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Everything posted by clod

  1. production has one last bit of fun. they call a no-notice emergency vote-off. one new guy and one seasoned pioneeer have to be voted off, now. no discussion allowed. (one guy in the backgound records it with cell phone)
  2. welp. if it cancels, might be fun to turn off camera movements, and see how long it takes them to notice that the cameras aren't moving. "FEEDS WILL BE DOWN A MOMENT Enjoy some of our favorite highlights while producers meet with the Utopians." y'all better hurry and bid on that artwork!
  3. would like to see it announced on an official channel
  4. the new landscape might draw some critters in, exploring for food opportunities. though I wonder why raccoons have not been trying to get kitchen scraps or checking the pond perimeter for tasty frogs and stuff. the new landscaping looks nice and green. hope it stays that way.
  5. kinda makes me tired, just reading that stuff. maybe I'll take a nap. thanks for the summary.
  6. iirc, the deal was that the claim owner gets a 100 ounce minimum payment. not that he would get the first 100 ounces.
  7. it was amusing to watch the ex-wife-partner in the trailer company say that Marcus called them to be on the show....... a few seconds go by,.......then she "gets" that the ex-husband-partner called Marcus and asked him to come. that's when the gloves came off. :)
  8. I don't think he needs to be spoon-fed. I would guess that since he is not an actor, his team leaves some surprising things for him to find out for himself. so he will go with the flow, and they can film his honest reactions. like last season: the animosity at the trailer-making company in Florida, or the resentment and frustration at the candy company (sweet petes). his team could have told him what to expect, but it made better tv to see him surprised by it.
  9. Hex is looking through a gap in the gate, watching her mom walk away.
  10. nice boat. would have been nice to see a pic of the boat and the house during the show. iirc, fairly early in the episode, Marcus summed up the monthly expenses vs revenue, and it sounded positive. it was part of the sequence where he asked the owner what the monthly expenses were, and the guy said $18k. the guy then waffled a bit on the $18k, I think because he realized that $18k expenses was less than the amount of revenue he had just admitted to. in other words, he accidentally admitted that the biz was profitable. so he would have to explain where the money was going, or admit that there were expenses (like debts) that he didn't include. they had enough insurance money to rebuild, but now they have a mortgage they can't pay. hmmmm. there a couple of instances where the owner said that cash was taken out for living expenses. I got the impression he was describing cash bills walking out in their pockets.
  11. yeah, I also thought he might have been referring to himself. ------------------- what improvements do you think are taking place outside? maybe a kiln? interesting that production is giving them paint and countertops and other stuff (?) I guess they decided to make it look like a home. worth a shot. might stimulate activity.
  12. Indiana is helping out! http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=66594
  13. The USS Constitution is a legitimate navy ship; I think its purpose is training cadets and historical stuff. If he was assigned to it, that would be something to be proud of.
  14. paid up on the business mortgage? "Yes" wow. you're in the foreclosure process! I was surprised when Marcus proposed a real estate deal, with no financial or operating control. and I think he missed it during the moment (live), and added the narration bit about contractors and painters at the house - they're remodeling???? Marcus looked uncomfortable watching it. That daughter needs to leave. just leave.
  15. yeah, someone would have tried to "break it in" before Josh could --------------------------------------- someone says something I could not make out, about delivery, and the delivery guy says "I appreciate that. I really do." anyone know what was said? the delivery guy wanted a nice unveiling. :) the delivery guy kind of does a "wait, what?" when Josh starts saying he can't accept it. :) the math was possibly easy. fifteen single mattresses @ $150 .............. compared to $3000 ? for the big-n-fancy. delivery guy thought it over for a just a minute and then said "fifteen other mattresses". good for him for reacting well and getting Josh something he wanted. while writing the above, I am thinking he is not just a delivery guy, because he adapted and made a deal. maybe store owner or manager ? I am imagining a flock of production assistants rushing about, getting the fifteen mattresses fixed up with sheets and stuff. in a hurry! ha.
  16. thanks! I downloaded it. interesting. I found myself pretending it was the two cows having that conversation. :) why the British accent on one cow? because it was a true Jersey cow. the other one had become Americanized.
  17. I think "fair use" might apply, since it showed how production was influencing the reality show, and it was a legitimate broadcast (not stolen). it would be nice if it was put back up,...... on non-usa servers owned by a foreign company. DMCA is a U.S. law.
  18. they just had a meeting where "a letter" was read that informed them that Josh was voted as top contributor, and that his reward would be delivered later today. they don't know what the reward is. they all applauded and congratulated him. refreshingly positive. then, the funniest utopia moment I have seen. Hex announces that she just caught "the fly" under her hand. asks what to do now? Chris reaches over and mashes her hand down on the table! hahaha. whole room finds that funny, as did I.
  19. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2klya9/i_am_utopia_on_foxs_libertarian_rob_ama/
  20. There is value in seeing how the public reacts to live feeds, how many watch on a youtube channel, how many join and vote, how many pay for better access, which video clips are most popular, how social networking is used to organize fans and foes, which pioneers are most popular, etc. but it may not be $50 million dollars worth of value. so, he will stay. it might help if they fixed that place up so it looked like they were living there. beds, anyone? how about a second (smaller) table and chairs. closets. a couch. indoor shower. hot water. it just occurred to me about chairs. do they have any chairs in the peoplebarn? are they still sitting on crates when they eat? their sitting options are either on the floor, or on a crate at the big table? maybe I missed an upgrade..... not fixing it up = not planning on being there for a year. somewhere I read that when Rob left last night, production asked him why they had not fixed up the inside of the (peoplebarn).
  21. you didn't get that, but you got to see Rob's surprised response.
  22. yeah. Rob wanted to leave. then wanted to stay. flip. flop. a day or two earlier hadn't he said he might leave even if Aaron was voted off? so they voted for him to leave. minor goodbye tears make sense, but she was torn up. his last minute "I want to stay" words could have been a purely political move, so that if Aaron was voted off and Rob stays, he would not be seen as the guy who does not want to be there.
  23. Rob's fortunes sure took a turn in five days! on the 21st he tells Bella she will be gone in ten days. early on the 22nd he still had it all figured out. late on the 22nd he finds out viewers will nominate. http://www.utopiatv.com/news/detail/1889/not-rob-s-utopia-the-supercut evening of the 27th, he has to walk out the gate. he did look a little surprised when his name was announced. including a nervous laugh. earlier today he had a big disagreement with Bella, apparently throwing some stuff at her. probably not the best move on the day of a vote-off !
  24. it looked like one of the partners was getting a steady paycheck, and the other one was not. the sales guy better start looking for work. with his sales ability, he has nothing to worry about. ha. --------------------------------- about the Brooklyn Burger deal, I'm not sure Steins owned that trademark (phrase) when the show was filmed
  25. next, they could shake things up by removing aaron from the kitchen. I wonder if they ever considered doing that. oh, yeah....... settle on a government figure out a way to make money after the buzz has worn off (U. Experience money slows, paintings/jewelry sales drop) make beds indoor shower get hot water (cold showers for two months?) I just looked on amazon. you can get a four gallon electric water heater for $180 delivered. that's not very big, but they could stagger their (brief) showers so it has time to heat up. way better than nothing! maybe think about how to stay warm this winter
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