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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Chris gave the true reason, (IMO) which was sort of buried. He said that she would end up fighting the program and getting kicked out, so it's not worth it for her to stay. It sounds as if he speaks from experience. Amy and Tammy apparently stopped maturing in their pre-teens. From years of watching Intervention, I've learned that it's par for the course for addicts to stop maturing at the age when they first started their addiction, and the abuse/trigger began. Their mother was awful, and I recall them talking about their terrible childhood. Chris is the oldest, right? Maybe he escaped some of that and it's why he's an adult.
  2. Oh goodie! Maybe they'll spend more time on the roadside breakdown, because they only glossed over that.
  3. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm old enough to remember a fan being killed at a David Cassidy concert. It's not like this is a new phenomenon.
  4. I was puzzled as well. For a straight man, if his risk factor was performing oral sex, it seems like it should be the other way around. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  5. Lots of fillings in mattresses and likely some of the other materials are made from foam, polyurethane, polyester, and who knows what else. That's why it makes a difference to some people.
  6. I can totally see it being Crystelle, Giuseppe and Jürgen in the finals. That should make a lovely show. Loved when after Giuseppe won the technical and they all started clapping, Paul said "I wouldn't applaud".
  7. Considering how many times we've seen ridiculous comment from celebs about multiple issues, I was extremely impressed with his statement. High class and smart.
  8. I tend to mute Morgan & Morgan commercials, but for some reason this one made me chuckle. "Do you need your parking validated?" Morgan & Morgan Law Firm TV Commercial, 'Santa'
  9. Since this subject comes up in here about this time every year, it's probably worth bookmarking this SNL commercial.
  10. If we didn't overthink commercials, this site wouldn't exist. It's the whole raison d'être of this forum!
  11. Same here. For some odd reason that probably is a deep rooted psychosis, I have a tendency to avoid the shows that everyone is talking about. Strangely enough what made me want to check it out was seeing a local news story about Squid Game halloween costumes. The red light/green light girl drew me in to take a peek and I didn't surface until I had watched the whole thing. I'm still trying to recover from Episode 6, where I couldn't stop crying. Holy shit that was gut-wrenching. I haven't been this emotionally drained since watching Chernobyl.
  12. It's funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing when I saw that commercial. The father dancing with the baby to that song just takes it to a different, really sweet level that doesn't make me mad about them using 'Just the Two of Us'.
  13. Add me to the list of 12 year olds, I was chuckling as soon as she said (paraphrasing) she uses two holes and then they really get filled. What I believe made it even sillier was that it was so incongruous with her Dame status.
  14. I really want to like this show. She seems very kind but she's blah to me. I had to laugh when she said she used "talkesthesia" to calm the patients down, and then didn't talk.
  15. It looked like Jürgen was trying to concentrate on the number of eggs he was adding and Matt was making him lose track.
  16. Yay, other people are watching! I totally love this show and would be surprised if it doesn't get a following. It reminds me of American Pickers when it first started, when they all liked one another. It really checks all the boxes and hearing the history is fascinating.
  17. These kinds of tragic situations are never due to only one error. I'm guessing that in the end, they'll inevitably find that there were multiple mistakes and if only one of them hadn't happened, the accident would not have happened.
  18. From the Deadline article: The very first safety bulletin adopted by the Industrywide Labor-Management Safety Committee dealt with the dangers of blank ammunition. “Blanks can kill,” the bulletin says. “Treat all firearms as though they are loaded.”
  19. This! My god, her trying to flirt with him is painful to watch.
  20. I don't discount that the fentanyl was likely the cause of his death, however I've done enough armchair TV classes from watching Autopsy: Last Minutes of... to know that cocaine is frequently involved as the match that lights the fire. Cocaine can mess with the electrical signals of the heart leading to arrhythmias.
  21. Yes, we're kind of saying the same thing and you made a great point. It's the whole technical that is too short. The fact that only 1 or 2 bakers had the time to fully bake their puddings supports that. If only a few of them made that error it's one thing, but so many having that problem speaks to an issue with the whole technical itself, most likely due those silly extras taking too much time.
  22. 100% agree. The time challenge has been made to create drama and encourage disasters. I don't want to see that, I want to see them have a decent chance. That doesn't mean it had to be 5 hours to make those puddings, but what about and extra 15 - 20 minutes? I was waiting for someone to call this out! It totally made me GOL (giggle out loud). As for Paul being a dick, that's the role he's been cast to play. Without knowing him, it's hard to say if it's typecasting, or if he's just pretending.
  23. I bolded that last sentence because while I agree with you, it would be massively hypocritical of me to say we should judge them by their work output and then subscribe to a forum where all we do is judge their lives and actions (in a snarky way) 24/7. Your post reminds me that I shouldn't contribute to putting them under a microscope. Am I going to unsubscribe? Hell no, but I do feel a little dirty.
  24. That makes me think of the SNL Penis Song. The song is at the end but it's worth the 4 minute journey to get there.
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