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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. This looks great. But, it looks like sort of a rip off of this old Twilight Zone episode, "The Odyssey of Flight 33." clip of episode
  2. I don't care about her lack of emotional display. She is just downright mean spirited. And that quality has nothing to do with her gymnastic training and competitive nature. She seems to have a sadistic streak. She may not care what social media thinks about her and that validates my point. She is a transparent b*tch.
  3. Angela is not hard to figure out. She is a "mean girl." She is nasty, sarcastic, and a bully. In school, she probably teased many other girls and made fun of them. I can't stand her. It's too bad nobody has the guts to stand up to her in the house. I just hope she does not win and when the show is over she gets a dose of her own medicine on social media.
  4. Vulture LOVED it. I personally found it ridiculous but whatever. For me, SHARP OBJECTS belongs in the category of FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC. Vulture interview with Jean-Marc Vallée
  5. He seems stupid and clueless and has no idea of how to even play the game. Hayleigh explained they needed Scottie for the numbers and he wanted Scottie gone. He really believed Angela would not nominate him and Hayleigh together and well, there you go. It may not be that he is stupid, I think he has never watched the show. And he got caught up in Hayleigh and thinks he is on The Bachelor. Scottie interview
  6. I was not that invested in this series and watched it with one eye. However, I watched enough of it to determine this entire series was awful. "Don't tell mama." How trite and idiotic. And that short scene inserted after the credits to show some form of "justice" or "what happens next" was so pathetically gimmicky. They should have done a two hour Lifetime movie. This show did not deserve 8 weeks of HBO's time. About the only good thing in it was the opening theme music and the scenes of the fictional "Wind Gap" which I think was filmed in beautiful Barnesville, GA.
  7. KC will not use the veto and Angela is keeping the noms the same, just watch. She hates Fessy and Hayleigh and probably wants Hayleigh gone.
  8. Chima Simone of BB11 was thrown out of the house when she had a tantrum over her HOH being rigged.
  9. Well... he played a moronic game so whatever, Fessy. ALL.THE.TIME
  10. Wow, Rachel was awful "hosting BBAD." She never even looked into the camera; she always looked sideways. On a side note, where is Angela's mustache?
  11. Fessie is not playing to win BB. He is there for a relationship with Hayleigh. That is why he was called a "moron" by Zingbot. He did not listen to any of Hayleigh's advice about how to play the game. And he ruined Hayleigh's chances. I am just hoping Angela does not win. I will be OK with anybody else except Angela.
  12. A few weeks ago, Hayleigh voted to evict Bayleigh, which received loud gasps from the studio audience. (Or was it another time they gasped?) Anyway, when Hayleigh was HOH, Rockstar was evicted. (Did RS actually tell Tyler an answer during the OTEV comp?) When Fessy was HOH, he nominates a member of his own alliance and Hayleigh votes to evict Scottie and he was evicted. I like Fessy and Hayleigh, but I cannot appreciate morons and their alliance operated on zero smarts. They are eating their own. So even though I was rooting for them and can't stand mean girl Angela, they both do not deserve to win because stupid should not be rewarded.
  13. I rewatched this episode. It is totally ridiculous. The part where Harry is stumbling around in the woods, are you kidding me? And Julian being able to contact the detective. And the woman with her uterus removed. This is just awful. I will watch it just because I am curious to know the answers to the mystery but it is sort of funny in a weird way. That cult is like an SNL comedy sketch. And Vera needs heavy medication.
  14. This show is sort of disappointing. Nothing is happening. And it seems sort of preposterous in a lot of ways.
  15. I meant Deran. Whose mother was that? Was she the mother of the guy who died in Mexico who the FBI guy was trying to find?
  16. Thank-you Raja! I will rewatch and be more specific about number 5. Thnak-you again, I appreciate it very much.
  17. I have questions, because I am admittedly not high IQ and cannot follow this show. 1. Why did Mia kill Lucy? 2. Who was that surfer guy and who did he tell Deran was dead? 3. Whose car did Pope destroy and why? 4. Who was that blond Pope went to see at the end? 5. Whose (mother) did Deran go to see? 6. What was in Adrian's trunk at the airport?
  18. This makes sense. Why else would Ruth Wilson be mandated not to talk about the reason for her departure? If it was not pay parity this might be it and they want it swept under the rug. Ruth Wilson's exit and this
  19. OK I will be honest. This episode really really depressed me and today at about 4 PM I started to cry. I didn't cry because Sarah Treem wrote a script in which a fake character named Alison died on a TV show. I cried because of a sort of bigger picture and how this episode impacted me. For 4 seasons, we saw a character named Alison. Love her or hate her, it really did not matter. She had a "backstory" and a life that was performed by Ruth Wilson. And a big part of her life was her great grief for her son Gabriel who died. And then Alison died. And there was her funeral on the beach and she was cremated and reduced to a pile of ashes in an urn. And her entire life, all of her great emotions and sadness and everything she experienced was gone, vanished, and nothing of her remained... except for the memories others would have of her. I thought of the final scene of the film Synecdoche, New York. It is the experience of all of us. I don't think i felt LOSS like this over a TV character since Quinn died. Ruth Wilson must be one damn good actor.
  20. I picked "who cares" only because it will be over a year before the next season airs and by that time I will forget she even is dead. Years ago, there was a summer hiatus and then shows began again in the fall. These days, serial shows take a year or more to start again and I am excited for closure for a while but after so much time passes, I move on to other shows. I had actually forgotten how Homeland ended this last season and had to rewatch it to be reminded that Carrie was part of a Russian prisoner exchange and had lost her mind off her meds. So with regard to The Affair, by the time it returns the interest within the excitement to learn about how Alison died will have faded. That is why I like a season to end with closure. Cliffhangers work for week to week episodes, but not season to season for me. Sarah Treem is a writer who manipulates the viewers for her own level of creative artistry. This: "the tragedy is that everyone (on the show) believes she committed suicide and the audience is the only one who'll ever know she didn't" is viewer emotional manipulation.
  21. Wow! This video has some interesting comments from viewers about why Ruth Wilson left The Affair. The comments say it was not because of pay parity, a few comments say she was sexually harassed and fired, or that her body double was harassed and Ruth Wilson left the show because of that. That would explain a gag order! Maybe Ronan Farrow can get on the case! on YouTube
  22. I think her smile was genuine happiness. I think she was happy to be alone and looking forward to her future free of all her male baggage.
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