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Everything posted by clod

  1. standing on the sidewalk in the rain for hours seemed "made for tv". that was work for an intern. or gosh, sit in a car? producer didn't know about the shuttles? I knew about them, and I didn't spend months getting ready for a San Francisco television show. chickens. awesome. :)
  2. IMO, if she is still there, she will try to turn the child against Gage. they will have to hire a nanny, too.
  3. thanks for reminding me, Ridge! I almost forgot the never had a third date before thing. and Bear on the bike! he jumped on that thing and pedaled furiously. I was hoping they would stay with it long enough to see him run out of gas. a couple shots later, he was pedaling slower. :) hawkhd, I think there will be more matchmaking. it's a critical part of Browntown's future!
  4. I think the trial is now scheduled for January 2016. http://www.courtrecords.alaska.gov/eservices/home.page.2
  5. thank you, @HalcyonDays { snark: ON } where to start? ...... before the skiff was launched, it was described as very dangerous stuff. danger! where did the money come from for the painting and lumber and boat things? even having someone lift such a large boat and park it on the dock for several days would not be free. oh, they stuck a 2-second spot in there where someone said the secret password "barter" and that was it. nice paint job on the hull. oh, when the boat is parked on blocks, well, would that be a good time to inspect and repair the hull? maybe? gunwale rotten? too bad the family didn't have someone with 30 years of commercial fishing experience - who would know something about commercial boats. also, fiberglass is repairable. why not get the Lorcan on the dock and fix it? hurry, hurry, gotta get the inside fixed up so the whole family can have a place to live onboard. yup. because he wants to take everyone along on the hauling jobs. because that's what a real business does. a real business. storage for cargo (out of the weather) is unimportant. invite the pro hauler over in the afternoon, and then worry that the boat won't be ready? huh. rotten ropes, no tiedowns, and no internal storage. ready to go! I Iiked the look of the pro's hauling boat. want to see more about his operation. oh, he might let us haul something for him!!!!!!! hurry and put the boat back in the water, even though repairs are not finished. hurry - otherwise danger. or something. want to help? your brothers are lowering a barrel by block and tackle, holding on to the main rope. gravity needs help. JUMP ON THE BARREL !!!!!! very good. thoughtful. helpful. why didn't anyone else think of that? extreme. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- she: I have a list of things I want, quite a story I could tell. optimistic about the future. he: I'm 27, unemployed, no house, no property, no money, no independence, no job, no skills, no job. Eventually we will have a two-room sod cabin (in the bush) 50 yards from my parents and all my brothers and sisters. It will be awesome. I will read my poetry aloud by candlelight while you listen. We will frequently tell each other how awesome we are. ... ..... ...... ................... she: I leave for college. tomorrow.
  6. I was judging it as moving faster than I used to run, back in the day. I used to run 10 mph. so I called it 20.
  7. when the skiff returned after delivering the last barrel, someone said they just aimed the skiff to where they thought the (big) boat was. because of limited visibility. but when they were high-fiving their successful return, it was clear and a million. :) nice view of the coastline and some mountains. one mile delivery. let's say a 20mph skiff. that takes three minutes. quite the journey.
  8. "Does he talk?" "Yes, he talks." "What do you talk about?" "Work." :)
  9. haha. I liked the identical shows, too. :)
  10. in a recent show, there was a brief shot of one of them putting the siding boards on an inside wall. it was only a second, but it sure looked like the brown stuff under there was fiberglass insulation facing. (not cardboard) I looked for a clip so I could grab a screenshot, but didn't find it. maybe someone here can confirm what I think I saw. fiberglass insulation often comes with a paper "facing". I think of it as "backing", but it's called "facing". before I forget, how lucky was it that the building they tore down had so much siding that was in perfect condition? ;) -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- if it's **really** dangerous to go racing through the water at night without lights...............take a break, pull over, and wait till daybreak. yeah? how old was the rope on that pulley system? if the boat had not been "out" for ten years, it likely did not have new rope installed. I didn't get a good look at the pulleys, but the number of ropes holding weight can give an indication of how much force is needed to lift an object (a barrel). some of those baby chicks she wants to keep close to her are in their 20s and 30s. squawk.
  11. why does Chaz keep giving business to Jeff? maybe the exposure from the show is a factor. Andrew: good riddance. agree about less animals and less Zoila.
  12. so he's in charge of design. and he's responsible for fabrication, so he must be in charge of that, too. and he's responsible for installation, so he must be in charge of that, too. ? was the manager-brother put in charge because he had less experience????? the manager looked like he was giving a rehearsed speech at the meeting near the end of the show. he started the show by not wanting to seek out new business. really. I wonder if he saw the clips of his early self, and decided to fake it near the end so he would look good. the car dealership design looked too busy, IMO.
  13. iirc, one of the captains was looking at the camera, then looked outside right before a big wave. he barely had time to give a warning. an extra second or two of warning time might make a big difference next time. why don't they have a horn button? or something a little faster than grabbing a mic , keying it on, and saying the warning? I don't mean the ship's big horn that they use to warn other ships. just a horn with a distinctive sound. my car has a horn "button".
  14. I'd like to know if he ever showed up at a business to do a show, and it was bad enough that he changed his mind......... "no show for you!"
  15. IMO, in this episode he handled the cane like a fashion accessory. he was walking "evenly". in an earlier episode this season I saw him doing some manual labor without it. we missed an important exchange, part of a first date if not already known: what do you do with your time? if they don't have $5k to buy the boat, they don't have $5k to fix some important things and fill the fuel tanks. boat seller: "I need $5k to get something done. kinda in a hurry." browntown: "ok. can I owe it to you?" boat seller: "great!" ?????????????? did I see that leather jacket down in the engine room? yeah. :) motor no start? check spark and fuel. still seeing that the oldest is not building his own log cabin. at this point, I am wondering if the real landowner only gave permission for one permanent structure. with 30 years of commercial fishing experience, why don't they get a small fishing boat? how far back in the isolated bush did you live if you spent three decades working as a commercial fisherman? were the other commercial fishermen and the canneries and the wholesale buyers also scared of using cash-money? need food. got fish? NO? why don't they go out in their skiff and small boat, and just go fishing? with that shallow water bay and the tides, I think a few simple fish traps would work. but I don't know if that is legal in AK.
  16. he may have been wanting to get on a tv boat for years, and finally had his chance. amusing that he went to sleep thinking he was the king of the deck. when he wakes up, the captain is standing there, telling him that he's off the boat / fired. and those wonderful cameras are right there, too.
  17. Jake: "Don't give my job away." Sig: "You gave your job away."
  18. maybe Marcus figures drummers are comfortable keeping count. :)
  19. since the show indicated he did not know there were any other owners/shareholders/investors, it seems unlikely he knew what the corporation rules were during the scene where he made the conditional deal. edit: I don't recall if he found out about the other investors during the "deal scene", or if it was earlier. if it was earlier, he (his staff) might have had time to find and review the corporation paperwork.
  20. why did Marcus say he needed approval of all the shareholders this time? maybe because he didn't want hassles, like he had with sweet pete's. the last argument might have gone a little better if he had told the guy that he was not going to get approval from the feds to do the deal.......and shareholder agreement was one of the requirements........that's why the deal is off. I guess since the check wasn't cashed, then Marcus was not 100% in charge - so he could not stop the employee pay cuts.
  21. hahaha. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- later, girl calls matchmaker. " &*$#@%&^$%##@*** ????? " yeah, whoever was minding the place while the family was away for a few weeks could have looked after the boat. but letting it sit there did provide some show fodder. really, though, is having emergency transportation important in the bush? nah. it's like taking care of your tools - unnecessary. waiting till the last day of deer season to get the deer they need to survive? why not a week or two weeks earlier? they were all right there, living in browntown the whole time. right. of course. did some of that campfire wood look like it was sawed?
  22. who will tend the livestock when everyone is away? oh, I worry too much - that might only happen once a decade. need more tv bear drama? try raising livestock in bear country, yeah. I wonder if bears like barbequed chicken?
  23. I didn't see the show, but :) reminds me of a late night poker show I watched a few years ago. Doyle Brunson (famous, older poker player) was at the table along with some younger professional players. Brunson was considering his move, and the chatter was getting loud. Brunson gruffly made a comment about the noise. and they all shut up.
  24. I doubt the cameras will be on the Saga with Jake. Too much chance that the captain will return. I wonder if cameras are a factor to Jake? Jake missed a trip because of the baby coming. If he misses another trip because he took a job on the Saga, I think his spot on the NW will be gone for good.
  25. maybe next summer. it looks like the trials are now scheduled for January 2016. http://www.courtrecords.alaska.gov/eservices/home.page.2
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