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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. By late 1977 and into early 1978, The Deuce’s women ache to break free from men pulling the strings or from society itself.
  2. Balls? She is just a woman who wants to stay married because she probably does not want to be alone and single. I think she is a needy coward. That was a message to her husband, not CBS. She was publicly telling her husband she is sticking with him. On the Golden Globes, she was draped all over him to show him affection as if even in their relaxed moments she has to please him. She has validated how important she thinks sex is. She is the programmed Chenbot who probably would have lower self esteem without a man. She probably thinks if a man leaves her for another woman, she was "lacking" in some area. THAT's why she said she was Chen-Moonves. Anything to keep the man mindset.
  3. I always thought Julie Chen was weird. She seemed to be programmed to "stand by her man." At the Golden Globes, she sat behind Les Moonves and draped her arms all over her husband, as if needing to prove to him and to show the world that even in their most relaxed moments she was attached and adored him. She had to be affectionate constantly to keep him. Also, and I forget where I saw this, she was interviewing somebody who said he was remote and skittish regarding intimacy in his relationship and her response was "Sex is very important." At that moment, I knew her relationship was based on sex because she was infusing her thoughts regarding own marital dynamic into the conversation. It seems she really is the total package, the grand Chenbot. I find her pathetic.
  4. Julie's sign off tonight was hilarious: "Julie Chen Moonves," affirming she is standing by her man. Good luck with him!
  5. I watch every episode and have no idea why. This is horrible. It is preposterous. The script is poorly written and the acting is awful. Will I watch the final episode? Yes. I must be a masochist.
  6. Who is the blonde? I am so lost.
  7. I am not surprised there is little activity at this forum. For me, the season's premiere episode was boring and awful. I cannot see this season going anywhere new. It's predictable and the characters have become caricatures.
  8. NYC. Christmas 1977 and the sex industry is booming. And we meet the main cast of characters again.
  9. I just think that Kaycee is presenting herself now as a real threat to the others because she wins comps and if anybody is sitting next to her in the f2, she will have a strong case to win the game. Therefore, with all of her recent veto wins and her HOH win she went from being invisible to being a strong player who made it far in the game and who will have some great convincing comments to make about why she should win if she is in the f2. She is now way too strong and way too visible and each of the remaining HGs should want her out for their own progress in the game. She is sitting in a position now with the ability to convince the jury that she should win. She played the game and any of the remaining HGs would be a fool to pick her to sit next to in f2. Each and every one starting now would lose to her. It should ALSO be clear that she can win that final HOH and have the ability herself to pick who she sits next to. The entire game is hers now from every angle unless she goes ASAP.
  10. Things are changing because it is coming down to the wire and only one person can win.
  11. The house David bought in Westfield MA looked like a real dump. He won 4 million dollars. His purchase made no sense to me at all.
  12. Kaycee overplayed and sealed her doom in the game. She went from being a "no threat" to a player in Tyler's crosshairs because he now sees she has to go because she is a threat to his win. If he does not get rid of her soon, she could win crucial comps at the end and get rid of HIM. Kaycee should have thrown that HOH. She did not need to win it. She was on nobody's radar. She would have been safe for at least 3 more evictions and she could have sailed to final four with Tyler, Angela, JC, and Brett. I think Hayleigh and Sam will go on Thursday. Then JC and Kaycee will go, making the final 3 Tyler, Angela and Brett. I am hoping Brett then goes full throttle and wins the final HOH and gets rid of Tyler. A f2 of Angela and Brett may give Brett the game. I think this is now Brett's game to win.
  13. I watch this show but just think it could have all been done in two hours. it's OK, but in my opinion not award worthy. I know stuff like this goes on, but for some reason the way it is done it just seems silly and outrageous and melodramatic.
  14. I was just going to say that this season should have ended already. It moves at a snail's pace week to week, with the weekly evictions. It's enough already. Why drag this out? Stick a fork in it, it is done.
  15. When Tyler was in the HOH bed with Angela and they were talking, they seemed so calculating and devious, so spiteful, and insidious. They reminded me of The Natural Born Killers.
  16. I like Fessy. Yes, he was a terrible player but there is something nice about him. I saw how he apologized (twice?) to Scotty before the "battle back." He apologized to Hayleigh. I am going to vote for him for America's Favorite Player. I think Hayleigh should give him a chance outside the house. I think he is a nice guy.
  17. They are not allowed to sing because CBS was too cheap to cover the copyright issues with ASCAP. I could be wrong, but CBS could pay a flat fee so there would be no worries when HGs sing. They cannot sing because of copyright violations. Opening a bathroom door is a whole different issue. JC does not seem to know correct behavior. What he thinks is funny is invasive and violates privacy and is abusive. I can't stand the guy. He seems really sordid to me.
  18. OMG all the commercials every five minutes are ridiculous. And another episode where nothing happened. And what does happen is preposterous. They never give any clues to why Julian murdered that couple. They tell small things that don't even matter. I may skip the next couple of episodes which are just inane filler and just watch the last episode.
  19. There is nothing more satisfying than a gorgeous hair blow out. Sam's hair skills could help her slide to a win.
  20. They were just stories that appeared in the newspapers. There were no visuals. Angela is truly a sarcastic mean girl who has built walls around herself and look what she did to Rachel. Plus, if she is into gymnastics she certainly will care about what SM says about her because her career can be partly based on what her fan base says. She has to get along with other women. Teams are built with other people and their ability to live in harmony. She is competitive but in a real Tonya Harding way. I hope Angela does not win but I will not be surprised if she does. It will be one more year that I am unhappy with the outcome, but I will not invoke the spirit of Dr. Kevorkian over it.
  21. I would chime in but I am busy watching Dynasty reruns and do you think Alexis was a bitch? I care very much what SM thinks of me because my friend was fired from her job after she got all transparent on SM and posted pics of herself defecating in a public NYC park during a jog. I am as refreshing as a dose of recalled Valsartan. I am not a bitch, I am a real Adrian except I never found my Rocky. And I never took off my glasses.
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