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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. The only hope is that with a Holly/Jackson f2 the jury could be a very bitter jury and they may refuse to give Jackson the money and vote for Holly. Tommy, Christie, Jessica, and Kat will vote for Holly. Maybe Nick will also and Jackson could lose. He could be Paul 2.0.
  2. Holly is really a terrible player. She thinks she is on The Bachelorette, not Big Brother. If she wins the last two comps, she will take Jackson to f2 and he will win. If she takes Nicole, she has a good chance to win herself... a 50/50 chance. So instead of playing for half a million dollars, she is there to find a boyfriend.
  3. Nicole will never be sitting next to Jackson. He will never take her to f2 over Holly.
  4. Is it "I Fall to Pieces," by Lana Del Rey?
  5. The ONLY way Jackson will not win is if Nicole manages to win 2 of the 3 last comps and evicts Michie and takes Holly to f2. That is the ONLY way out of the maze that leads to Jackson leaving with the confetti on his shoulders.
  6. It is a teaser designed to get the audience to keep going back. It is soooo manipulative at this point.
  7. 1. What was the song at the very end.... it sounded like "fall to pieces." 2. Again with the 3 minute teaser of "Joanie" at the very end. 3. Poor Whitney. Is she a masochist? The best part of the episode was Margaret.
  8. Noah, Margaret (Kathleen Chalfant) and Stacey (Leya Catlett) bond over their mutual distaste for Sasha (Claes Bang). Noah attempts to sabotage Helen and Sasha's relationship. Whitney and Colin (Max Fowler) face the hardships of their relationship. Joanie (Anna Paquin) visits the graveyard.
  9. What two dumbasses. Nicole and Cliff just gave Michie the game.
  10. I love this show. I do not want it to be over. If I wanted it to be over I would just stop watching it. I love the Joanie story line. I cannot wait to see how her investigation in to her mother's death unfolds. Maybe there is a third possibility we have yet to see. There are many shows that failed in the second season: American Gods, Westworld, and The Deuce. I stopped watching American Gods and The Deuce. But I find things in The Affair to hold my interest. I will be unhappy when it ends.
  11. There were so many irrelevant storylines: the French lady, Noah's hallucinations after jail, the whole Janelle storyline.... Let's get more of Joanie and let's see her investigation in to her mother's death. What's with all the Joanie teasers at the end of every episode so far?
  12. If Jackson is sending out signals that he wants Holly evicted on Thursday it is because he does not want to blatantly reject her when he has to pick who he will sit next to in a f2. He wants Cliff and Nicole to do his dirty work and he wants to leave with confetti on his shoulders and not an albatross around his neck. She will hardly even hear from him when the show ends.
  13. I think Joanie will figure out her mom was murdered. And I think she will visit an old Noah and Helen and it will end with a tearjerker scene.
  14. I am getting a little mad with all these Joanie "teaser" segments stuck in at the end of every episode. Give me full Joanie. I am considering waiting and binge watching the entire season after all the episodes have aired. It will be so much less frustrating.
  15. I agree. And now she has the veto. She should take off Tommy and force Jackson to put up Holly and Holly should go. THAT'S smart game play.
  16. I disagree. I love this show and I would love a few more seasons. I am loving the Joanie parts. So there will be no "snark" from me.
  17. Nicole said on the live feed last night that she realizes America could be screaming: "Why didn't you get rid of Jackson?" But she rationalized her choice by saying something like: I would rather lose to somebody who played a great game than take the chance that Christie could win." So there you have it.
  18. Do we see the families of the murdered Jewish boys? I cannot recall. I have some difficulty reading the subtitles and they are distracting because I cannot focus on the actors when I am reading the entire episode. I feel the show depicts the Jews in a somewhat stereotypical manner. Anyway, I feel the show is definitely pro Palestinian and there ARE many Jews who (and here we go with the politics) who are still pushing the two state solution when the Palestinians feel Israel is an occupation and will never recognize Israel as a state. I feel this show was created by no member of the Likud party. I could be wrong.... ETA: I may delete the above. I think I have to watch these episodes again. Honestly, the subtitles has me a little lost. I think, after reading again your post, that I could be very wrong.
  19. Nicole gave the win to Jackson. Christie was no threat. What has she won? Jackson should have been voted out TONIGHT. Even Jessica knew that. They may not have liked Christie, but she was winning nothing. This was not the time to be loyal, it was the chance to get rid of the biggest threat in the game. Tommy and Christie did not need to be split up, Holly and Jackson needed to be split up. Cliff gave Nicole very very bad advice. And Nicole made a very very bad mistake. Jackson and Holly are not protecting them at this point. I am so pissed.
  20. I still think there is some slight chance jackson could not win the entire thing. If he fails to win the final competitions and does not have the ability to choose who he will sit next to the final two, none of them will pick him to sit next to. he will be the final HG evicted. His only hope is to win th final two comps... otherwise he is a goner. Oh wait, Holly would pick him.
  21. I agree with you but I am also a Jew, a Jewish woman, and I also love the Palestinian family of the murdered Palestinian boy. But having said that... this series may have been made for an Israeli market but it is being shown now in America and there is no balance because many Americans are unaware of the Jewish boys who were killed first. In order to continue this conversation it HAS to get political and this is not the forum for that. So I respectfully will now end this post.
  22. Jackson is looking for a way to cut Holly loose. He latched on to her to get to almost the end but he does NOT want to sit next to HER in a f2. So this last fight wull not be the final fight. He will position her to a place where she can be evicted and he can sit easily next to another HG who he feels he has a better chance to win against... like maybe Cliff. He never really had any interest in Holly. She was a device.
  23. I totally agree. The Janelle segment felt like filler. Helen and the basketball segment was unnecessary. I have a hard time believing that actor would be "dating" Helen. They are purposely teasing us with the Joanie segments. Let's get on with it. Give us Joanie and let's see what where it is all going. That is why I had said I like an entire season put up. I cannot stand this week to week wait. It seems so manipulative.
  24. I never even believed he liked Holly. He picked her to team up with for the long ride to almost the end just as Derrick did almost to the end with Victoria. Holly is another Victoria and didn't Dan also string a woman along to almost the end?
  25. Oh, how I love this show. I thought it was a bit draggy with some unnecessary drawn out fillers, but I just loved the end with Joanie. I would love to binge watch this season. Why can't Showtime just stick up all of the episodes like Netflix and Amazon do with their series? Oh by the way I thought that scene that the actors (playing Noah and Helen) were filming was some pretty awful acting. Was that deliberate?
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