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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. I'm torn about a baby switch story because I really don't want to see Michael or Maxie go through that. Like, they both have some history of having a child yanked out from under them, though in very different ways. My ideal switch situation for this is if Nelle and Maxie give birth outside the hospital and the babies are switched in the process of getting them medical treatment in a hurry when they get there. Then we have a straight live switch that can go on however long they want to, then the reveal and a custody battle. or with Nelle being gone, Michael and Maxie bond and decide to raise their kids together. Lucas and Brad can get a few month old Hayden/Finn baby and give Finn angst when he finds out, electing to let them keep it in the end and being a cool uncle type. I don't want a tock, for the characters, but also because we are gonna need more kids that are less related to everyone else's kids, so Finn's kid and Maxie's need to be around. And Michael just want's to be a dad, and he'd be good at it.
  2. Thinking about it, yeah Anna would have just been happy he was dead, not remorseful. I do think she might wonder if he could have answered some questions, but not enough to dwell on it too much. But I still don't mind that she didn't do the deed herself. I don't think Robin would care either way. I never saw Anna and Robert, or the other pairings involved except Duke and Anna which drove me to rage over the last part of his life. Just from the scenes of the actors together over the 2000's though, I would pick Holly/Robert because of the actors. Anna/David Hayward 4Ever!!!! Speaking of which, it bugs the shit out of me that GH does not acknowledge that Leora existed.
  3. Fuck, I had legitimately blocked that out of my memory. Now it's back...
  4. Abuse is not a redemption, it's at best an explanation for how the character thinks. I wish people would get that straight. Todd was not redeemed by the fact that his dad beat the shit out of him. He did his time, apologized and tried to move the fuck on. That's not redemption. An explanation of how a person came to do what they did is not redeeming. I only know of one actual character on a soap who raped someone and redeemed himself to become a good man, and that was Jack on DAYS, and it took YEARS.
  5. Yeah, I have no idea why Francesca was dressed that way. Even Michael seemed surprised by it.
  6. Probably for Morgan's death anniversary stuff.
  7. Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe are NOT good though.
  8. I just assumed that Michael was coming from work. That looked like office clothes.
  9. They could have gone to the Haunted Star. If it's even open.
  10. Poor Michael has very little experience dating though. I don't think he's ever had the traditional first date. Abby was a hooker Sam got him, Sabrina was his nanny for Avery and Nelle wasn't really a traditional start of relationship either. He hasn't really done this in years, if at all. ETA: Kiki! I forgot one (blocked the whole thing) That one was him sleeping with his brother's wife who he'd thought was his cousin.
  11. That reminds me, I really hope somebody in Abby's family sued the fuck out of whoever owned and operated that crane.
  12. The new girl would honestly be good for Michael. He's been living like a 45 year old man ever since he got out of jail. He needs to relax and live a little.
  13. I was thinking that too, or at least a "WTF is that smell?" since it's gotta be lingering in the wood where they were laying. Another big difference between now Sam and before Sam as well as a difference between Jason and Drew. Both of their reactions to the situation were "I need the cops" not "Call Sonny and/or Jason). If nothing beyond that was achieved with these scenes, that's enough for me.
  14. Drew and Franco play so well off of each other. I'm sure they will start being shitty again in like a day. I did love Chase's reaction to their smelly selves, and Drew's "oh, no, no, don't" moment when Sam went to him the first time and then objecting again later. That is a man who loves his wife and want's to protect her. :)
  15. I am an unashamed Franco fan, and a Friz fan too (though she's a lot OTT with the blind devotion). And it may well be that I just hate S/C/J so fucking much, and that I like RHo and his chem with Becky (and Becky FFL!), but I can't really explain it. I do quite like Drew though and I like Drew and Franco's interactions. But... WTF with Sam and Liz. Good Lord. The Babysitters Club is on the case!
  16. Ahem.... I like Franco. I like Friz, even though I question Liz's though processes. I don't find it weird or bad that Cameron and Aiden are barely on, though mentioning that one of them has a thing that Liz needs to take care of instead of it always being about Jake would be nice. I like Peter. I don't care if his existence is ruining the perfection of the Robert/Anna backstory. I do wish that they would mention that Anna already has one dead child on top of Robins HIV and this Huntington's thing is freaking her out. I'm not up in arms that Jason killed Faison instead of Anna. Jason likes killing people, Anna doesn't. She'd have gone for the kill shot and then regretted it later anyway. Monica bugs me. Her voice and diction and mannerisms are annoying. And it's not because of her age, she's always pulled her head back like a bird and SHOT out her lines. And....I don't think LC is a good actress, or that Monica is all that good of a person. I like her being Drew's mom. I'm over her other than that. And I don't think she's completely in the right on the arguments with Olivia last year either. Either the family are guests in YOUR (tired of hearing about it) house, or they are full members of the household. Olivia decorated one room in a MANSION that had to have like at least 2 other living/family rooms in it. Use one of those to hang out if it is that annoying Not that Liv was right either,. They were equal assholes. And ... I like Julian. Liked him with Alexis, like him with Kim. I think he's right about being in Leo's life, but should suck it up about the adult children for at least a full year after nearly getting them all killed and respect their wishes about the grandkids too. It's not like he raised either of them, or knew about them. They have been more like friends than his kids, so he needs to respect them not wanting him around.
  17. Kiki's voyage is more like - Morgan Michael Morgan Dylan Morgan Dylan
  18. They didn't actually say Anna had Henrik. I hold out hope. Probably should start preparing to be disappointed though.
  19. If they tock Maxie I'm gonna be pissed. Actually there is potential for drama if either Nelle intentionally miscarried for Michael's attention/pity or he gets involved with Maxie and Nelle goes off the rails to get his attention back on her. Or both.
  20. Just reading that sentence made me tear up.
  21. I'm pretty sure that was about the "pounded by a real man", not actually about Franco's need to be beaten up. Franco deserved ti, it was funny. That wording sounded like someone was turning on the porn music and they were going to town, which is not the same thing. LOL
  22. The one time Franco makes a good decision and seeks professional advice.../sigh
  23. I think the nicotine withdrawl added something a little more real to the show. Like, not everything they said when they were jonesing like a crack addict was all that well thought out.
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