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Everything posted by clod

  1. another view of the trailer company - they got some very valuable consulting (for free) and acted on it. without giving up any equity or control.
  2. The story says the state does not think they spent 180 days per year in Alaska during the (roughly) three years in question. that's amusing. maybe they aren't as fully committed to living in the Alaska bush as the show suggests.
  3. The second season starts in two weeks! Can you believe it? !!!!! Or maybe it has already started, with the Christmas episode that just aired. Anyone else watch it?
  4. iirc, he did say "gold mine" and "make a lot of money".
  5. the original owners are franchisees now. I wonder if they will be happy to hand someone a royalty check every first-of-the-month.
  6. I wonder if the restaurant is still serving biscuits made the original way.
  7. I missed a few minutes of the show, and I did not know how the place got its name. I wanted to know, "is Shuler the last name of the owners?" But I REALLY wanted to know, "Did they name the kid after the business?" :) The explanation is in the story at this link: http://www.scnow.com/news/local/article_65409fe0-71e1-11e4-958d-d3b62b73e1ce.html (answers: no and no) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynn sure looked uncomfortable when that baker was telling her that the ingredients would be changed. The business buys 25,000 pounds of ribs per year, and they had not asked for a volume discount? The marketing guy did not know how to market himself or justify his bbq job. And it looked like he was not interested in the routine work of running a bbq restaurant. It was great when he told Marcus to open his eyes. :) I can just imagine the city relatives seeing their country relatives earning 100K per year selling bbq and being self-employed.......... and thinking "they need our help!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shulersbbq.com
  8. do you think he would be like that if he was the one working for wages, and a co-worker was the one with ownership / equity / chance to get rich ?
  9. It could have been just a one-time courtesy........ a "return the favor" thing. from Marcus's twitter: "Chase is my bank, gave me my first loan, & I use them everywhere."
  10. It was kinda nice to see maternal instincts at work there (Betsy wanting to reach the calf)
  11. I don't even remember if he left with a deal in place. haha. the separate incidents during the show are memorable, though
  12. I sent you a "Like" no, no,........it was nothing. don't mention it.
  13. Marcus really emphasized the handshake deal in this show. but then he backed out of the deal.
  14. I watched the last half of the dog grooming episode recently. that one ended abruptly, too. he was staring at the dude wile the dude asked him "are you with me?" (three times). next shot is of Marcus getting in his car and driving off. with voiceover. end.
  15. :) raise your hand if you did an internet search for "Lawn Guyland" after reading the first paragraph. ;)
  16. wouldn't it be funny if the non-show people they meet are most interested in talking to Sig..... ignoring the other stars might be nice to see Gottfried out of character
  17. no. he said it was not a planned picture - just spur of the moment.
  18. from Jon Kroll's twitter....... "FYI, we gave them all champagne, sushi and In&Out Burger when we shut it down - best we could do on short notice!" breakfast this morning.......... they all look happy!
  19. Brichinos for everybody! also,..... Utopia has what it takes to make a great MST3K episode. plenty of footage to work with. Assign some interns to make a five-minute Utopia-MST3K short just for youtube. that would be great. to save people-time, here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Science_Theater_3000
  20. the pioneers are given a nice going away gift.....
  21. James and Jeremy had the ideal three-day tour. I am a-bettin' that they will get paid. if they don't , I predict some mechanic's liens on that property! hahah if a few of them partnered up, they could get some morning talk show interviews, entertainment interviews, etc. I bet if four of them offered a group interview, they would have takers.
  22. if there was a smart one, they would empty the safe before, as soon as a meeting is announced. any meeting. was the voting for the next three already finished? might be nice to know who was nominated to leave.
  23. he might see the empty compound, all wired up and ready, and flash-propose another Amish reality show! ---------------------------- conception, pitching, green-lighting, budget discussions, planning, building the compound, casting, production, behind-the-scenes hijinks, conflicts, surprises, legal, the animal people, filming, editing, ratings, attempts to keep it going,........ there is enough stuff there for someone to write a book. yeah.
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