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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Chronic inflammation does that to skin.
  2. They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. There's definitely a reason they likely shelved it, before they were desperate for episodes. The PT woman was barefoot in Lisa's bedroom, unless I was mistaken. *shudder*
  3. That helps them track which spots bring in the most calls.
  4. It surely was. I kept watching for Mr. Lawrence because he was cool.
  5. I haven't noticed it being louder, however I have been paying attention to the music track. It's pretty damned funny.
  6. Is anyone else watching the new episodes? I was particularly puzzled by the man who had growths on his testicles. They couldn't show them before the surgery, blurred out the surgery, and couldn't show the after images. Perhaps it was not blurred out in the UK and they couldn't remove that section from the US version? I thought it was actually pretty comical. At least he was happy at the end 😀
  7. They DO sell chicken glasses...
  8. Or perhaps they couldn't film much for the last two years, so they've filled in with episodes that were previously rejected. Have any this season gone all the way to 12 months? The first train wreck I can recall was Penny, and that episode received massive attention. I think that lit the fuse, with Paula, the Assanti brothers, etc. being gasoline on the publicity/ratings fire.
  9. The partying apparently began after Amy and Michael moved out. I have certainly 'overindulged' with alcohol a time or two (or a hundred) in my life. Watching her mix all those different alcohols together came very close to making me vomit, no joke. Like many of you, I'd rather they cut Tammy loose and let's watch the show without her. She's moved beyond the typical reality show train wreck, which of course could simply be how they've edited the footage. Even so, at this point and it's turned a corner into truly disturbing and uncomfortable.
  10. Perhaps that was awhile ago because many clients are doing that now. It's one of many reasons that veterinarians have a very high suicide rate.
  11. Agree, however as I understood it, they were still preparing dinner and had not yet sat down for the meal. The grandmother was at the stove when she was killed. Did I get that wrong?
  12. Bob Saget was a notoriously blue comic on stage, so you may want to avoid anything regarding his stand-up. It's definitely shitty when you get blindsided like that. On the other hand, off-stage he's been described as having been incredibly kind and caring which could mean that was his real personality. Maybe that takes some of the sting out of it?
  13. I believe checking stomach contents is pretty routine in a forensic autopsy, not sure if it's routinely done when there's no crime involved though. They hadn't eaten dinner yet, so my guess is that there weren't any contents to examine, or the results were inconclusive. As frustrating as this show can be when the case doesn't get to the grand jury, there must be some relief to the family when there are certain people that can ruled OUT, right? Especially when they are family members.
  14. From what I've always heard, it's more of an inside joke for comedians, not necessarily intended to be funny for outsiders, although many do find it funny. Hilarious ‘Aristocrats’ gets the joke
  15. Eltorai AE, et al, Readability of patient education materials on the american association for surgery of trauma website. Arch Trauma Res. 2014;3(2):e18161. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) What is readability and why should content editors care about it? Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Wikipedia (Literacy in the United States).  There are tons of great references at the bottom. I can find more if you're interested ☺️
  16. As it turns out, the general literacy level is higher, somewhere around 8th grade. Health literacy is much more of a problem in the US.
  17. I can see why it feels insulting, and totally get that. Unfortunately, when it comes to health literacy, the rule of thumb is to write content at a 5th grade level. Many people do not know what insomnia means.☹️
  18. I am in awe of people like Dr. Paradise and Dr. Now amaze me. They clearly care about helping people and have committed their lives to it. I think it's why Dr. Now gives patients so many chances. Personally, I don't have that gene. Yes! I kept thinking it can't possibly be that she peed on the asphalt, but what else would it have been? That was seriously disgusting. I'll never look at a puddle in a parking lot the same way again.
  19. I know he directed some great movies. For whatever reason though, the main thing tied to Bogdanovich in my brain is that he and Dorothy Stratten were lovers. She moved into his house and told her husband Paul that she was leaving him because she was in love with Bogdanovich.
  20. I'm right there with all of you that this episode was incredibly hard to watch even though she was successful. About halfway through it hit me that she literally, (in the right sense of the word) looked like an infant. When she was lying flat on the bed with no clothes on, looking up at her mommy, I thought she looked exactly like a baby in a crib. Then add to it that when she cried it was just like how an infant cries: first scrunching up the face till it turns red and then after a slight delay, bursting forth with ungodly wailing. (inserted gif below to show what I mean) The mom made it quite clear that Margaret was her BABY, and wouldn't let Dr. Paradise say otherwise.
  21. He tried as hard as he could. How typical is it that what Dr. Smith said was heard through Tammy's filter as an "ultimatum". No. it was more of a pause, waiting for her to care about herself. I do not think it means what you think it means. Tammy told the doctor that she had no signal in order to do a Zoom meeting with the therapist. WTF? Is she not on her phone, YT and the internet all day long? She didn't like that therapist, it happens, but I think she's using that to completely dismiss all therapy. She doesn't want to get better, and I actually understand that.
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