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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. What was that music at the end? Oh, Carmina Burana.
  2. I remembered.... hence, deleted
  3. I have watched this show since season 1 and all of the episodes up to tonight's. Nothing happens. There is very little story content, except to watch them making lousy porn films. I am not surprised this show's forum has very little activity. I think a lot of viewers bailed. Nothing interesting is happening. It sort of flatlined.
  4. I love this show. OK, I hate some of the cliffhangers and this season's glimpse into a mysterious future... but I love the story and the chemistry the characters have with each other. I could watch this show for a few hours every day. It would be a great night time soap opera. I love Jack. I haven't fallen in love with a character from a TV show or movie since I fell in love with Paul Newman in Hud. What was the big teaser in the promo about learning something about Jack?
  5. I can't even follow this show. I have no idea who the characters are and the story lost me. I don't pay close attention to it I suppose, and my mind wanders. I may have to watch last week's and tonight's episode again. But is it even worth it? It seems so silly and who even cares about this nonsense.
  6. I thought she was shot by the Shadow Man.
  7. This show will go down in history as having the best first 10 minutes and the worst episodes after that. It is unbearable, childish, and does not seem like it will ever live up to what it wants to be.
  8. This is the first episode that really really bored me. It felt like a rerun.
  9. The show is beyond a stretch. As you said, it is boring. There is no thriller/chiller aspect even though they are trying. The show is creating mysteries that don't even matter. I do not care what IS happening in the present as a result of what happened, I want to know WHY it happened. Maybe they will show WHERE they all went and where they were for five years. Were they abducted by aliens who gave them instructions and they are remembering where they were (the music etc)? Was ShadowMan an alien with a gun?
  10. Well, this episode sort of lost me. Lost 2.0. When writers build mysteries into shows they have to know when they are writing the script the solutions to the mysteries and not build mystery after mystery and never provide answers as the show moves along. Ok give it time, this is only the second episode. But this seems the direction this show will go. Plus, the characters and their stories are not even interesting. They are stereotypical caricatures and real dull. And nothing really happens except cliffhangers to lure the audience back. What's with the music they are hearing and what's with the shadow man? This show does not know whether it is The Twilight Zone, Lost, or the X Files. It's another show that will drag it's feet when the premise was really good and it could have been a made for TV movie.
  11. A young girl dies in a massage parlor fire. Who is responsible for her death?
  12. I liked the first season. I do not "dislike" this season, I just am not loving it. It's OK. It's just sort of superficial and trite. And I don't find the characters really interesting, they are stereotypes. I am not invested in them and I don't care what happens. If the writers went deeper into the characters lives instead of just showing the filming of the porn movies, I might be more excited.
  13. I started watching this series with FREAK SHOW. Do I have to have seen the earlier seasons to understand APOCALYPSE? I ask because at the end of this episode I had no idea who those three witches even were.
  14. Julie rushed through the votes. Last year, she read the votes much slower and built suspense. Why the rush job? Were they out of time? Also, this year they showed no big film clip reveals to the evicted houseguests. Actually, they showed no clips from the show at all. Were there no shockers to show them? Julie read the votes so fast, does anybody have a list of how they all voted?
  15. I am watching with one eye. To be honest, I am not paying too much attention to it as it unfolds. Are you still watching?
  16. Ivette was loyal to Maggie and took Maggie to f2 she lost to Maggie. So it can go either way, but in Kaycee's situation i think it is best to drag JC.
  17. I still am going to hold to that if Kaycee wins the last comp and takes Tyler she played a fool's game. She will lose to Tyler and she will win if she takes JC. Many before her have made the same mistake. The final decision should not be about loyalty but about being a shrewd cookie. And he agrees with me:
  18. I just don't get it. What is the football game's connection to the characters in this show? They make it too much of a frustrating guessing game. Either show his connection within the episode or do not use it. It becomes bait to get the viewers to keep going back and is manipulative. What did that football player have to do with Rebecca and Jack? Who are Randall and Tess going to visit? Who is the guy at the end who looks like Kevin? Is he the dad of the triplets? Enough with cliffhangers. Cliffhangers are usually disappointments after the reveal anyway because the viewers come up with more interesting ideas than the writers. That football segment was way too confusing. It's like a TV show version of "Where's Waldo" or a segment of "Colombo." Why do we have to connect the damn dots? Just tell the story.
  19. I don't even understand what the football game had to do with anything. Was it a metaphor? And was that blond guy an old boyfriend of Rebecca's? He looked like Kevin. I still think Randall and Tess were going to see Daysha. And in some way Toby is connected to Daysha. Did Kate form some bond with Daysha and did she go to live with Toby and Kate while remaining close to Randall and Beth and their two kids?
  20. They will replay that scene on and off and off and on every few episodes adding a few seconds each time as teasers to get us to keep going back and not let us know until May 2020 what it is all about. And I don't think it is Kate. I think it is Daysha because I think Kate and Toby adopted her. It's just how this tearjerker would go.
  21. I LOVED the first 10 minutes. Then, it deteriorated into a situation that they hear voices telling them how to save people. That sort of bored me but.... I think there are great possibilities. They can show what happened in the lives of the others during the five years the passengers were gone. I just don't want to see a group of passengers who every week become a 2018 version of superheroes because of spiritual messages.
  22. This page is as silent as one hand clapping. It could be an indication of this season's ratings and I would speculate that The Deuce will not see a season 3.
  23. It is Los Angeles, a glamorous new city and porn is taken more seriously.
  24. Could Tyler maybe throw the next comp so Kaycee picks him and he does not look like a chump when he dumps Kaycee to take JC? Maybe he thinks he will do better in a crapshoot with Kaycee than dumping her and looking like a traitor who takes JC or like a player who had too many f2 deals which had to lead to a betrayal.
  25. IMO: if a series opens with a double murder and a detective comes to help solve that murder and at the end of the series all sorts of nonsense is explained EXCEPT why the accused did the crime, the series is a fail. I can go with a series not solving a murder and explaining why it remained unsolved, but in this season 2 it seems as if the characters knew why and the answer was never presented to the viewers. The entire content of episode 1 was totally ignored. Why did Julian kill Beth and Adam? That question was key to season 2 and we are never given a reason? So then Julian did it because he is psychotic? He did it because he thought he was being kidnapped? And why did Vera keep telling Julian he was special? What was Julian's big mission? I think this season was totally sloppy and preposterous.
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