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Me from ME

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Everything posted by Me from ME

  1. Sorry for spoiler box. I don't know how it got there and I don't see how to get rid of it. Thanks for you reply Colleena. I had no idea that the scale reading wasn't totally bogus. I seem to recall that it gave values for muscle, fat, and water content. I'll have to dig it out and start using it again. As far as the caliper measurement, I never could figure that one out. Not sure where to take the reading, how tight to make them etc. I am of normal BMI but still am concerned about fat that might be around my organs.
  2. Colleena you are a real inspiration. You have shared a little about your journey to optimal health over the years. I have a question about how you obtain the statistics. I once had a scale that would provide the information but I never paid attention to it. Have you ever compared the reading on that type of scale with whichever method you use to determine your percentage of body fat?
  3. Hey thanks Mamadrama. After I posted I was concerned that I might have asked you to divulge too much private information for you as well as Chase and his father. I cook from scratch as well and am well aware how using a multitude of spices is more than the sum of it's parts. In fact whenever a recipe calls for spices I saute them first to bring out the full essence. I do barbeque sometimes - Tofu😋 Knowing that Chase and his Dad like to cook I'll have to rewatch the episode at the "yurt" and see whether Twit tries to take the lead or, if Chase is quietly showing his competence while preparing for his Dad and sister. We've seen that WWT doesn't cook for herself on a regular basis but I'm curious if she is just lazy, or, really doesn't know how. I get it that if she has minions or can afford meal delivery it may not be worth it. I didn't see the episode when Babs was in quarantine early on. Someone mentioned that she was cooking for her mother.
  4. As someone who tries to cook vegan, keto, Indian, Mexican and sometimes raw I am intrigued what niche you share with Chase.
  5. He had probably anesthetized himself with some kind of substance to be able to stand her while he had to pretend to be engaged to her. That would explain his blunted affect.
  6. It's been asked numerous times why the Barnacles continue with the show. Perhaps some of them are keeping the option open for a spin-off? Until her weight gain and it was mentioned here, I hadn't thought that Ashley would have been a good candidate for her own show but now I am rethinking it. (Perhaps my favorite line from any season was when Twit was having her panic attack and pacing the parking lot outside the dance studio and telling Ashley that she needed to go to the hospital, to which Ashley replied, "The mental hospital or the regular one?") It doesn't hurt that Todd is Ashley's cousin either. Next time Twit asks for questions I'd love to know what the half hookup was with Buddy. Although that knowing that she might have instigated the drunk hook-up it was something similar but he didn't exactly participate. She mentioned somewhere that she has had lip injections. I'm wondering if it has decreased the prominent appearance of her Joker Mouth.
  7. Ashley does look as if she has a flu and Buddy looks unhappy and depressed. The Maltese topknot was not what I had imagined from reading about it but upon viewing it, it IS a perfect description by the person who first mentioned it.
  8. Cancun - THANK YOU so much for posting. And so quickly as well. ☺️ My only comment about the lipstick, the hair, the belly: OMFW! (Except for Todd who looks good, and healthy.)
  9. I missed this episode and I was hoping to see photos somewhere on line. I wanted to see Todd's hair, Ashley's health status and most especially, the outfit, hair and makeup of the star. The TLC site had one of a previous wrap up show, (the one where she put Lenny on the spot by asking if he was trying to get back with her on national t.v.) and what I find remarkable is that Lenny is leaning about as far away from her as possible. That girl doesn't read non-verbal cues very well at all.
  10. Ketzel put it beautifully. I just thought Twit needs to have her big fat fabulous nose in everyone else's business. She just had to help Heather get over Buddy by acting as marriage counselor for them.
  11. In next week's preview, Buddy said that when they had sex he was "dru..." Just as we always suspected.
  12. It has always bugged me when she pulls the mats out. Not separating them but straight out pulling.
  13. B! Because saying "bye" takes so much more energy. Yeah, How-a-ya. Lame I'd forgotten that picture of Neeshi in Twit's bedroom. There is one that is earlier. They were outside and Twit was sitting on a wooden bench with water in the background. I also think that one or both of the Bros were there. I wish I knew how to find it.
  14. I wish that it was true. Unfortunately I remember seeing a photo which I think was on her Insta but not on the show of her trying to hold Nishi on her lap. I have mentioned it before but the dog looked so uncomfortable.
  15. Dog's are sensitive to their human's emotions. I have posted before that our dog knew that my marriage was about to dissolve before I did by going downstairs in the middle of the night and howling. Something he had never before done. With all of Whitney's tears and depression I think that Neeshi is picking up on it. Perhaps the same type of emotion was present in her former home. I give Whit a tiny bit of credit for managing to throw herself on the concrete and flounder around for a minute in the hot sun. Also, she got up without any help, Surely that could be considered to be a modified burpee?
  16. In the early days the only shoes she wore were flip-flops but then, when she got "fit" she began using regular footwear. A very good thing since two iconic scenes where she lost a shoe in the mud never would have occurred. Slightly off topic but I have been watching Below Deck recently. I find it amazing that the deck hands on multimillion dollar yachts are barefoot the entire time they are on board. The people who take 3 day excursions and pay mega bucks for the privilege are shown taking off their shoes before boarding but I don't know if they have slippers or something else to wear. There are many shots of the Stews walking toward the dining table and the soles of their feet are absolutely black. I get the part about not bringing landbased filth onboard but sometimes the deckhands are walking off the yacht and sitting on the Quay to smoke a cigarette. I am fairly sure they didn't put shoes on to leave the boat.
  17. Good catch! Thanks for posting it. I had been doing my Duolingo so I missed most of the context and had wanted to watch it again. I thought it had been lost for good.
  18. Answer: Computer says "NO". (tm Little Britain.) They had several interview episodes in the vault to replace the embarrassing segments.
  19. I posted it to show the similarity of their "funny/crazy faces" not to slag on him for his alter ego. She seemed to be copying him which brings me to my confession that I read her book online over the holidays and two things of note which have not been discussed. He was a very good child actor and went to Appalachian State to major in Drama. She followed him and tried to have the same major but, by her own admission she wasn't as good so...she changed to Dance. In fact she says that she felt the teachers were always measuring her against her brother. She says that she met Buddy in high school because he was a friend of the boy she was dating and she had a crush on him back then. Imagine her delight to have him deliver her pizza. Although I think that she probably stalked him and kept ordering until he showed up.
  20. Having not actually watched this episode myself, but knowing these two I imagine Twit or Buddy goosed each other in the far distant past.
  21. The frisson between Mika and Joe continues at 6:32. Joe says he shouldn't apologise for asking a question that elicits debate, Mika dismisses it, "Uh Yeah, OK". Joe takes a drink of coffee in the middle of his reply and toward the end asks Mika if it is OK for him to ask a question because "He is new to this". I wonder if this part will be expunged from the 8 o'clock block.
  22. I was only half listening but Joe asked a question to the panel and Mika answered it and answered it and answered it. Finally Joe redirected the question to the panel as had been his original intention. At about 6:20 while they are in their Brady Bunch view Mika is listening and reacting to the bug in her ear from the control room. Shaking her head, blinking, nodding her head quite obviously. It is these moments that are the most interesting an informative to me. Too bad they don't show their reactions more often.
  23. Look familiar? You know them both but only one is Whitney Way Thore.
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