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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Kat reminds me of a "madcap" actress from the 1930s. I actually think she could get parts in comedy films after this show ends. She is the only one I see going anywhere after this.
  2. From the beginning, I thought Holly looked OLD. I am OLD, so no age shaming intended. I think Holly looks about 50. I am older than Holly. Thoughts?
  3. I missed it. Who was Kat and Tommy saying to Holly that did not want to be there?
  4. All films or TV series are not for only "entertainment" value. Segments are inserted to give clarity to the narrative. This episode was necessary to show WHY they were in prison, it framed the story. I think it was the best episode because what it succeeded in doing was changing the sentiments of the viewers who probably up to this point were "rooting" for them to succeed in the escape. It provided a mind bending 360. We actually SAW the victims of their horrendous crimes. This episode was phenomenal because it managed to change the direction of the series, the road went off in another direction and it was a masterpiece of deliberate manipulation. Bravo Ben Stiller!
  5. He is a gangster who works for Jackie? I got lost with his character.
  6. I cannot STAND those shows they do. They are unbearable.
  7. Has Bella tried the approach of getting inside that dumbass Jackson's head and telling him now is the only chance to get rid of Jack who he will never win against? She should tell him that if Jack makes it to f2 he will be leaving with confetti on HIS shoulders. She should say that the alliance is of no value, it should be every HG for themselves at this point. It makes more sense to get rid of stronger players who could WIN. If she plants that seed, he could go into that DR and evict his buddy Jack. He could always deny it was him. That should be her strategy: Jackson you will NEVER win against Jack in a f2. NOW is your chance to get him out and sail to f2 because the girls love you and will carry you right there.
  8. I think Nicole should tell Bella she is "obnoxious" in her good-bye message. I can't wait for that mean girl to get out of Dodge.
  9. Who do you think Cliff should have nominated instead of Bella? Or do you think Christie should have done it with her power and thereby targeted herself?
  10. I hate Bella more than Jack so I am happy.
  11. I am missing something. What did Cliff do? Michie came down and he nominated Bella. So Bella will be evicted. It's a win/win I think. I must have missed something.
  12. I am unable to get POP channel now. Anybody else having issues?
  13. So... they are finally turning on each other. It looks like sweet Nicole may be safe for a while. Nicole and Jess just might make it longer than expected.
  14. You stole the text right off my fingertips! Christie may do that if they promise to keep her safe for the next weeks (if they know about her power). Please tell me she is not that idiotic.
  15. In a way, I am hoping Nicole is voted out tonight and does not get back in the house by winning whatever competition they have in Camp Comeback. She will not be sequestered and can go home and see how so many people knew the truth and hated the bullying she was being subjected to. She can also see how so many viewers called Bella a "mean girl." This is one time I am rooting for my favorite to go.
  16. So well said! Bella is the worst "mean girl" I have ever seen. Jackson is a vile man who seethes hatred for women who do not fit into his idea of "hot." It is so obvious. I want Bella, Jack, and Jackson OUT! Yesterday! They have created a high school lunch table.
  17. Well in a few weeks they will wake up when they HAVE to turn on each other. I think Jackson stands a better chance than Jack because I hate him more and I am always angry on finale night.
  18. I cannot STAND that arrogant asshole but I despise Bella even more. She is a real vile MEAN GIRL. I am just waiting for them to evict the obvious: Jess, Cliff, and Nicole, and whoever gets voted back will go again immediately. Then Kat will go. Then Sam. And then the fireworks will begin. Then they HAVE to start turning on each other and it will get ugly. They will have no options. I just know the history of this game... and as usual on finale night I will be furious. I am just hoping that jerk Jackson does NOT leave with "confetti on his shoulders."
  19. I briefly watched BBAD and I saw Jackson talking to her and trying to manipulate her. Kat said she is using the veto on Jess and Jackson shook his head in disapproval. Kat stood up to him and she said "I need to do what is best for MY game."
  20. Is BBAD not on tonight? They are showing a repeat episode.
  21. That hinky vote was so obvious.... but I think for Jackson it was which woman he hated more. I could be wrong, but he looks disgusted when he talks to Jess. I get the feeling he really is holding back his true self, which would be to make fun of her. He reminds me of every guy who teased and bullied and harassed me in high school because I was fat. He looks like he knows he has to keep it in check in that house, but in the outside world that guy strikes me as a real smug bully. He gives me flashbacks and triggers me.
  22. Here's the thing. After almost two decades of this show, nothing changes. You can always see who will make it to almost the end as they pick off the other HGs one at a time. The last few standing are always predictable. The HGs always follow the same pattern: they play somebody else's game and carry stronger players until those stronger players get rid of THEM. Two seasons ago, most of them carried Paul to the end. Now, they will carry Jack and Jackson. Whoever wins tonight's HOH should put up those two and they should get one of them out. That is what smart players would do. But they will put up weaker players like Cliff or Nicole or Kemi again if she is still there. At the beginning, it is always a popularity contest game with nobody wanting to alienate a "cool kid." If I was in that house and won HOH tonight I would make sure that this week either Jack of Jackson was evicted. I would risk a target on my back and try to make the others see what they had to do for their own game going forward. One of those two has to go, and they have to be split up. Why can't they see that? It is an alliance that will kill their own game. But sadly, these are not risk takers who make bold moves. They are afraid to be alienated by the guys running the game. It would not matter to me because "no risk, no gain." I would make sure every HG saw clearly who they were carrying to finale night and convince them that they have no chance of winning as long as one of those two are there. They are a formidable duo and they have to be destroyed NOW. Foolish players. Some things never change in this game.
  23. I liked the first episode, but the "church" subplot is confusing to me and seems shoehorned in. Plus, a lot makes no sense and is hard to follow. And I can't stand the Jackie character (Kevin Bacon) so I sort of now watch with one eye and ear. Maybe that is why I am so confused. 😀
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