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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. What is worse is that they are all so afraid of Jackson (more than Jack) that they will never put him up for eviction and he may very well leave with confetti on his shoulders. I can hear Julie on finale night now: "Jack and Jackson formed a strong alliance on day 1 and they have remained loyal to each other throughout the game. Who will the other houseguests pick to win? It is finale night on Big Brotherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." Yuck. What a hot mess.
  2. I said I was not going to respond but the events compel me to reply with perhaps what might be an insight? Jack's hate for Kemi might be very similar to EvelDick's hatred for Jen in their season. Dick hated Jen because she subliminally rejected an association with him right off the bat and in that moment I could tell he bristled. I KNEW he would turn on her and he did. Kemi may be a very independent woman and that is a threat to some men who have the need to manipulate women. A strong woman riles a man who wants to control women. And there you have it in a nutshell.
  3. Honestly, this group is no better or worse than any other season. I do not hate "the season," I think I am getting tired of the same old same old shtik: the journey to the final few weeks when it really is more interesting. They drag it out way too long. This should be no more than a six week show. I hate "announcements" when viewers decide to stop watching a show, but I am going to take a break until the first week in August and check the summary thread to see who has been evicted. There are way too many HGs there right now and it is a hot mess with so many people. It is just boring, often frustrating, and downright silly.
  4. The seriousness with which she takes this show is a joke. The hallway shtick is ridiculous. Do they give them time when fish are running to rehearse that?
  5. Hmmmmmmm, this show really frustrates me. And September 25th seems so far away. I hate this episode on so many levels I do not even have the energy to count the reasons why.
  6. I actually do not think Ovi thought of this reveal on his own, which is a brilliant move in spite of that fact that I do not like either of the Jacks. For now, they are running that show. I think it was subliminally "suggested" to him in the Diary Room through some sly and sneaky questions. I think if Ovi stays it will be great to see him being dragged by the Jacks to the point that he uses his power. THAT is what makes the show interesting for me: the layers created in bonds with weak and stronger players. The Jacks may not be "strong" but for now nobody is going to ruffle their feathers. I actually think Ovi using the Jacks is a real "Dan move" with shades of Derrick. It is brilliant. Ovi can coast along for weeks waiting for one of those knuckleheads to be put up and then use it to show he was truthful and then he could surface as the true puppet master, a Wizard of Oz quietly pulling the strings behind the curtain. (I think Ovi should send them by turns into that kitchen to bring him dishes of ice cream) If Ovi gets evicted tonight, I can reset my boredom button. I will be really disappointed at Grodner's inability to bring it.
  7. For me, his sad pitch is what makes this show less boring to watch. I love bad moves. It is better entertainment. I like Ovi. I hope he stays and continues to kiss the Jacks' asses. For me, it is something different... not actually like when the Paul groupies kissed Paul's ass. I would like to see Ovi use his power to save one of the Jacks. I want this because they had a little bit of doubt about whether he even had that power and when he does use it something different will happen. I don't think there is anything wrong with a weaker player kissing ass and staying in more powerful players' back pockets. It is more intriguing to see how the social relationships form and are used to get further in this mess. If the Jacks do not get nominated, they can drag Ovi along for weeks... unless Ovi gets nominated and uses it to save himself which I think they would talk him out of doing and that would be interesting to watch. I hope Kat goes. She seems innocuous and boring. The "fun" will be in the keeping of "the puppet" Ovi.
  8. This is ridiculous. Ovi wins that comp and he can overturn the nominations.. but the irony is he was put up after the veto was used and Cliff (a nom) was taken down. So can Ovi use it to save himself as a nom or can his power only be used at the nomination ceremony? I really think those knucklehead producers never thought of this scenario.
  9. I hate Jackson. I cannot stand that pompous ass.
  10. I usually like Kevin Bacon, but I think in this series he has made some poor choices, unless they were a director's asinine choices. He is playing "Jackie" like Jackie is a total asshole. I can believe some FBI people were incompetent, but I find it hard to believe this jackass could even keep his job he is such a fool. Does Jackie have a history of cracking difficult cases? This Jackie could not get a job in Ikea selling Swedish meatballs. He is such an obnoxious jerk.
  11. It is way too early in the game to be playing so hardcore and discussing strategy 24/7. It is smart game play to coast along until the mid point. Why shine a light on yourself? Kaycee won with her low profile. Nobody knew she was there until she burst through the gate. The game that is happening all around those that are now having fun is a game of hot air. The inevitability of what is happening now is that this alliance of 8 will turn on each other and soon. They are talking so much strategy that their bubble will burst and paranoia will set in. The game does not have to be constant strategy. The game can be played smarter with keeping a low profile out of the gate and coasting until the half way mark and hope you do not get picked off before that. Coasting is not floating. I think early in the game, it is social game that counts the most... developing friendships not layered with strategy.
  12. It is not even July 4th and they are playing so hard this all has to backfire. And I hope it backfires in Jack and Jackson and Christie's faces. They are so power hungry and pompous. Their demeanors are in direct contrast to Nicole, who is just enjoying herself and having fun. That group wil soon turn into bullies and shortly turn on each other. I want Jackson out ASAP. I cannot stand that pompous jock. I say: run for cover the day that guy gets put on the block. His true colors will come out and it will not be pretty.
  13. Why was this season necessary? So far, every episode has been filler. What has even happened? Is there a plot? It meanders from one cut to the next like a scene study class. Plus it tries so hard to make bold statements about education and parenting. Oh and I validate the weak plot by the many posts here which are about Meryl's teeth and Shailene's hair.
  14. I cannot stand that pompous ass, Jackson. He wants to leave with confetti on his shoulders? He is like some high school jock who becomes the big man on campus. So obnoxious. I liked David. I wanted him to be around for a long time. "For now" he is gone. I think Grodner is pissed he lost that comp. I think Grodner has something up her sleeve to bring back David. He was not as dispensable as one of the others who to me are "fillers." I think that is why Julie hinted that next week something will happen that never happened before. The manipulation is already happening. We have not seen the last of David. I am glad. But I think if David does not get back in the house, it would be great to give him AFP. 😀
  15. Thanks for this. Why do Nick, Sam, and Tommy all look alike? Why do Christie and Kathryn look like twins? And Annalyse and Holly look alike. I am all mixed up.
  16. Right out of the gate I see Ovi winning the whole pie. He will not be targeted for weeks while they pick each other off one by one. He will be Kaycee 2.0.
  17. That was totally absurd. Privacy laws in medical offices prohibit the disclosure of information to anybody except the patient. That was a major writers' mistake... obviously done for the agenda of getting the MIL to know.
  18. Christie looks like Kathryn and Analyse and Jessica and even Holly look alike and Tommy looks like Nick. No, I did not memorize their names. Ha. I take a screen shot from Jokers and leave it on my desktop until I actually learn their names. I bet the older man Cliff goes out first just like in past years when Steve (season 20) and Glenn (season 18). Kevin was the older guy in season 19 and he made it far.
  19. I like it although it seems generic... as if it has been done before in a film. But I will watch it.
  20. I have read some reviews and so many critics use the adjectives "nuanced and layered" to describe the acting. I want to vomit. I call it "under acting." It's a style where an actor uses his face to indicate with expressions what he is thinking and is not all that difficult. Anybody's facial expressions can be transparent if there is any thought process going on. And it can be controlled to hide inner feelings as well. I just don't get all the love for the acting on this series.
  21. Yeah, the acting is great but this show has lost me. It has become a show that already in ep 1 is clearly in love with itself. I could not believe it when I saw Shailene Woodley as "Jane" dancing alone on the beach in some cheap theatrics to some beautiful music. It was "shtik." This season seems like an unnecessary extension of season 1 and looks like it will shoot itself in the foot just as "American Gods" and "Westworld" did in their season 2s. This season in my opinion was a money grab. So they bring in the phenomenal Meryl Streep and she is determined to find out what really happened to her son... but we know and who cares if she finds out. Some series should quit while they are ahead.
  22. I am also lost because I forget some of the characters after almost a year. Who is Julia? Angela? I thought Smurf called her "Amy." Anyway, who was the woman who showed up at the house and who Smurf gave $100. dollars to? I read Chaos Theory's reply and my questions were answered, but not sure how to delete this.
  23. I think he is experiencing severe loss. It is the loss of a job he had for a decade and also he misses a cast he saw all the time. He is going through a grieving process.
  24. on YouTube In the above clip, it is interesting to read the comments. You can see at the table read that many of the actors were not happy with this script. The actor who plays Varys just throws down his script and looks angry at the way Varys ends and Kit Harington looks just shocked and really upset. I think the end of this series really took a toll on him and he could not have been happy with all the fans' negative reactions in spite of what he said because today I read that he entered rehab to deal with his emotional issues.
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