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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. This was a great episode but.... how did Carrie know that the "ransom hacker" even lived near her? He could have lived on the other side of the world especially since he was asking to be paid in bitcoins. That was a stretch.
  2. Was this the first season that the senator and Dante appeared?
  3. I have said for years that production has the HGs compete in two dangerous competitions: the dizzy/bowling one and the slip/slide till they fill the huge jug. It is only a matter of time before somebody gets really sick or injured from that. Dizziness can trigger many complications.
  4. This show, this show. Why am I so confused? I can't keep track of who these characters are when they are brought back from so many past seasons. Can somebody please give a quick Cliff notes version referencing who in tonight's episode these key players are and a brief synopsis of their background and from which seasons they last appeared? Thanks.
  5. I only watched the last 4 episodes.... I saw no point to watching it every week and seeing it all drag out week after week. I do not know much about Ben, so I therefore cannot comment about the winner. I do not look forward to next season. The show has really become boring and redundant: same game, different players and a slow crawl to the finish line.
  6. I think it was a wonderful season... so well done. However, I do not think we will see a new season before 2019. The long waits between the seasons are a real downer for me. They should consider airing half of the season when they finish creating it and then finish the season later. If they start filming in the spring, surely some of the episodes could air sooner. I was thinking of Westworld, which I think just started filming season 2. That season will probably air in the fall of 2018... which would make it two years between seasons. It all just seems frustrating.
  7. Randall is another character who as a parent is scripted to say and do all the right things.
  8. Wow, I probably will get a lot of criticism for this post but I am getting tired of the way this show subliminally and overtly has Rebecca being the perfect mom. She says all the right things to Kate and to Randall. It sometimes seems like I am in a parenting class with an actor modeling proper parenting behavior. Rebecca says things about arms being open wide, I am the one who has to do it not you (I am paraphrasing), it goes on and on. Maybe others think Rebecca makes mistakes and is not so perfect, but when she is on her "mom" game for the most part she does not seem real. It is obvious her lines were written by a scriptwriter. And Kate does not even appreciate the mom she has. Who had a mother like Rebecca? I sure didn't.
  9. Chrissy Metz said: “There is so much shame around (miscarriages) and you feel like you are inadequate or [it was] something you did, it was your fault. But it’s actually very natural.” I am not shocked at all. I am not saying this to be mean or to "fat shame," (I am overweight myself) but I think the writers planned the miscarriage not just to make a statement about it but to subliminally say that perhaps her weight had something to do with it. Let's be honest, when a woman is pregnant she is weighed at her appointments and weight is a major factor and can lead to problems.... swelling of the feet, edema, gestational diabetes etc. I had read that Chrissy Metz had a clause in her contract that said she had to agree at some point to lose weight. I am wondering if this is the prologue to that storyline... maybe she will have a real life gastric bypass. She has gained a huge amount of weight over just the past year and how can it not be addressed? We can be kind and tiptoe around it and pretend not to see it and that it does not matter, however does political correctness indicate we are to be silent about it? In real life, how could a woman that size carry a healthy baby to full term? http://tvline.com/2016/11/17/this-is-us-chrissy-metz-weight-loss-contract/
  10. I actually never thought he was a good actor. I studied acting and know a good actor comes from a place of emotional truth. He seems to not really BE angry but is transparently ACTING angry etc. However, i don't think his acting really matters that much. He does an OK job and looks right in the role so I just accept him as Jamie and focus on the story not the acting because I think Caitrona Balfe is an awful actor, she is a real stiff and in many scenes she is totally unlikeable not because of the dialogue but because her own personality seems to be evident.
  11. Who was the (young person) Claire saw come though the door on the British ship that she looked like she recognized?
  12. I thought this season was crap. It was short on plot, heavy on character development, it was just cheesy and pretty trashy. Real crap. Oh, and when they paraded in on that "red carpet" to see Deep Throat... while it was supposed to be an inside look into what was "groundbreaking" it came across as embarrassing and so cliche.
  13. I think an 18th century perspective broadens the view in terms of why he would have married her. Claire was gone, others presumed she was dead, maybe he wanted children and thought Laoghaire was suitable for that, she loved HIM, and he did not have to remain loyal to Claire's memory by distancing himself from the woman who created problems for Claire. He married a woman who was totally in love with him. I just don't see it as such a shocking choice for Jamie to make.
  14. Eh, men do strange things..... they marry (horrible) women because they get seduced by a physical appearance or by how the woman treats HIM and then they overlook major things and just get on with it. Still not shocked. My father stayed married to my mother for over 50 years, and she despised him and bullied him his entire life, so my perspective may be skewed.
  15. I just want to say that I am not a book reader and hang out in this thread. There is no need for spoiler tags, I expect to read spoilers, that is why I am here. Having said that and now that I know that Jamie was married (to Laoghaire) ... what is this big shock? Twenty years passed, Jamie was not living in a vacuum, nothing would surprise me. What shocks me more than anything is how I was so excited about this season finally airing after so long a wait and how boring it is. Claire is hateful and Jamie and Claire have no chemistry. They just do not fit as older versions of their younger selves. Something is coming through.... and it is not appealing. Claire is shocked at how "rigid" everything is. Well, those were the times back then. She can't bring a 1968 mentality back to the past and expect it to work. She was horrible to Frank and now is sending mixed emotional messages to Jamie. I am growing to totally dislike her (or the actor who plays her?)
  16. Cliffhanger bullshit ending much? Ray will not be fished out of the East River, the next season's first scene will start as if this last scene never happened and Ray just imagined it. I can seen that coming a mile away. See you soon, Ray! Maybe sooner rather later since the next season will be filmed in my hometown of NYC!
  17. Could the problem be the scripts? I am not a book reader but enjoy reading the "book talk," so I stay in this thread. Plus, the "no book talk" thread has no activity. This episode was so boring and dull, and that subplot of Claire performing the surgery when he died anyway seemed like filler. The only episode that I enjoyed so far this season was the episode where Jamie had his son.
  18. I am not enjoying this season at all. Something is missing and I think Claire and Jamie lost their chemistry. They just do not seem to be in love. There is no spark and the plot is really boring me.
  19. And how did Ray get him out of jail?
  20. Thanks! But what did Mickey take the fall for last season and how did Ray get him out of jail?
  21. Please refresh my memory. Mickey took the fall for the "Armenian" thing.... Why? How did Ray get him out? Now, Ray made Mickey take the fall for the "Primm" thing (or for Frank Barnes?) so he could get Bridget off the hook? Confused. These seem like recycled plots. They kill, go to jail, and offer up information or criminals to make deals to get each other out.
  22. Wow, has this show become absurd. Mickey is always getting thrown into jail for murders and then Ray bargains to get him out. This time, it looks like Mickey will stay there. How many murders has each Donovan committed?
  23. Did I not hear correctly? I thought one of the pimps said to a prostitute: "Who do you think you are? Beyonce?" I could not have heard that because Beyonce was born in 1981.
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