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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Wow. I am probably the only person on the planet that finds this has totally deteriorated into a garbled mess of preposterous nonsense. The acting is phenomenal but for me the story is very layered and not that interesting any more. I think that too often a writer will stick in some red herring about a pedo ring, and the solution to the mystery has nothing to do with pedos. These detectives were just not very good. They were drinkers and harassers and abusive to suspects. Then, they became murderers. What's so great about season 3 other than the acting?
  2. Ricky.... OMG. You would have won against Dina. Why pick somebody to sit next to that you will lose to? Does Ricky understand the game?
  3. Well maybe only in my old neighborhood it is.... because it happens so often there we have a community facebook page that includes a "then and now" to string together families who lived in one house and we have conversations about the neighborhood and the stores that are gone and homes that have been bought and torn down and McMansions built on the land and we even discuss house renovations. I realize it is not for everybody and with home invasions on the rise it might not be a good idea to open doors so quickly... but in my hometown we have loved our discussions and looking at pictures of families through the decades that lived in the same house. I admired a street in my old neighborhood and a guy PMd me on facebook (from the group) and actually invited me to visit his house on that street. The "going back" is an acquired taste and some people don't get it and it's all good. So it may not be an "unwritten rule" but in my old neighborhood it is considered a wonderful experience.
  4. I have done it.... my friends have done it and many other people I know do it. It is very common on Long Island. So many of my high school class who have relocated went back to the old neighborhood, knocked on the door, asked to go into the houses in which they grew up, and were graciously allowed to look around and let the memories flood back. The family I visited actually bonded with me and asked me to send them on facebook photos of the neighborhood and house when I lived there. They had questions about the house too. It is a wonderful experience.
  5. I wanted to respond to the "strangers letting you in to their house" position which others have expressed the same opinion about. When you lived in a house for years as a child and you become an adult and reach a certain age, it is very common to want to "go back" and visit the house in which you grew up. Larry David and Barbra Streisand did it and their visits were segments on 60 Minutes. Every room of the house holds hundreds of memories. And because of that, the house always "mentally" belongs to their family even though other families lived in the house years after they moved. They feel an "ownership" connected to that house. It actually is an "unwritten rule" to allow people who once lived there to go in and let the memories flood back. It happens all the time and most families love having past residents visit and tell their stories. I think the reason the mother felt awkward with Kate was because Kate seemed like she was going to go into meltdown mode. it was not that the siblings were there, it was how they acted when they were there.
  6. I was sorry to see Tom go. I always root for the underdog. Lolo had a difficult time making her noms because the rest are all in her alliance. So now they all have to turn on each other. It looks like Tamar has this now. And since TPTB love Tamar, she will most likely get AFP as well.
  7. Did Wayne accidentally shoot his partner in the leg during that shoot out? The acting in this series in phenomenal, but the story is very convoluted with too many suspects. Vanity Fair posted an article with much "down the rabbit hole" speculation and it was so over the top with preposterous conclusions I said to myself that if there is truth to any of the article's narrative, this show will go down as the dopiest series ever.
  8. Kato said it had to do with his body. I am sure after the show ends, it will be revealed.
  9. What BS!!!! The next episode is Feb. 12th!
  10. I did not like this episode at all. I feel they are putting in too many suspects (even though in real cases there can be many suspects) and false leads and red herrings and so much becomes filler. They stretch what could be a 3 or 4 episode series into 8 episodes. And the fine acting and the layers of the characters gets lost in the redundancy of the story line. I don't even care any more. What was great excitement and anticipation to find out the answers to the mysteries gets lost inside me when I have to wait a whole week for the next episode which is only an hour. That is probably why so many series are now put up all at once: so viewers can binge watch. Interest for me can sometimes deteriorate to just not caring. One child is dead and another is alive. The journey for answers is not enough to fill 8 episodes.
  11. Who is Fitzgibbons the Redcoats want Jamie to hunt down?
  12. It is already starting to feel like red herrings and filler to what will be a conclusion that will be very disappointing.
  13. Sophie seems so present day to me, in her manner of speech and deportment. She does not even seem like a girl of the 1960s. I almost expect her to take out a cell phone and start texting. Ditto.
  14. This is speculation about the mystery and the story line, please do not read just in case I could be right it will have been an unintentional spoiler.
  15. I am not enjoying this season at all. The pace is excruciatingly slow and at first I liked the slow pacing, but it crossed over to becoming boring. Why did they need 13 episodes for this season? It could have been shaved down to 6. I had to watch this episode in stages, and it took me 4 sittings to complete it. With all the other great stuff on, I sort of lost interest in this show. The only part I find beautiful are the sets and costumes.
  16. Season 3 story speculation: Why is Detective West even necessary in this series? A critic wrote many years ago... always look with a suspicious eye at the character who is not necessary to the story. West wanted to kill that little fox and he wanted to go find some guys to go beat up. Plus, he beat that suspect in that barn. I say West is seriously disturbed. There is more to him than has been revealed so far.
  17. I could have sworn Chris Cooper was one of the detectives but he is not listed in the credits.
  18. I thought Sam killed herself. I am always critical of the season as it rolls along week to week.... but after the finale I am very said it ended. It's like an old friend who you never totally liked but am sorry to see move away because you will really miss them for a variety of reasons.
  19. I knew this season's finale would end with Ray calling Dr. Alan Alda. So the next season will leap forward to a new and mentally healthy Ray Donovan? Ray is a serial killer and a sociopath. But, Liev Schreiber makes him in some way likable. Ah, it is a miracle how TV f*cks with our heads. So when will season 7 air? In 2020? These long time periods between seasons for so many shows gets me nuts. Bridget trotting out with sandwiches as her family was digging holes to bury dead people who were in that garage getting their heads chopped off was excellent comic relief.
  20. It is hard to analyze them just from the TV series. In documentaries, Sweat has been called a sociopath who thinks only of himself. I read he now considers himself a "celebrity." Yet, in this show he seems likable. You can almost feel sorry for him and believe that he is telling the truth when he says he was not the murderer. There were times I actually wanted him to "make it." I think Matt was a demented man, seriously sick in the head. He had a total disregard for human life. During the "run," he would have killed again to get what he wanted. He was glad Tilly was caught. I think Matt had a bit of the Manson gene in him.
  21. The show lost it's way. It does not even remotely resemble what it was back in season 1. It is just the mental and physical deterioration of the main character and a family that gets beaten up and commits multiple murders and still evades permanent justice.
  22. What a hot mess of total stupidity this show deteriorated into. I don't even know where to begin. Jon Voight seems to enjoy the humor of it all but I am surprised Liev Schreiber has not asked to leave this show. It is beyond preposterous. At the end of every episode Ray is beaten up and surfaces in the next episode like a walking zombie. And each time his zombie state is kicked up a notch. ETA: Liev Schreiber is a producer of RD, so that answers my question.
  23. Well, here goes. I thought that the meeting of Jamie and Brianna was absurdly acted. Jamie met his daughter, who time traveled to be with her parents, and he seemed to have minimal emotions. He should have been brought to his knees overwhelmed with shock, joy, and happy tears. Sam acted as if Brianna had been away for a week on holiday and then returned home. I think Sam does an OK job, but I have never been very impressed by his acting chops. Plus, he urinates and then does not have the ability to wash his hands and touches her face. It speaks volumes about the times back then. I loved the episode nevertheless because there is always a quiet beauty in the way the characters relate to one another and the sets are magnificent.
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