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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. Too bad Lucas can't seduce Michael so he can keep raising Willey. That's the route that they would take if it was straight people who adopted him, Pseudo relations be damned.
  2. I am of the opinion that Nikolas should be revealed to everyone as alive, but decide to live out of PC, like any sane person would. Bring him back for a bit to settle things, like putting Valentine out of the house and leaving him as penniless as possible after Nina drops his ass. After the dust settles though, he should move to London or something with Spencer to start over. Or... he and Hayden can be hooked up and go raise Spencer and her baby together in France, whatever.
  3. Don't blame Morgan, we all know he's Avery's real father and that Carly fucked with the paternity test.
  4. He's also in season 3 of Stranger Things.
  5. I wonder if Michael will change Willey's name. Like, they did it on DAYS with Isaac/Zack but not with JT as I recall. They did change it on OLTL with Hope.... Like, does it depend on age? Cause Willey is already a year old, he's attached to that name. And how old will he be when he's finally "revealed"? ETA: and Jonah is a stupid name. Like, I get the biblical reference, but no.
  6. it feels like Sonny has too many daughters already, but it's really only 2, so the new baby could be a girlchild.
  7. Joss actually mentioned that other people had started putting up locks after she and Oscar did. So, it was actually a correct thing to do to cut them down, because they are bad for the bridge. No, it's not as huge a deal as Paris, or that roof or whatever in Seoul, but after a while those things damage the bridge, and... they are an eyesore to a lot of people, and vandalism to real sticklers and snobs (separate groups, I find them ugly but I'm not actually a snob in general)
  8. But a badly told story about a disabled child that is never seen is "relevant" and emmy bait for years, depending on how many health crisises they can milk, and how well then can cast the character in the future. Plus, DIVERSITY!!
  9. I... I have no words for this logic. At least they didn't go with Scott? He did steal some money and book it when he was DA, so that would have been bad.
  10. I actually wouldn't hate that story. Sonny and Carly are annoying, but a story where their conflict wasn't about the mob or cheating, both of which they have done already and would look completely stupid for at this point, but actual real world issues of parents who are dealing with a child with special needs. Sonny could be the barely there, weekend, parent that he already is, and Carly can grow to resent feeling like a single parent when he's right there. He can be the heavy. I know it shades into the "Carly is the bestest mom ever" territory, but maybe if she was overwhelmed and unsure and needing support that Sonny was just not giving.... then she could turn to Jason for his always constant support, or even Jax, and then Sonny would feel like he's being pushed out of his family because she stops consulting him, stops asking for his help with things. He's standoffish for an actual reason, fear, and not just being a dick. That could be a background story that would keep them busy, but not dominating that show, for quite a while. This is subtle and not sexy, so it will never happen.
  11. At least Sasha was suitably horrified at the "I cut her baby out, but shes a c***, so it's ok!" speech. Maxie can't really call anyone out on baby shenanigans, with Pillowena and Connie/Georgie hanging out in her closet.
  12. Also, I get it. Sam went to the hospital so that her blood could be tested and they could use her drugging as actual evidence, which they couldn't with Kristina. Following any kind of reasonable procedure is just for the "plan" or whatever. Obviously they couldn't have taken proper precautions with Krissy.
  13. Chloe never changed her name because of her dead adoptive parents.
  14. I can't with the Will story. I JUST watched a kid die of a brain tumor on GH last week, don't need to see all of that drama again already. And since I'm not that invested in Will at this point, I find it hard to care beyond the impact on Ari and Gabi and Lucas.
  15. I would die if Sami came in and completed the baby mama circle. Lucas's mom, with Will's mom with Ari's mom being all schemer together...
  16. While I would love to see Ava picking up trash in the park with Cameron... well... she has a history, and Cameron is adorable, so no.
  17. Yeah, hurting someone who did nothing to deserve it takes all the love out of me for these "meant to be" couples. As an example.... OK, this vaguely goes against my Carly hate, but I didn't totally hate her with Franco at first. And, though I do like Franco more than most, I admit he did some heinous shit. HOWEVER, Carly cheating with Sonny is disgusting. And then her getting pissed off because he called her on her shit during their wedding, and has forever after acted as the injured party makes me vomit. Jax, at least, seemed to feel badly for fucking Skye over, though Brenda never did, and enforced how much I hated her. Jax and Brenda could never recover from that, for me. Not to mention the way she acted about Sonny during their relationships. She sucks. I hope that when Sonny is finally murdered, he's burned alive in his ugly ass mansion and Carly and Brenda are trapped in there with him. UNLESS... Jason and Carly finally have an affair... I might be willing to watch that.
  18. Frisco and Felicia were a great couple. Mac and Felicia, at this point, are together for convenience purposes. They should never have remarried, despite the fact that I was a great fan of them at one time.
  19. I meant that Brad could say he rigged it, to Willow. She's the only person who would know that any DNA test on her child would have to put Shiloh as the father. She could just say she slept with other guys, and was just wrong.
  20. I hope Ryan dies just slowly enough that his kidney can be harvested, but he suffers greatly.
  21. I hate Lucy... It's been building slowly over the years, but I have achieved NULLCH. No Upper Limit on Lucy Coe Hate! She has officially out annoyed Carly in my mind.
  22. I get what you are saying. My biggest problem with all of Robert's actions is this: The WSB is the bad guy in ruining his life and keeping him away from his family... but he continues to not only work for them (changing the boss doesn't negate that it's the same people), but encourages, and sometimes cajoles) Anna to work for them. So... I guess it was fine? He's practically the WSB's cheerleader, and I haven't seen that their actions have become less douchey at all. The shit with Dante makes them look bad, the shit with losing Alex and Andre's whole BS makes them look incompetent at best. His continued allegiance to this group of people who have supposedly kept him from his daughter while she needed him most is dumb, and makes him look bad.
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