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Everything posted by clod

  1. I wonder if there is winter in Colorado? looking forward to "winter is coming! have to rush-build a cabin! have to store enough food for six months! or disaster !!!!!!!!!!"
  2. I didn't care for the blue squares and logo that was presented. almost like it had to be Greek. and maybe Marcus was too connected to Greek stuff to be impartial. and the cross on the logo would dissuade some customers.
  3. caught some rerun bits tonight. when matt was returning to btown with his suitcase, met by noah, it sure looked like part of their path to the house was muddied by tire tracks.
  4. when I read those words I could hear bear saying it. hahaha
  5. y'all reminded me of something I read years ago. in general, tv show syndicators want close to 100 shows before making syndication (rerun) deals. one show was mentioned where they were going to be one season short. advertising revenue was dropping and the show was going to lose money if continued one more season. the producers decided to cover the losses of the next (last) season themselves, just so they could reach the right number for a syndication deal. could that be what is happening with ABP? are they stretching out new content - trying to reach a critical number of shows before unplugging it? how many shows have been created? counting specials.
  6. has "someone" climbed that wind-power pole? in realityworld, couldn't a couple of the young men who want to live in the bush,............ live in that house? that would be a bush thing to do. who's going to tend that cow when it returns? it will need,.................uhhhhhh,..............wait. ......... cow .......... reality. ............ I'm confused.
  7. ahh, a good snarky flashback. was flipping channels and heard "crab" when passing over a ABP rerun. could it be the lost-pot episode? it was! :) experienced crabbers-bush men lose their crab pot. experienced crabbers-bush men don't tie off their boat, so it floats away. I figure production alerted them to the issue, before it was too far gone and unrecoverable. experienced crabbers-bush men take a boat out at dusk, with no flashlight or lantern. there *was* a flashlight in camp, because one of the family was using a flashlight to look for them. oh, yeah. go out without a proper shirt or jacket. you can see the rescuers wearing foul weather coats, and even a sock cap (to stay warm). but you-know-who is found in the boat, in the dark, in the rain, in just a tank-top. and someone broke the chainsaw! next day, it was miraculously "fixed". simple chainsaw tool, check. chain put back on track, check. adjust tension, check. disaster averted, check.
  8. is it bigger than that one-room cabin they tried to build way back when? the one where winter was coming and they had to build it now or disaster?! iirc, they were all going to live in that one room.........all winter.
  9. I don't know if the insurance angle is true or not, but it would not surprise me. bear tearing up camera crew trailer people "facing off" bears with their shotguns/rifles. livestock would probably bring more bears. dropping the windmill pole near-missing someone's head when dropping a generator part from higher on that pole. ( got hardhat? ) tumbling down a hillside with presumed-loaded rifle. yup. YUP. got "more" ? ;) my Tricare kicks in late next year. yah!
  10. they might have screen actors guild insurance
  11. Hoonah Metro PD have a list of incidents or responses?
  12. sounds like a rare sleeved scene. ( tank top in freezing weather / leather coat in the rain )
  13. that reminds me of the lumber barter. if I am doing my math correctly, 5000 board feet of lumber would make a stack 8 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 6.5 feet tall. so when that barter guy "looked down" at that small pile of boards, he knew it was not even close. remember that awkward moment? haha when they were unloading that salvaged windmill generator, some of those parts looked new. hmmm. finally they have electricity, cause they can't get by without it. ------------------------------- oh, yeah. when you want to move that deer from one side of the yard to the other side of the yard, be sure (bear) to put it on your shoulders and of course get deer blood in that extremely fabulous hair. minutes later, there was a brief mention of how important it was to stay clean when living in the bush. oh, yeah, yeah. be sure to do a lot of standing around in the rain talking, without wearing a hat. ---------------------------------- lots of bears. bears everywhere. so let's get a cow. sure. btw, my money was placed on "never seeing that cow again" when it was boat-hauled away.
  14. I wondered if they had the domain name "w82.com" , and they do. it was registered in 2002. I wonder what they had to pay to get it. at first I thought they had a competitor on that domain, because it looked like a clothes store. I had to scroll down a bit before I saw a board. W82 does make a nice compact logo/name for printing on clothes and such. seems like outdoor sports stores gradually turn into clothes stores. is it because of the margins on clothes, or higher sales per customer, or repeat clothes buyer shopping visits?
  15. when he suggested that she move to browntown, I was really looking forward to seeing her ask him about living arrangements. and how they will earn a living. "We will live in the house with everyone else. We will sleep on the floor next to the others." "My siblings will kill a deer for all of us to eat. And we had some chicken eggs and cows milk. Did you see that cow?" and some of us get a check from the State every year. :)
  16. I did think he was a smooth talker who easily turned that question session into a fun fest.
  17. more about Chuck..... http://www.indystar.com/story/life/2017/03/30/he-ran-indy-mayor-and-lost-but-won-reality-show/99741980/
  18. after seeing how well the two finalists handled the announcement of the winner, do y'all think they both knew the winner before that scene was filmed?
  19. agree, that was a tight dress bottom. there were two shots from an angle that made it noticeable.
  20. my guess....... the winner will be watching over some small *new businesses* he gets involved with. like those seen on The Profit. they need more attention than he has time for, so he needs a little help. idea! let's make a show out of the recruitment of an action officer. maybe cheap to produce. possibly low travel required. were these shows filmed in one spot and quickly? as in one week? they build up his personal brand, too.
  21. there was one point where I left the room during a commercial break. I returned and found that commercials were still running. so I did notice it.
  22. wrt the watch seller, she may have been part of Marcus's "the profit" and "the partner" show staff. not a campingworld worker. that would explain why she was "smooth" and available on very short notice. (she was already there)
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