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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I thought the show was fun this week., loved seeing all her pets and hearing all of their backstories. It was not about Ed or Wolfie and she seemed to be enjoying just her. Maybe it's because I can relate closely to foster fails. Personally, I liked the bird feeder as it was a bit of a novelty from the usual. I mean, why not?
  2. I can't quite find the right category for this, but it's something that makes me laugh so I'll put it here. While multi-tasking and not watching, I heard the commercial for Knix leakproof underwear. As I was pondering how that works, I heard a booming voice then say: "7-day old tuna casserole". It had changed to the new Hefty commercial and I wasn't aware. Best transition ever.
  3. Wait, I thought it was written by Richard O'Brien for the stage show--were the B-52s around in 1972?
  4. I'm talking about Time Warp from Rocky Horror.
  5. C: There's no way they'd recognize him. My mom has enough trouble recognizing her own grandkids!
  6. Along the same lines, fuck you Airbnb for using Time Warp.
  7. I think they're likely Instacart shoppers. As they shop, they check off each item in the app so the buyer can watch live to see if they get the right things, or they can ask a question if that product isn't available.
  8. I had a chance to re-watch this one and had forgotten how amazing Cillas' success was. Holy crap, I literally didn't recognize him at the end, even though I've seen the episode before! When people follow Dr. Now's program, do the hard work (including the occasional backslide) they can completely change their lives for the better. It reminds me what I like about this show, and it warms my heart. Tiffany was exhausting. I can't believe Aaron stuck around for so long.
  9. Were you thinking of Rula Lenska? I believe Ruta Lee was well known in the day. That being said, she seems to pop up all the time on this show.
  10. That woman (Karen?) was a total gem and made me smile from ear to ear. Dr. Brad did a wonderful job of calming her fears. Agree with @SunnyBeBe that Dr. Ebonie still has to work on that. I'm surprised she didn't want to amputate the toe--that seems to be her go to move. All the cases this week were wicked cool.
  11. Every second counts in recording a commercial and saying the name of the condition every time would eat them up. Been there.
  12. I'm gobsmacked that JPS is being blamed in any way for Will's actions. To me, it falls along the lines of saying it's a woman's fault she was raped because of what she was wearing, or that she was hit because she provoked it. Those are extreme examples, however it's the same mentality. I'm sad, because I thought that as a society we had gotten past that idea.
  13. It looks like the insurance commercials upped their games! I tend to enjoy the Geico home insurance ads, and this new one had me laughing. It may or may not hit a little close to home. Watch the short trailer after the commercial for another little laugh. made
  14. I just saw this Auto Lenders ad, and have to admit it made me chuckle:
  15. My all time favorite commercial for a completely tone deaf use of a song was Iggy Pop's Lust for Life that was used in a Royal Caribbean commercial
  16. The gentleman with the rhinophyma was as sweet as could be, and I was so glad she was able to make him happy. Dr. Emma hasn't yet fallen under the TLC personality remake, and I hope she never does.
  17. I have gloriously not been paying this any attention and have no opinion on who to believe. However, I happened to catch a snippet of Johnny Depp on the stand talking about losing the tip of his finger. Let's just say she's not the only one overacting.
  18. And she won't lose her foot, which I think was her biggest fear.
  19. Yes, this. Is stuffed cabbage a 'thing' in Ireland? My ancestors all came from eastern Europe and stuffed cabbage was a staple. On the plus side, there was minimal mention of Wolfie or her book, and the show focused on her own Mom, not her MIL which I was afraid could happen.
  20. I was wondering too. My theory is that she never went for her follow up with the surgeon, because that would never have been allowed to continue. Perhaps she was afraid they would tell her it needed to be amputated, so avoided any exams?
  21. Scary and freaky. Dave Chappelle Attacked Onstage While Performing During Netflix Is A Joke Festival At The Hollywood Bowl
  22. Not to mention they use the theme from The Courtship of Eddie's Father"! It could be the first time ever that I like a song in a commercial and it's relatively appropriate.
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