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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. Drew made it clear he wouldn't work for Sonny, he and Sam were going to straight up leave town to get away from the mob stuff before he bought the company for her, to completely separate themselves from that old life. That is like 50 billion times more effort that Jason has ever made. He even told Carly that his family came first, obviously a sign of evil.
  2. I want the Who's baby to be some random ethnicity so a switch would be impossible.
  3. I'm good with it not being his I guess. It would suck, but be understandable. I am not for killing it at this stage of the pregnancy or him somehow having a child out there that he doesn't raise. It's in his character to give up a kid that's not his, he's done it before, but to either give it to the uncles when it is his kid, or just let Nelle swan off with it and not rip the world apart to find it, no. And he's not good with this kind of angst, on an acting level. CD is good with some things, I like him more than most seem to, but I don't want to see him act that shit out. I don't need logic, I am a soap fan!!
  4. I have no reasonable reason for it, other than I think Michael was heartbroken when Teddy was taken, on top of Sabrina dying. And he'd already given Avery back after getting very attached to her. And he's in his mid twenties, so it's not that odd to have a kid.
  5. I kind of want Nelle to escape scott free, but... I really want Michael to have his baby. I'd sort of be happy if Nelle gets busted for her scheme, then goes into labor, and in the confusion right after the birth, before she's cuffed to the bed or anything, she books it out of the hospital, promising to return for the baby as soon as she can. It leaves Michael with his kid, but there is a tension that doesn't really go away and he becomes paranoid and refuses to even let his kid be alone with people he generally trusts, because what if Nelle hurts them to get the baby back.... Ok, I have no resolution beyond that in mind....
  6. Well, GH is on Hulu, which is where I primarily watch it, but your point stands.
  7. I think that they are not so much assuming that it was always the plan, but that she's so insecure and around the bend that she will go back to that behavior at the slightest provocation. Which, isn't far wrong really. Nelle thinks that she can have a happily ever after life with Michael and the baby. Bursting that bubble is meant to move her toward drastic actions, like with Zach supposedly. It's kind of on the edge of entrapment without going over into it, as long as Chase doesn't suggest killing Michael or something.
  8. I'm excited to see BM do more outside stuff. He did stuff when he was on Y&R.
  9. Oh, Jason cares, but for once, nobody involved gives a fuck what he thinks.
  10. I really want Mikey to get some kind of psychiatric care, just to show how he compartmentalizes his life and his own moral compass to make his family stay whole. Cause, I have no idea how he does it really. Like, is he totally broken inside, or some kind of mental contortionist or what?
  11. I really want to see Drew and Margaux interact. They played very well off of each other on Y&R, but the actors have history and I just wanna see how it goes with their chemistry.
  12. Yeah, Chase and Nelle were a one time thing, but I get your point. No, we don't KNOW that she killed Zach, but.... I mean, if she actually tries to kill Michael, does it matter? By marrying for the baby, I meant tying Nelle and the baby to the household. As long as Michael can keep Nelle happy, she and the baby aren't going anywhere. So he could be just pretending to be in love so that she buys in all the way and stays. And with the things that she has "accidentally" heard, it looks plausible, and is set up to make her doubt if the marriage will be able to last or if Michael will get bored and boot her to the curb with only child support and a co-parent. That is not what she wants. But it's not stated outright by anyone but Chase.
  13. I can't feel at all sorry for Nelle in this. She has done the same thing to Carly all this time. The only different is that Nelle is pregnant and doesn't have the long hateful history that Carly has. So I applaud Nelle for fucking with Carly, and I cheer Michael on for fucking with Nelle and finally showing some fucking spine and some awareness. Now, about trying to take Nelle's baby away... I don't know that that is the specific goal of the situation. Nelle has shown obvious signs of being mentally ill and criminal, and Michael is trying to get her convicted of a murder that she did commit, or at least see if she will attempt it again on him. He has never said he was going to keep her from the baby, even though a separation is the natural conclusion of this situation. He's not going to frame her, blackmail her, hold her hostage and threaten her to get her to sign over her child and never be a part of it's life. Being in prison makes full time parenting impossible, but she would still be the kids mom. And Nelle, like many people on this show, absolutely deserves to be in prison. I do like that, while the conversation is maddening in it's use of AJ (fuck you Sonny), it makes a point. Sonny has been one the other side of Micheal making a plan like this. It fucking works. If Michael had stuck to his guns and Morgan and Kiki had stayed the fuck out of it... Michael may have continued to raise Avery until Ava's reveal, and with the system, probably long after. He might still have her. Not to mention that in contrast with Carly losing her shit over Michael making his own decisions, Sonny seems to have accepted that Michael is not foolishly trusting Nelle, and has his eyes open, so he's not trying to bully Michael into doing his bidding. Jason treating Michael like a 13 year old version of Carly is extremely annoying and, as expressed above, hypocritical considering his reasons for running away from the Qs all those years ago. He DOES see Michael as one of his sons, and his obvious favorite, but back the fuck off dude. Nelle looked kind of pleased to see Carly at the wedding, so I don't think this is going to to derail things. I think Ned is in on things with Michael. His little Prenup conversation fell so neatly into Michael's plan to get Nelle to try and off him as I see it. You have Chase on one side, planting doubts, making himself the guy who can "save" things for her and would be willing to kill to get her back. Michael looking like he's manipulating her to get married for a better claim on the baby and then Ned to help confirm her own worries and doubts about Michael's sincerity. Now it looks like she won't get anything if Michael divorces her, if he dies after making a will then she has limited access to his money through a trustee for the baby, but.... if he dies sooner... she's set for life. I don't think it's entrapment, because no one has suggested killing Michael as an option or offered to do it for her, but she is being pushed into the corner to see how she lashes out. If she does, it backs up the idea that murder is how she deals with stuff and may make it easier to get more evidence against her for killing Zach, like maybe encourage witnesses to come forward or something. And if that doesn't work, then she's still on the hook for conspiracy to commit murder, if she goes for it, and if she doesn't... well, he's got the prenup and can get joint custody. Worst case is Michael dies...
  14. I would agree if this was the story that they were telling, but they aren't. If they had shown the relationship fall apart because Drew without the backgorund of being Jason, just didn't feel right for Sam, I would get it. What they are saying though, is that he was forcing her to change her life, for him, and it felt wrong. None of that is true. Jason does show emotion.... he shows confusion and pensiveness, even when those aren't the emotions called for in a scene. I don't hate SBu or anything, I just wanted the story to show even an inch of growth for him after his captivity. Like, some reflection, some kind of awareness. We got nada, and I'm super butt hurt.
  15. I was totally on Tony's side right up until he took Carly back when she was going to leave town while pregnant. From that point on, I knew he wasn't being sincere, he was scheming, and I lost patience with him PDQ. I was 15? at the time, and i thought it was totally sleazy of him. I felt for him with Bobby and Allan and then Stefan in the background and everything leading him astray into the waiting arms of a young woman who was seemingly on his side. Now Carly, I did like, as a schemer and such, and I loved her friendship with Jason, when it was really a friendship. That nurses ball, when she said goodbye to him, was so great and I was so mad she was going to leave. And then pissed that Tony stopped her the way he did. I genuinely thought that Carly was just ready to be done. She hadn't gotten what she wanted out of things and was gonna bail. I also thought that it was way too much of a retread of the Kendall story on AMC. Like, eerily similar. At least in the background elements. Kendall took it a bit more OTT than Carly did, lol
  16. I don't like Alexis. I think it's ridiculous how she is just glossed over all of the messed up s*** she's done in her past and gone straight to blaming everything on the men in her relationships. She just bugs me on a lot of levels anyway. And nlg isn't doing anyone any favors on Twitter either
  17. My favorite quote from the last year is the multitude of times that someone has had to say "Jason has brain damage." or himself "because I have brain damage." I snicker every single time. Only really good part about the memory swap mcguffin story.
  18. Yeah, "Come to the cabin, I have something for you" was the text I believe. So, Noah Drake was cheating on his wife with Matt's mom and kept him a secret until he showed up on the show. Not the same situation as Finn's. I think, If Chase isn't Finn's secret child, maybe the dad was with Chase's mom before Finn's mom died? Or she was Finn's mom's nurse or something? It's got to be more complicated than "my dad got remarried and had a new family right after my mom died".
  19. Lol, it is pretty funny that they have just decided to gloss over the fact that Nelle is Carly's sister through adoption. Like, the Bensons adopted Carly, so Frank is/was legally her father, despite the fact that he skipped town when she was a kid. That's just how it is, can't ignore it now that it's inconvenient to the Nelle/Michael drama. No, they didn't know each other, but the relationship exists on paper. At least acknowledge that it's weird. Like they did with Maxie and Georgie crushing on Lucas, they totally admitted it was weird. Or Franco and Liz sharing a brother has been noted at least once.
  20. I like Peter, don't care if he's Satan's son, and I would like some kind of concrete proof that he ever committed a crime. If he'd kept his mouth shut there would be absolutely zero evidence of any kind that he did anything wrong. Nothing. They only have deduction and supposition outside of his own words. I mean, there wasn't even an indication that he existed, much less evidence that he's ever committed a crime. And WSB is not a Federal Law Enforcement agency. It's an international espionage organization. I want to know where they get the authority that they use to arrest and imprison people. For real. Interpol doesn't exist as a nation unto itself, they report to people. Who does the WSB report to? Obviously they just do whatever the fuck they want, but there should be SOMEONE outside their little clique of spy buddies badly overseeing this crap.
  21. Man does great build.... then he tanks.
  22. I was much more interested in this story when Mike was confusing Sonny by remembering stuff that he wasn't around for in Sonny's childhood, like the game with his friend every Thursday. Like, it seemed like they were leading to Mike revealing that he wasn't gone, but Adela wouldn't let him around Sonny at the time, so he watched from a distance. Layers y'all!! Even the memory of the field started ok, in that same vein of Mike being in the background of Sonny's life, but thinking he would hurt his son if he was visible. And maybe they're still going there, since Sonny is kind of diverted from his "how the hell do you know about that stuff" question by idiotic logistics of covering his crimes. Maybe Mike moved the body the minute those assholes drove away in order to protect Sonny. But, until they circle back around, I give zero fucks. And on another note, I'm totally not here for Dante being a dick. I don't care that he's all sad about Nathan and his partner is giving him advice about his job (which he sucks at most of the time lately anyway( that he doesn't want to hear. No. Not an excuse for being a douche bag. You were the good son!!! BAD DANTE. I can't believe you made me FF you!
  23. Probably a good idea to get outside and out of the way and tell the paramedics what happened.
  24. So... everyone raise a hand if you are ready for Bobby to tragically succumb to a really devastating case of shingles that is deadly, but quick. And Lucy could be injured in an accident that destroys her memory of the Nurses Ball and damages her voice box so she can't reach that high pitch anymore. I do like her though, so she lives.
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