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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. I understand Lucas' ire, and that he backed way the hell off when Michael listed the WHY of her hiding the baby. His fear is totally legitimate, and Willow has that same fear, which was why she was calling Diane in the first place. The plan should be a DNA test that they can "rig" to prove Shiloh is not the father of the baby. It's not like Brad couldn't pull it off, seeing as he isn't, and Brad knows it.
  2. I wish Cameron had stayed older than Molly. SORASing is fine, but it bugs the shit out of me when they do it out of order.
  3. Y'all are making me remember how much I loved AMC. Stop! It makes me sad. 😞 Now, lets try and pick out which actors currently on GH were on GL, cause it's getting to be a bit much. Carly, Lulu, Peter, NuNina, Hayden...
  4. I'm glad Hayden is coming back, I really hate the way they left us hanging with that crap. I liked her with Finn, and I really kinda... hate him with Anna anymore. I'm over it, done. I'm actually happy Finola is going on vacation so I get a break from them. And I USED to actually like them!! Also, RB is my second favorite Michelle Bauer from GL. Man... GL alum are just taking GH over at this point, aren't they?
  5. I will split the difference. I think Anna and Robin's relationship post return from the dead has been amazing and has added to the character... I think that, with how the interactions with him have gone, Robert's return really added nothing for Robin beyond an extra level of cynicism. And, maybe that's just the retconned reasoning for their being gone. Anna had amnesia and brain damage and was living in a cabin in the woods. She was found, treated and reunited with her daughter. Robert faked his death and just stayed away. That reunion was anything but happy, and it's colored my opinion of him ever since.
  6. I personally always found it hysterical that after finally recovering from that insane period after his brain damage, Michael has turned into such a nice guy that Sonny sometimes seems severely annoyed by it. He broke his little asshole chucky doll!! Morgan was EXACTLY what I expected CarSon Spawn to be. Joss obviously favors her father. Kristina... there is a lot of neurotic on the Cassidine side is all I'm saying. The younger Davis girls are all Alexis, more's the pity. Molly would be ruling the world if she could channel her father just a little bit. Not a lot, cause Ric runs on the crazy side.
  7. The actual baby switch is officially the only secret left in this whole swap nightmare. I predict it's going to be a while before that all washes out. Probably after Shiloh either takes Brucas to court, or kidnaps Willey, or both. I adore Chase/Willow as a couple. They are the only adults on this show at all. Although.... I could go for Michael/Willow.... or Michael/Chase TBH. Love that Nina was freaking out about Michael sitting with Willow, but Sasha was unruffled. Good for her. Willow was obviously upset, Nina was a total c***, and Michael is a good guy, and a good friend on occasion. On a completely different note. On the Red Carpet episode, with the introductions of both Nina and Valentine to Jax, I started to wonder if they were just going to truss him up and drag him home together. He's sparkly and purty, i don't blame them. 🙂
  8. I like Oscar, I DO care that he's dying in an unnecessary way that is just more angst heaped on my favorite family, the Quartermaines, who I do feel he's a part of. No, I don't think it's trying to be Stone and Robin, because the relationships and the characters so so completely different. It's way closer to what Dillon and Georgie were during the monkey virus arc. That couple, btw, I infinitely prefer to Stone and Robin anyway. GQ 4 life!! I DON'T care about the Ryan story, was tired of watching it a while ago. I'm glad it exists and that other people enjoy and watch it because it involves an under served group of characters and actors, but I skip it.
  9. Wow, after watching 906 I'm concerned about the sexual habits of these people. Kinky, cheating, weirdos.
  10. Yeah... emotional growth for any of these characters is sort of a pipe dream at this point. My husband and our roommate had an argument about GH last night. I think I need to stop watching around them, they are getting heated, lol. Apparently my husband believes that the K-Drama "Goblin" is more realistic than GH, and Nick vehemently disagrees. They are able to argue plot points, which is concerning.
  11. I would love it if Sam's discomfort with her scheme leads her to realize that she's not actually comfortable with this life she backtracked her way into anymore. That she was right when she was with Drew and let nostalgia shove her back into a life that doesn't fit who she is anymore. This would be self actualization and growth for the character, and actual internal strife for the JaSam relationship, so it can't happen.
  12. I was shocked that ABC picked up AI from FOX in the first place, the ratings had been going down for years even in it's original home.
  13. I get why bringing up the sins of DoD and Shiloh against others might not be the right thing to do in that situation. The point is to address Kristina's issues, and bringing in "well my friend said" pulls the focus from her, and why she felt she needed that group in the first place.
  14. I don't think Eric is bad, per say, I just think he's an entirely different character than the Eric Brady who left the show. Earnest, yes, but not quite the whining hypocrite that he is now. He had limits to what he would put up with, but he's now so black and white on everything, except how he acts, that's it's a bit jarring even after all this time. I do like him sometimes though, as long as Nicole's name is not mentioned.
  15. Ah, OG Rex, such a lovable genius with zero common sense or emotional intelligence. Much like the current one, but hotter, 'cause Eric Winter.... Fucking Mimi ruined it! I hate her. Little Miss "Emily is my miracle baby" when she just straight up gave away and shrugged off her other child, like he doesn't exist.
  16. Okay, so I've been wondering what the Peter story reminded me of. Like, the broad strokes seemed familiar, but I couldn't think of from where. Today I figured it out, and with all the clues in my face, from actors to a character name, I'm sort of embarrassed it took so long. It reminds me of Jonathan on GL. Kid given up by his mother to protect him, ends up with a hateful and abusive father through no fault of hers, comes in PISSED OFF at her. Of course Jonathan came to town and fucked his cousin/stepsister, Peter got his brother killed. Clues that should have helped me out Wes and Laura were both on GL, and Laura's character was a huge part of that story, being the aunt/stepmom of the guy. And Jon's aunt Olivia's name is the same as a character on this show. Duh Ouida!!
  17. I really tried with the first season of the Gifted, but it suffers from not being able to even mention the X-men, but still relying on that history to work... and it could not do it. It's a bummer because AA and SM are fantastic actors and the material they have been given sucks. Also, as an MCU and Agents of SHIELD fan, the Strucker name always pulled me out of the show. Same with X-men's Quicksilver, though the acting and writing there can make me forget how weird it is.
  18. I laughed at Liz's face when Jason asked her about getting the cup tested. She was SO not interested in getting involved in whatever crap he has going on. I like that she has no patience for him anymore.
  19. Maybe so Rex can tell Nicole where Eric lives, since he's moved since she's been dead. And KL and AZ in a scene is very interesting to me.
  20. Eh, the squeaky hinge gets the oil and all that. I'd bet Jake is grateful as hell that his brothers are having drama now and he can just coast for a while. I would have thought that people would be more upset by Liz telling Franco what a good "husband and father" he is. I like them and it gave me pause, lol. I'm terrible, but I want Friz to have a kid, a girl, cause he would NOT know how to handle a baby/toddler. This would amuse me.
  21. Thank you for clarifying that Jsbt. I always liked Alex on AMC. She was understandably cold and aloof, but a nice person. I have real issues with her on GH, along with just about everyone else. Fuck GH.
  22. To be fair, Sasha noped out on Michael after hearing about Nelle because she's lying her ass off in the exact same way that he was fucked by his ex, and she doesn't want to drag him into the scheme she's running with Valentine. That was actually her being nice by being mean. But... she does like him, and he is... a well built, rich, nice guy. Go get 'im girl!! ETA: I just remembered that Michael was with Kiki, who's supposedly Sasha's sister, who was married to and later back with his brother, who fucked her mom even AFTER she slept with his dad, who screwed and impregnated a different mother and daughter pair, both of whom slept with, and one had a child with, his brother, who also attempted to marry his sister, who had a kid with his daughter's cousin, who fucked his brother's fiance, who married her brother's brother!!!! Jesus.
  23. On AMC, Alex resented Anna because while they were seperated at birth and Anna didn't know, Alex was raised by their aunt to be a spy like Anna, and constantly seen as lesser, not as good, which led to there being some impersonation throughout the years. Alex having played Anna in the past was not new information, but the extent and Alex being so over the top hateful is.
  24. Y'all don't forget Spencer is Rocco's first cousin on the Nik/Lulu side and second cousin on the Courtney/Dante side.
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