was considered by us to be a filming opportunity.
  19. She had her hysteria dialed up to extreme this morning. I was in the other room couldn't hear the voice just the speed and register. Of course it was her. She wouldn't let Joe interject (fine this time because he usually bulldozes over her) but there was a very telling shot of his reaction.
  20. Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely right! Snickers are my sugar drug of choice but it has been a while since I have indulged. Almond Joys definitely take more effort to chew and I think it is the nut and not just the coconut. A bite of a Snickers bar just dissolves so easily. A few years ago I bought the bf one of those monumentally large ones for Christmas and the proportions didn't seem quite right. We bought a regular size and compared them and they seemed to be constructed the same but the sheer amount of nougat threw it off somehow.
  21. I'll have to look for the source but I read somewhere that pizza has a combination of flavors and textures to make it incredibly addicting. And, when you consider that the body considers refined flour in the crust to be sugar, a pizza has it all: sugar, salt and fat. Speaking of addicting foods, the Snicker's bar is considered to be the perfect candy due to the proportion of textures and the ease with which it can be eaten. Of course the almond makes one believe that there is a healthy protein in there.
  22. Thank you for the clear explanation.🙂
  23. I don't watch this faithfully (hah) but can someone remind me if this group and the Duggars have any connections with the Shepherd's Purse organization? Should I look at the background scenes of the field hospitals being set up in Central Park to see if I can catch a glimpse?
  24. Speaking of matters sartorial: what's with Joe's jacket this morning? Dust or some other stains on both lapels, (more on the right and 12 inches along the the edge of the left one.) I wonder if someone will notice and give him a replacement. Snerk: Meeka sure didn't.
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