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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I didn't expect it to be original or scary, i expected it to be interesting and well done.... even entertaining. This is just boring. This is a real amateurish job. It is just foolish and even juvenile in many ways.
  2. I want to like this season so much and try to be influenced by others thinking it is "fun" and they are enjoying the "twists." But what I don't get is why the nurse not being the real nurse or the counselor being connected to a killer is anything new? This has all been done before in movies. I enjoyed Freak Show, so what do I know?
  3. Wow, I am the only one it seems who can't stand this season so far. It is just awful. It is a rip off of so much that has been done before in films. I can hardly get through this episode. I recorded it and have about 10 minutes left to watch. What am I missing?
  4. I also speculated about that. My first guess was that EJ was Eddie based on his father's death and his interest in movies. But then I thought he could be Ben's son.
  5. I have to rewatch this episode to get more in line with the popular opinion. I was bored and my mind wandered. It just seemed redundant and like it had been done before, sort of recycled.
  6. Ah, you are suggesting a "Rashomon." Ruth Wilson would have had to have filmed that third scenario before she left the show. Also confusing to me was what I said above: why was Joanie searching the moon in 2021 on her computer if Alison died in 2018? And let's not forget that the show never disclosed Ben's alibi that the homicide detective stated.
  7. What I don't get is why Joanie was looking on her fancy computer at what the moon looked like in October 2021 to determine the tides. Didn't Alison die in 2018?
  8. I do not think the writers were going for all the psychological stuff with EJ. I think it was more that they were building a "This is Us" type of surprise into the plot.
  9. I loved this episode. I don't care. I just loved this episode and wish Showtime would throw the entire season up On Demand. I find it tedious to wait week after week to find out what happens next. It's just an old style of presentation. I am obsessed with the Joanie segments. I can't wait for her story to unfold. I will miss this show when it ends.
  10. It is so transparent who the "new guy" is. I moved my thoughts to a speculation thread to state my idea.
  11. I can't stand the guessing game, the big "reveal" 4/5 into a season. Why not let us know what is going on so we can enjoy the ride? What's with the shockers? Let us know who are ghosts and who is who. I think it would be more fun to watch. The "shocker reveal" shtik is just getting old.
  12. I thought production was going to look at comp 2 to see if Nicole passed out. Whatever happened with that?
  13. There has to be some twist otherwise what is even new about all of this? It has all been done before. So something will be revealed. Maybe they were killed in the 1970s there? Who knows.
  14. Ugh I do not know even where to post this. Every year I bitch and moan about the show and when it ends I feel a riot of emotions. I miss these hateful assholes every year after show ends. I experience "loss" and withdrawal symptoms. And for over 90 days I despised Michie and on finale night after he was announced as the winner, I felt sorry for him. What the hell? I must be mentally ill. Maybe I need meds.
  15. Whose family did they show? I could not read it all.....
  16. I disagree totally. I think Nicole was outstanding in her ability to create a social dynamic with Michie and Holly. That was not an easy thing to do and she developed a real comfort level with them. I think her accents are adorable.
  17. What is that army woman's name? Yes, obviously she is the Nicky connection. The blind man is Kate's and Toby's son, (in the future) and the young man will be Deja's boyfriend?
  18. Just a thought: MANY of the former BB HGs and even winners have expressed on twitter their dislike for Jackson and they were rooting for Nicole. Even Derrick was posting and saying how she could maneuver into a f2. Maybe production reads their tweets and they determined a better f2 would be Nicole with either Jackson or Holly... so maybe in the DR they are asking them questions to subliminally plant in their heads that that they will not win against each other. All they would have to ask Jackson is: "Do you think you will win if Holly is sitting next to you on finale night?" Jackson so much wants to win this thing he might find some way to worm out of taking Holly because he may think what does it even matter? After finale night she is history anyway and I owe her nothing. He could find so many ways to explain it away. He was there to win the game not find a girlfriend etc. And Holly could have some seed planted in her head if she is asked: "Were you here to find a boyfriend or win the game. Were you here to play somebody else's game?" Production manipulates this show anyway, so if they read the tweets they might be thinking of some last minute ways to change the outcome or at least build a surprise in to the finale night.
  19. I think he is picking a fight with Holly so he has an excuse to not take her to f2. He is sooooooo manipulative and transparent. He will do ANYTHING to leave with confetti on his shoulders. Holly should take Nicole and cut that jerk off NOW.
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