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Everything posted by clod

  1. looks like Scotty H is working on another boat. I missed part of the show again. why did the CM not have its own gear? I watched the first minute of the CM special. was Josh talking about himself in the 3rd person at the beginning? after he said "legacy", I figured it would be a flashback show. so I bailed on it a few scenes later. was any of it about how to get a boat fixed up to go fishing or tendering or whatever? there was a show about the overhaul of another boat a couple seasons ago. that was interesting.
  2. I could see how that would irritate uncles, if a nephew thinks he gets their share of a boat/business. not just the father's share, but theirs, too. also, I bet he was paid for all the time he spent crab fishing. why would they owe him anything?
  3. was josh trying to "make captain" while he was working for his dad?
  4. saw part of the "Girls of Hoonah" episode this evening (rerun + a couple added scenes). during one of the new-added scenes, Matt mentioned he had a phone when he was in Ketchikan.
  5. they might be spacing things out, just in case court issues keep the Browns from filming this summer. (feels like Christmas in July!) or they might not want run to new episodes during the trial. for PR reasons there was some sort of court interaction today. it looks like the trial is set for 15 June. http://www.courtrecords.alaska.gov if they wait too long to film season three, we will be faced with another *** hurry! it's almost winter! *** story line. ------------------------------------------------------------------ before I forget, when the son hurt his hand, the dad was saying if it's hurt bad, there's no way to get out of here. because it snowed ?? how about one of those two boats they have? around here, a little snow and an overnight low of 26F does not freeze the lakes and rivers. and I'm thinking their water is seawater (freezes at a lower temp), and it moves with the tides.
  6. I think jbobchuck might be just having fun with that lunch story.
  7. he's come a long way in the few months since he was fascinated by that box in the apartment that heats your food. >>> microwave
  8. lunch in San Diego - do bush people use credit cards?
  9. I got tired of the "gotta find gold or I'm going to jail" story. was it season one, when he worked two months and only had about $300 in gold? who would do that? what was he actually doing for those months? then, on the last day of dredging, he dives for someone else. and makes $10,000 doing it. wow right. sure. I remember thinking that was the only way they could bring him back for another season. because of the gold-or-jail story. (numbers may be off) ------------------------------------------------ there were a couple times when guys said they hoped they could find that good spot again. I was thinking "too bad Alaska doesn't have gps." :) I think it was season three before I heard one of them mention using gps. if mentioned earlier, I missed it.
  10. saw a little bit of a re-run summary show of the first season. when they are at the dentist's office to get help for Rain, the dad fakes looking uncomfortable when told to fill out the paperwork. he says bush people aren't comfortable with paperwork. gee, do you think he has filled out paperwork before in his 50+ years? wait........... thats it! their legal problems with the state (permanent fund payments) are just due to paperwork! and you can't blame this bush family for paperwork mistakes. --------------------------------------- in another part of the re-run summary show, the dad talks about the altercations with the neighbors at the end of the first season. he said they never came to his house and asked him what he was doing. reading between the lines a bit, I would guess that he never went to the neighbors to tell them what he was doing.
  11. watched part of a repeat of the last episode. thought I would share these snarklets before I forget it all. after thinking it over for about one minute, I decided that the building of the house was so fake that I don't even need to pretend any of this is reality. full speed snarking! unlikely that the guys who struggled to make a raft could make those perfect-looking framed walls with window frames. seeing all of them stand up the frames did make for a nice video shot, though. all the lumber got moved somehow. magic. the roof - it just appeared. what was it made of, who put the roof on? magic. for liability reasons, I would guess that Discovery paid builders to do the roof. don't really want the middle son bouncing around on a partially finished roof like it was a trampoline. -------------------------------------- they went hunting. one wore a white/gray colored plaid shirt. the other wore a black leather jacket. no camo? something green? something brown? do real bush hunters avoid camo? we find it useful down here in the lower 48. the dad made a short interview segment where he explained about gabe missing the deer when they were cluster-hunting in an earlier episode. he said the scope was not calibrated, so Gabe had to use iron sights. I suppose he said "calibrated" for the tv audience. regular hunters and shooters say "sighted in". iron sights are obscured when a scope is in standard mounts. there is a special kind of scope mount that allows iron sight use, but that's not what was being used. so Gabe faked using sights, and missed the deer. why didn't he let someone else take the shot? they were supposedly short of food, so they needed some deer meat. what do they do? they stalk deer by walking around in a large cluster, then let the guy with no functional sights take the shot. right. it would not surprise me if the explanation about the scope was added because internet people noticed that the scope covers were still 'on' while Gabe was shooting. :) -------------------------------------- why are they not eating fish / going fishing? if a chainsaw is so important, they need two. a couple extra scenes in the repeat show! extra scene: trying to stay warm in the tent ......... they wore sock caps in the tent !!!!!! but when he sticks his head out of the tent next morning to see all the snow........ no sock cap. got snow shovel? it's Alaska. get a snow shovel. could have shoveled the snow off the floor before continuing the construction work. -------------------------------------- When the show returns, I expect to see............................... furniture ! like magic.
  12. hmmm. maybe he narc'ed on the rest of the family to avoid prosecution. or he missed the filing deadline because no one in the bush knows what month or year it is.
  13. I noticed the use of "we" during his explanation of wanting to buy some new land. I think some of the responses he got after the previous episode's meeting (need 400 more) definitely implied that he was being greedy. he referred to that during this episode when he said it was not all just "more, more, more". but it sure did look like WANT-MORE-GOLD. I wonder if any of his crew will pass on working for him next year. I watched part of the aftershow. amusing moment when Christo asked Tony what advice he would give Todd. "Get out of bed and go to work." hahaha. it looked like Todd did not like that answer. :)
  14. just finished a late night viewing of their 4th of July special. really surprised that it was on tv at 3 AM without being on the schedule or being mentioned in the previews. they ended up sitting on a log in the woods again. this time there was a light snow falling while they were saying how great this is, and how it felt like the 4th of July. they had bartered for some sparklers and firecrackers. the sparklers were lit in bush fashion - they ran the chainsaw till it got really hot, then held the sparklers against the muffler to ignite them. somebody (couldn't tell who, they were off camera and the chainsaw was running) said "We can light the firecrackers the same way." but a couple of the others said the sparklers could be used to light the firecrackers. so that's what they did. and I was glad to see that most of them were wearing hats while sitting around with snow falling on them. two of them even had parkas on! kidding. happy Bush 4th to everyone! :)
  15. maybe he was really living in Alaska. :)
  16. before I forget,......... they wanted a raft to carry their lumber. what could they use to make a raft to carry lumber? do you think they even considered making the raft out of the lumber? or,......don't use a raft - tow the boards like they did the pilings. could probably tow ten at a time with that skiff. (yeah, I know it's SO unlikely they moved all the house lumber themselves) but ! the whole raft-making-lumber-moving storyline occupied a big chunk of an episode, so it served that purpose well. ---------------------- btw, what is the heat source for that house? I predict a nicely made fireplace AND a woodstove will appear. cardboard, eh? wanna bet there is standard insulation behind that cardboard? maybe even paneling. however, seeing insulation or paneling would stretch credibility a little. :) so we saw cardboard. at the end, he was telling her it took 35 years, but here is the house. why did it take him 35 years to get her a house in the country?
  17. do all the people who lost money last year, show up with new dredge-boats this year? more opera. we need more opera.
  18. I also noticed the light in the house. that wasn't a candle lantern. :) it made a good picture from outside at dusk, with the windows lit up. I thought the old generator was lost at sea. wasn't that part of the storyline, that the family lost everything?
  19. pop some online bubble wrap now! http://www.virtual-bubblewrap.com/popnow.shtml
  20. problem with that is, these bush people have not seen bubble wrap before. if we send too much of it, they will be so fascinated with popping the bubbles that they won't finish laying up firewood, storing food, building a house, etc. they will bail out on the whole thing when snow falls. (again) .......... end of the show, because of bubble wrap popping. guns, camo, ........ are you suggesting Duck Dynasty is behind all of this?
  21. Hoonah forecast for Thursday............... high of 43, low of 38.
  22. are you going to keep it or donate it to a certain bush family? ;)
  23. I did notice that the prayer was directly asking for more gold.
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