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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. This episode is up already On Demand so I suppose it is OK to discuss it. I think this episode was the best of the series so far. The "Cole" segment is incredible. Wow! And Nan is Amy Irving! The way in which this segment unfolds is so moving. I love this show and this season for me is terrific and this entire episode (of first Vic and then Cole) sort of foreshadows in my opinion exactly where this season is going.
  2. I actually liked Swaggy, and I think his exit interview was really good. And I liked Steve. Why does the oldest guy always get voted out first? (like Glen). I am almost to the point where after 19 years, I am done with this show. They don't need weeks of a slow crawl to the end. They could wrap this up in three weeks, with noms, vetoes, and evicts all in succession on a daily basis. Tonight's episode made me feel like I was watching reruns of past seasons' episodes with understudies playing the roles. I think I will stop watching and tune back in at the end of August and enjoy being surprised at who remains. I don't get the point of watching all this filler any more. I used to feel that it was interesting "how" the game was played, but it is all such random mercurial bullsh*t. And it is infuriating at the same time.
  3. I watched this episode again and in the second viewing it appears so much like Jessica Biel's "The Sinner." There are mysteries, but somehow I feel the conclusions will not be as shocking as the writers intend this all to be. The answers are all hiding in plain sight right out of the gate. I think I am liking the series more because of the beautiful location. It has a real old time feel to it. If Camille did not have a cell phone, I could believe this all happened in the 1970s.
  4. For me, this is just another jumbled hard to follow series that leaves a trail of ongoing mysterious clues and no doubt it will go on and on and on to some boring conclusion like True Detective 1. After Westworld and The Sinner and so many others that provide frustrating disappointing solutions, I am not sure if I can invest weeks of cliffhangers on this layered intrigue. I am better off sticking with The Night Of or The Affair where one mystery will be answered in a somewhat believable and grounded way. For me, Sharp Objects is written by smug writers who are more in love with their ability to build artistic scenes that motivate curiosity than to provide clarity. The style is becoming too frustrating.
  5. I love this show. It is flawed, but I love watching the hour. And I hate when the hour is over. This season is so much better than last season. I loved this episode. I enjoyed how it unfolded and the only problem I have is that all the episodes are not up so I can binge watch the entire season. You could be onto something.
  6. "Fezdispenser?" "Hayseed?" Who are they? I don't keep up with the nicknames.
  7. Are they all aware that Kaitlyn was the swing vote that got Steve evicted?
  8. I am confused. When Steve did a mental vote, he believed Kaitlyn would vote to evict Sam? But she voted to evict Steve and that change caused him to be evicted? Was Kaitlyn the vote that Steve got wrong?
  9. Just now: Production: "Stop using production as....." As what? I could not hear it.
  10. They can all plot and plan and plan and plot but Steve will be going tonight because heavy handed production thinks Steve is dispensable and their trending darling Sam is loved by America. I watch the feeds and realize that all this plotting is absurd because unless the HGs fly low under the radar, they are voted out anyway eventually. Sam may be staying tonight and could be back in the next time she is on the block and gets evicted, but she is doomed and will not win. If it were me and the handwriting was on the wall, I would cut my losses and get evicted and enjoy the rest of the summer with my family. So who is flying as low as possible? Scottie, Kaycee, and maybe Faysal. The rest will go down like dominoes.
  11. All that sodium in so many slices of vegan ham is so unhealthy. This show does some really demented stuff to the HGs (and I am referring to that slip and slide comp, which always amazed me that ended with no broken bones)
  12. But regarding ALL of the meat he eats, does it not ALL have to be halal?
  13. I missed this, sorry. Is Sam allowed to tell the other HGs that she won the trending app thing? Is she allowed tot tell them what she picked and what it gives her? I would think not since then it would be pointless to vote her out or at the very least cause them to reconsider their vote on Thursday. Regarding the "ham" thing.... doesn't Faysal also have to follow all halal food law?
  14. There is not one winner in this collection of guys. They all seem like such losers to me, way too young to even be serious about marriage. I have no idea who Becca picks, but I think that whoever she picks will be history in her life within six months. They are all such clowns and frat boys. Did casting even try to pick a collection of worthwhile guys? I liked Clay. He seemed to be the only serious man even there.
  15. Helen really crossed a line. I was thinking: how DARE she tell Vic's mother without his permission? And then she offers up: "She is your mother." I had an awful relationship with my mother and never told her anything. If one of my friends went over my head (within some fantasy relationship they created in their own head) and told my mother anything, that would do it. It is nobody's call to make except Vic's.
  16. I also was surprised Cole ordered it well done, but I always say: very well done, burn it..... so I related. Maybe the writers were trying to show he is a little bit "schmucky?" That was written in that scene for a reason. That offer was absurd. It was very odd. It was actually peanuts. In reality I really think it would have been closer to 20 million.
  17. I can't tell Brett and Winston apart. I have finally been able to tell Rachel and Kaitlyn apart, but Angela and Haleigh... no. Why do they always put in HGs who look so much alike?
  18. Something about him is seriously weird. It is like he is holding back which seems to want to go to some places that push the envelope and which will get him booted out of the house in a heartbeat. He seems to be letting down his guard and not being so careful..... all it will take is for him to lose it one time and bye bye JC! eta: OK, LadyCalypso said it better than I did. JC does not know boundaries.
  19. Haleigh, Bayleigh, Angela, Angie, Brett, Winston.... it takes me two weeks just to learn their names and why oh why every season do so many of them look so much alike to me that I cannot even tell them apart? I just had to print out a screen shot of the HG's photos and their names so I can follow these live feeds.
  20. Why is the oldest guy always voted out first?
  21. We all know that winning anything early in the game makes you an early target. You have to keep a low profile at the beginning and fly under the radar. The quietest ones who cause no issues and make no waves usually can get at least to to the half way mark. They target the most visible ones and confident ones with loud mouths first. But every year, these HGs make the same mistakes. Just saw this.... I said the same thing.
  22. I don't watch SNL so my suggestion came from a place of not knowing they have already parodied it and now I know. In Treatment. The season finale of Westworld could have introduced Gabriel Byrne as a host for season 3 in crossover.
  23. I don't think it is JUST that the story is a jumbled mess. It is worse than that. Even if you can figure out the mess, the story sucks: a cradle, a forge, brain balls, guests and people that are hosts, all the gun violence and killing. It is just a horribly written show that creates mystery after mystery and the solutions are absurd. It is so ridiculous, it plays like a parody. It would make an hilarious SNL sketch.
  24. What's with those "brain balls?" I think it was the writers' brains because they lost it. Stubbs was a host. Gee the writers really shocked me with that twist. Not. The cradle, the forge.... ffs. By the way, I read this somewhere and it rings true. Those cleanup techs walked through the valley in this final episode shooting hosts dead that were barely alive like the Nazis did at Babi Yar. (Godwin's Law, I did it) It was an awful visual and repulsive to watch. All the gun violence and slaughter and carnage, it's hard to believe this episode and all of the other episodes of this season were written by probably liberals who are so outraged when there is a school shooting and they don't realize maybe a show like this glorifies guns and killing? Sorry to get political, but it has to be seen in a broader context in my opinion. The sight of Dolores in that crossover bullet belt week after week sickened me.
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