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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Is this episode not being put up at midnight On Demand?
  2. David Sweat now has a girlfriend who has a 6 year old daughter. She moved from Long Island to be near him and she visits him twice a week.
  3. In my opinion, this show has turned into a parody of itself, almost a cartoon. How many people has Ray killed and he still has not been arrested? Is he Tony Soprano? I am watching Escape from Dannemora and the true crimes of those two protagonists quickly landed them in prison, yet Ray Donovan rolls along for years and Ray keeps worming his way out of everything. They need to hire new writers for the next season.
  4. Sweat is a very complex guy. My reply is above hidden in a "spoiler."
  5. I think my vision is impaired. I seem to have viewed this episode in a format that fit my entire TV screen and then when I watch it On Demand it is in letterbox format. Is this entire series in letterbox?
  6. Part 7 is 1 hour and 38 minutes long.
  7. Sweat avoided the death penalty because he pleaded guilty and his deal was a life sentence without parole. The writer explained this episode was necessary so nobody "glorified" the escape and Matt and Sweat did not turn into "folk heroes."
  8. It was egg salad! :D I am finding it totally impossible to follow this season's plot, but one thing I do recall is that it was egg salad. Great post, SCRB... but I am totally lost regarding the names and references.
  9. I think your reply is brilliant. There were many who watched who were rooting for these guys to not be caught and this show rolled with that and allowed that feeling to build and then socked the viewers between the eyes with the true reality of their crimes. I am sure that this part will result in a 360 in terms of how viewers will going forward perceive Matt and Sweat.
  10. The slight consideration they gave to going back when Tilly did not show up was totally insane. They did not know why she did not show up and she could have been home thinking about going to the police in the morning. So if they went back, by morning they could have been totally busted and never had another chance to escape.
  11. Well, I agree with ROUGHING IT. Of course it is a tv series, but joking about what happened to a fictional character has a broader context. It becomes a joke about the topic or subject regardless of whether it happened in real life. I can think of characters in books and shows who were raped or even murdered, but if I made a joke about it... it becomes a joke about rape or murder. I don't think I have to cite examples.
  12. It should have been a 3 season series. It went downhill with the Katie Holmes season, the Albanians, and now this fake race for Mayor.... too preposterous. They should have kept Elliot Gould and wrapped it up tightly. The stories in each season (even with the Abby story line) seem contrived.
  13. Who was in that other hospital room next door to Ray? Terry?
  14. She does not choose what to wear on the show, that is the job of the costume designer. She also does not do her own hair and make up. So the staff of this show made those decisions.
  15. I hated this episode, in fact this entire season is going nowhere. OK at first I admired the slow quiet pace, but nothing is happening. Willie was so filled with anger, I get it. But the actor who played Willie is a lousy actor. He just overdid it with the twisted facial expressions. I am extremely disappointed in this season and find the episodes a chore to watch.
  16. The connection between the guard and Matt was the art, his paintings. He loved his art work. He even liked David Sweat's paintings.
  17. Please explain to me this whole cop plot.
  18. This series continues to be outstanding. I love the way they treated Tillie's unfolding infatuation with Sweat and how Matt played on that.
  19. As usual, I am totally lost in this unfolding plot with the cops.
  20. Well, I never liked the shows with an all white straight cast... except maybe 77 Sunset Strip. I am Jewish and grew up watching THE GOLDBERGS. And I never got into shows with one "troubled" gay child because I am a lesbian and even though I was in high school in the early 1960s, I never internalized my preference as an issue. My Jewish sister married a Puerto Rican man. All of a sudden, my sister had the bright idea that she might have been adopted, so I took a DNA test two years ago to satisfy her doubts. My mom had severe bipolar disorder and my dad was a closet homosexual. I am a senior and transage. Nothing really makes me "uncomfortable," but I still maintain this show stuffs too much into the Pearson's extended family.
  21. OMG they stick EVERY disorder, condition, and alternate lifestyle INTO THIS SHOW. I support all conditions and lifestyles, but how can one extended family have embodied so many interesting bios? Most families are Dull and mundane. And the show is moving very very slowly. It really has lost it's steam for me. Now Jack's brother may be alive? The writers are so invested in the shock value, and tearjerker element that I am no longer shocked or sad. The show seems to have sort of lost it's way. And the season cliffhangers get on my last nerve.
  22. But where was he geographically? In Jamaica or North Carolina?
  23. Can somebody please refresh my memory? Where in the show did we last see Fergus?
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